Limbaugh's Legacy
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Tue Mar 06, 2012 at 11:04:01 AM EST
I was stunned to attend a Christian Coalition rally in Washington D.C. and find what was being peddled in booths at the meeting.  Present were John Birch Society manuals, Cult leader Rev. Moon's followers, and his paper, the Washington Times, and all sorts of Ronald Reagan memorabilia.  The item that stood out from the visit was the larger than life cardboard poster of Rush Limbaugh.  It was easily discerned   that he was the favorite broadcaster of the throng gathered.
The Sandra Fluke incident with its recent apology has reminded readers of the days of Imus and Howard Stern and the networks pulling the plug on their programs.  As discovered, the lone incident for Imus, much like Limbaugh, is not an isolated event.  Rush's program carries with it a long history of "shock jock" language.  I have listened occasionally to Limbaugh over the years and have been shocked myself more than once over his choice of words.  To me the problem Imus had with comments about Rutgers Women's Basketball as well as Limbaugh's latest regarding calling Fluke a "slut" caused me to wonder to myself.  This has been going on for years and now why all the attention?

Alternet has up some of the caustic comments like telling a black caller to "take the bone out of your nose." The fact that Rush called Amy Carter the ugliest daughter of any U.S. President was followed up by stating Chelsea Clinton was the "Whitehouse dog."

I remember Rush being solicited to be a commentator for NFL games.  Limbaugh had gone out for football once but didn't seem to have much understanding of what it took to play or how it transacted on the field.  He shot himself in his foot by claiming Donavan McNabb was overrated as a quarterback simply because he was black.  That ended Rush's sports commentary job.  Not limiting himself to offending athletes and politicians, he also went after actors.  He once claimed Michael Fox was faking his Parkinson's Disease.  

Rush Limbaugh has used rough language to refer to the Obama administration.  He often hosted his own "Barack the Magic Negro" routine.   The Oklahoma Observer, in its January 2010 issue, listed a host of offensive statements collected from Rush's programs.  Regarding Obama Rush said, "We are being told that we have to hope he succeeds, that we have to bend over, grab the ankles...because his father was black."  He also stated that, "In Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering."  He said that Obama is the greatest living example of a reverse racist.  Echoing what his friend San Hannity claimed that the President does not like white people, Limbaugh claimed, "Obama's entire economic program is reparations."  Rush claimed the Cash for Clunkers program "helps your shiftless cousin buy more meth, lets you buy cartons of Luckys."

Nancy Pelosi is often mentioned on Rush's radio broadcasts.  Rush stated, that if Pelosi "Wants fewer births, I have the way to do this and it won't require any contraception:  You simply put pictures of Nancy every cheap motel room...That will keep birthrates down because that picture will keep a lot of things down."  Rush calls Pelosi a ditz and Obama is a danger to the nation. He once stated that Hillary Clinton wasn't let into the Marines because "they didn't have uniforms or boots big enough to fit that butt and those ankles."

Limbaugh's worldview is often expressed to listeners that we are in grave danger of losing the nation to extremists.  He once claimed that CNN and Obama were working together to destroy capitalism.  He also stated the two were together in a project to destroy every tradition and institution that makes this country great and "rip it to shreds."

My guess is that this latest fallout over calling Fluke a slut and wanting to watch videos of her having sex since we all paid for her contraception will take a toll.  Stern and Imus eventually landed on their feet again and continued to appeal to a loyal following.  Limbaugh seems to have a huge appetite for a lavish lifestyle.  I doubt he will sink away quietly.

One point of interest is how that I recall some Christian Raido stations carry Russ's programs. It will be interesting if this latest fallout will impact some of these listings.

by wilkyjr on Tue Mar 06, 2012 at 11:07:39 AM EST
...who is a fundamentalist (more or less a traditional Pre-mill-Disp. Baptist) told me recently that he'd stopped listening to Rush Limbaugh (whom he'd listened to for years), because Limbaugh had become too mean.

by Bruce Wilson on Tue Mar 06, 2012 at 01:30:36 PM EST

Bruce, I am glad to report some of my family members have abandoned Hannity because of some of his mean spirited charges.  I had a church member who was getting World Magazine and quit taking it because world had an editoral attacking me personally for an article I had on home schooling.

by wilkyjr on Tue Mar 06, 2012 at 01:56:19 PM EST
...of demonizing rhetoric, regardless of where it comes from. I'm glad to hear of your similar experience.

by Bruce Wilson on Tue Mar 06, 2012 at 08:06:46 PM EST

I'm sure you meant the Washington Times. It owned by Rev Moon. The Washington Post is controlled by the Graham Family who have Jewish roots.

by charlesturpin on Tue Mar 06, 2012 at 02:45:13 PM EST
Thanks; My mind thought "Times" but my hands got out "Post".

by wilkyjr on Wed Mar 07, 2012 at 08:57:37 AM EST

Many people prefer being mean and angry instead of taking responsibility for their lives. Rush makes it seem respectable to be mean. Rush and similar announcers will have steady careers for life. Perhaps a few advertisers will withdraw for a short period of time, but when the incident is forgotten by most people, those advertisers will resume using Rush's program if they have been successful with him in the past.

by NancyP on Tue Mar 06, 2012 at 09:04:05 PM EST
The Limbaugh matter has not gone away and seems unlikely to anytime soon. What will finally happen is impossible to say.  It is misguided to be overly optimistic but it is also just dour and wrong to throw wet blankets on activist initiatives. More generally, it is a mistake to make predictions. Things almost always come out differently than we thought.

by Frederick Clarkson on Thu Mar 08, 2012 at 12:10:41 AM EST

Let's face it, there are still a lot of American men with unreconstructed beliefs and attitudes toward women, around -- they make up the bulk of Limbaugh's listening audience.

They love Limbaugh because he says the things they believe, and he says it loud and proud and in the faces of those people they love to hate.

It may well be that Limbaugh is the last of his kind -- the last conservative shock jock that has the kind of sway and political influence to have the politicians on the same side quaking in their boots.

There will be imitators, of course--there already are--but it's going to get harder to be a racist/sexist/homophobic pig and remain a political player as the years roll on and American society becomes less white, less straight, and less patriarchal.

by tacitus on Wed Mar 07, 2012 at 01:43:21 AM EST

You did say TIMES [not Post] in paragraph one.

Don, why would you be surprised at what you'd find at a Christian Coalition spread? Their motto seems to be, 'if you'll pay, we'll play.' Nevertheless, I find that presence of John Birch propaganda material seeing the light of day again disturbing. Even more disturbing was their being a co-sponsor at the C-PAC gathering, w/o hanging their heads. Worse perhaps is that the so-called 'millinieums' are buying into this stuff as new because they were too young in its last incarnation. Yes, human memory seems quite flawed and short-lived. Yes again, we have to be on guard against this stuff getting a toehold. The extreme evangelicals, like charasmatics, are shameless  in their support, and they are clueless when it comes to understanding.

I never listen to Rush or Hannity, thanks to their history, but they'll be around in some form, unlike Breitbart who needed an obituary to surface again. I did read in the mainstream press that Rush had lost over 50 advertisers & blank spaces occurred where ads were formerly. The exception was for the four[4] network spots that were business as usual. The Don Imus punishment seems disproportionate to Rush's so far. Only timne will tell if he gets what he has coming to him.

As for Sandra Fluke, she ought to have learned already thus far in law school to have her counsel readying a legal response to the defamation.Even tho' Rush's liability insurance would be the one paying out, they have their limits also, and one would hope that their limit was reached in this instance.

by achbird65 on Mon Mar 12, 2012 at 10:53:58 AM EST

Attending a Christian Coalition rally in Washington D.C., I was taken aback by the items being sold in the booths. It seemed that the John Birch Society,  cbd benefits Rev. Moon's followers, and his newspaper the Washington Times, were all vying for attention. Yet, it was the larger than life cardboard poster of Rush Limbaugh that stood out the most. It was clear that he was the favorite broadcaster of the group, an observation that was quite striking.

by isabelladom on Mon Feb 06, 2023 at 01:15:44 PM EST

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