Cookie Monsters: Religious Right Marks Anniversary Of Girl Scouts With Bogus Attacks
Rob Boston printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Mar 12, 2012 at 11:46:56 AM EST
I was doing some grocery shopping this weekend, and as I left the store I was persuaded to make one last purchase. Outside were several Girl Scouts sitting at a table surrounded by boxes of cookies. I immediately reached for my wallet.

Girl Scout cookies rock. I'm partial to Thin Mints, Trefoils and Samoas. Plus, my daughter was a member of the Scouts when she was younger, so I've always had a soft spot for the organization.

(16 comments, 631 words in story)
Invisible Children Funded By Antigay, Creationist Christian Right
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sun Mar 11, 2012 at 11:57:33 AM EST
[update: subsequent research shows that Invisible Children has extensive social and institutional ties to The Fellowship (also called "The Family"), the Washington D.C. based evangelical global network which has been credited, by the bill's co-author MP David Bahati, with inspiring and even providing "technical support" for Uganda's Anti Homosexuality Bill, often called the "kill the gays bill". See this subsequent 7,000 word report]

What does Invisible Children share in common with the Discovery Institute, the leading organization promoting "Intelligent Design", a pseudo-scientific theory created to insinuate creationist ideas into public schools -- or with The Call, whose leader Lou Engle claims homosexuals are possessed by demons, calls God an "avenger of blood" and a "terrorist", and in May 2010 staged a rally in Kampala, Uganda, at which Engle warned of a gay menace to society and shared a stage with one of the authors of Uganda's notorious Anti Homosexuality Bill ?

990 IRS tax forms and yearly reports from Invisible Children, and 990s from its major donors, tell a story that's jarringly at odds with the secular, airbrushed, feelgood image the nonprofit has cultivated.

(3 comments, 2476 words in story)
"Invisible Children" Co-founder (KONY 2012) Hints It's About Jesus, and Evangelizing
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Mar 08, 2012 at 02:10:50 PM EST
"We feel like God calls us to be joyful in the work that we're doing, no matter what we're doing. [...]

A lot of people fear Christians, they fear Liberty University, they fear Invisible Children - because they feel like we have an agenda. They see us and they go, "You want me to sign up for something, you want my money. You want, you want me to believe in your God." And it freaks them out."

--- Jason Russell, speaking at Liberty University, November 7, 2011

Is Invisible Children a nonprofit devoted to human needs, or is it a ministry devoted to bringing souls to Jesus ? Judging by a talk co-founder Jason Russell gave last November at Liberty University, it would seem to be a bit of both.
(53 comments, 1690 words in story)
South Africa Chief Justice is Lay Pastor at New Apostolic Reformation Church
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Mar 07, 2012 at 10:19:27 AM EST
There may be no continent on Earth where the influence of the New Apostolic Reformation is more pervasive than in Africa. The NAR has close ties to Uganda's president and first lady - who have several times held official state dinners for top NAR leader Ed Silvoso. Janet Museveni even traveled in 2006, with an entourage, to Silvoso's yearly conference in Argentina. In 2007, both Musevenis were billed as speaking at the same yearly conference though I have not so far been able to confirm their presence.

Now, due to the 2011 appointment of justice Mgoeng Mgoeng as SA Chief Justice, the NAR may be positioned to advance its dominionist, "Seven Mountains" agenda in South Africa also - with erosion of womens rights and LGBT rights, and secular government, as possible outcomes.

(5 comments, 1601 words in story)
Limbaugh's Legacy
wilkyjr printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Mar 06, 2012 at 11:04:01 AM EST
I was stunned to attend a Christian Coalition rally in Washington D.C. and find what was being peddled in booths at the meeting.  Present were John Birch Society manuals, Cult leader Rev. Moon's followers, and his paper, the Washington Times, and all sorts of Ronald Reagan memorabilia.  The item that stood out from the visit was the larger than life cardboard poster of Rush Limbaugh.  It was easily discerned   that he was the favorite broadcaster of the throng gathered.
(11 comments, 705 words in story)
Cardinal Mistake: Bishops' Conference President Hectors Church Members To Go Political
Rob Boston printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Mar 05, 2012 at 11:40:04 AM EST
It's still hard for me to believe that in light of the sluggish economic recovery, ongoing worries over jobs and mounting home foreclosures that most Americans are interested in a protracted discussion over access to contraceptives.

Yet here we are. The issue simply will not go away, chiefly because some misguided clergy won't let it die.

(7 comments, 720 words in story)
Gingrich Faith Leader Wants To "Infect" One Million Young Americans
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sun Mar 04, 2012 at 12:51:12 PM EST
[update: for related story, see Gingrich Faith Coalition Leader: Punch To Gut Healed Stomach Tumor]

Dutch Sheets is a member of Newt Gingrich's Faith Leaders Coalition -- as confirmed in January by researcher Rachel Tabachnick and noted in a February 27, 2012 story in The Nation). In a February 19, 2009 podcast, Sheets detailed (transcript below) an ambitious Internet-driven plan to "infect" one million young Americans per year with the dominionist Seven Mountains vision - that believers should infiltrate and take places of influence in key sectors of society and culture.

The 7M mandate has been promoted extensively by the NAR, including by Kenyan pastor Thomas Muthee, prior to his blessing of Sarah Palin, as shown in 2005 church footage (see links, above) that emerged during the 2008 election. The Seven Mountains are: business and finance, religion, the family, education, media, arts and entertainment, and government.

(80 comments, 1565 words in story)
Did Mitt Also Want to Throw-up?
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Fri Mar 02, 2012 at 11:13:55 PM EST
Rick Santorum, a conservative Catholic, has lived in the shadow of John F. Kennedy, our first Catholic president, his entire political career.  So much so that he felt the need to make a formal speech distancing himself from Kennedy's views on separation of church and state, and in the course of repeating what would be a campaign theme, he famously said that the speech made him want to throw-up.

But Santorum is not the only one living in the shadow of JFK, and he may not be the only one who wanted to throw-up.

(2 comments, 874 words in story)
Rick Santorum's Opus Dei Vision for America
Frank Cocozzelli printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Mar 01, 2012 at 04:10:01 PM EST
The deeper into the GOP primary season we get, the more  former Sen. Rick Santorum (PA) class and culture war rhetoric abandons all pretense of moderation.  More concerning, he has become more heated, snide and resentful as his popularity has grown.

He has demonstrated that he is willing to reach blue-collar voters by fear-mongering. But more importantly, he has shown us how Opus Dei's teachings inform his vision for society.

(7 comments, 1268 words in story)
New Apostolic Prayer Guide Attacks California Labor Unions, Prepares for Election 2012
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Mar 01, 2012 at 01:09:44 PM EST
The New Apostolic Reformation has prayer warrior networks in all 50 states under the authority of several apostles including Cindy Jacobs, who heads the U.S. Reformation Prayer Network (RPN). RPN is producing prayer guides for each state as part of the "FastForward" initiative to impact the 2012 election.  The California FastForward Prayer Guide is now available and openly attacks the state's labor unions.
(4 comments, 986 words in story)
Cry For Me Guatemala
Bill Berkowitz printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Feb 28, 2012 at 02:40:11 PM EST
We know little about Guatemala, a Central American neighbor with a troubled history, stoked by U.S. corporate profiteering, military interventions, and U.S. support for an assortment of ruthless military dictators. During a thirty plus-year bloody civil war, the Guatemalan army, police and paramilitary groups were responsible for destroying hundreds of Maya villages and the deaths of tens of thousands of Mayan people. Most official estimates maintain that some 200,000 Guatemalans were killed, mostly by government or government-related forces. In recent years Guatemala City has become one of the most violent cities in the world, as violence by drug cartels and gangs continues to rise.

Last year's November elections vaulted a general linked to human rights abuses into the presidency. One of his first appointments was a man who has consistently demonized the Mayan people, and who, over the years, has developed a close relationship to C. Peter Wagner's U.S.-based Christian conservative religious movement, the New Apostolic Reformation.

(6 comments, 1380 words in story)
How is Dominionism Getting into Politics? Meet the Apostles and Prophets of the NAR (Video)
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Feb 28, 2012 at 12:05:37 PM EST
A November Charisma Magazine article is titled the "Rising Tide of Influence: How Pentecostalism is gradually changing the dynamics of American Politics."  But most of the leaders in the article are not traditional Pentecostals - they are apostles and prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation. The NAR is one of the current forces behind the radicalization of the Religious Right, and in turn, U.S. politics. NAR leaders teach a dualistic worldview in which all other religions and philosophies, including secular democracy, are considered controlled by demonic entities in a cosmic battle with Christianity.  They are leaders on social issues, like fighting abortion and gay rights, but they also emphasize a mandate to take "dominion" over all of the "Seven Mountains" or cultural power centers - arts, business, education, family, government, media, and religion.

The late Rousas Rushdoony, father of Christian Reconstructionism wrote the tome and laid the foundations for infusing Dominion Theology into American politics, but it is Charismatic Dominionists who have had the greater success in drawing millions of followers in the U.S. and worldwide.  Following is a brief introduction to a few of the leading apostles and prophets, including video links.

(6 comments, 2304 words in story)

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