Cry For Me Guatemala
Bill Berkowitz printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Feb 28, 2012 at 02:40:11 PM EST
We know little about Guatemala, a Central American neighbor with a troubled history, stoked by U.S. corporate profiteering, military interventions, and U.S. support for an assortment of ruthless military dictators. During a thirty plus-year bloody civil war, the Guatemalan army, police and paramilitary groups were responsible for destroying hundreds of Maya villages and the deaths of tens of thousands of Mayan people. Most official estimates maintain that some 200,000 Guatemalans were killed, mostly by government or government-related forces. In recent years Guatemala City has become one of the most violent cities in the world, as violence by drug cartels and gangs continues to rise.

Last year's November elections vaulted a general linked to human rights abuses into the presidency. One of his first appointments was a man who has consistently demonized the Mayan people, and who, over the years, has developed a close relationship to C. Peter Wagner's U.S.-based Christian conservative religious movement, the New Apostolic Reformation.

The election of Otto Pérez Molina

Last month, former military general Otto Pérez Molina was inaugurated as President of Guatemala. After losing the 2007 presidential race as the standard bearer for the Patriotic Party (running under the slogan of "Mano dura, cabeza y corazón" -- "Firm hand, head and heart"), Pérez Molina emerged victorious in November of last year. Pérez Molina was the first former military officer to be elected since the country's return to democracy in 1986.

Recently, the National Security Archive, a Web site dedicated to "Challenging government secrecy, informing the public debate through access to declassified documents, ensuring government accountability, and defending the right to know in the US and abroad," cited "previously posted documents that detail[ed] Pérez Molina's military career and link[ed] him to human rights atrocities committed during Guatemala's 36-year internal conflict. The documents provide evidence of the retired General's involvement in `scorched earth' campaigns [orchestrated by former military dictator General Efraín Ríos Montt] in the 1980s and an account of his rise to high levels of influence and power within the Guatemalan intelligence apparatus."

After taking office, Otto Pérez Molina appointed Harold Caballeros as head of the country's Foreign Ministry. Who is Harold Caballeros and why should we care that he has ascended to such a high government position?

Harold Caballeros and the New Apostolic Reformation

According to researcher, investigative journalist and Talk2Action co-founder Bruce Wilson, Harold Caballeros has "links to government figures accused of human rights violations and perhaps death squads, and his demonizing of religious beliefs held by Guatemala's native Mayan population - targeted by the military for massacres and torture during Guatemala's civil war, raise troubling questions."

In addition, Caballeros, the founder and senior pastor of El Shaddai Church in Guatemala City, has a close relationship with members of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). The New Apostolic Reformation is still a relatively unknown and under-reported religious/political movement. It is the brainchild of C. Peter Wagner, a former Fuller Theological Seminary church-growth expert and partner of the now disgraced (but always poised for a comeback) Ted Haggard.

In a March 2010 interview for AlterNet, researcher and Talk2Action contributor Rachel Tabachnick explained how the New Apostolic Reformation functioned: "Imagine for a moment that a large block of the evangelical world decided to re-organize themselves in a hierarchy somewhat resembling the Roman Catholic Church, with leaders in authority over each nation and region. And additionally imagine that every person -- from the individual congregants to the top leaders -- would have someone to whom they are accountable. It seems unthinkable, but this is exactly what the `apostles' and `prophets' [of the NAR] are doing.

"This is not just a church movement. [Those called] market apostles work in business, finance, communications, media and also lead the Reclaiming the Seven Mountains of Culture mandate. ... Apostles are also active providing social services, which Wagner describes as a method for accessing government and society."

Earlier this month, Bruce Wilson reported at Talk2Action that Caballeros has played "many roles in C. Peter Wagner's burgeoning NAR include being listed as an apostle in the International Coalition of Apostles, from when the ICA was first launched in 2001 up through 2010, the year that the ICA took down its publicly-accessible `short list' of apostles from the ICA website and moved the list to a password-protected section of the site accessible to ICA members only."

The International Coalition of Apostles claims to be comprised of "over 500 apostles globally" that "advise heads of Fortune 500 companies and run multimillion dollar international corporate ventures." Apparently, Wilson reported, ICA members "have prayed together with Barack Obama and claim to advise his presidential administration, have been granted official state dinners by the President and First Lady of Uganda, and claim the current president of South Korea as one of their own." Wilson noted that the Republican Party's 2008 vice presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, "was extensively tied to the NAR and its ICA apostles."

Wilson pointed out that Caballeros is "acknowledged" within the NAR as "one of the pioneers of the movement's distinctive ideas and practices concerning `Spiritual Mapping.'" Wilson cited "Rene' Holvast, author of a dissertation and book about the NAR and Spiritual Mapping [who argues that] these practices are anything but apolitical or purely `spiritualized.'

During the 1990 election year, Holvast wrote, "Caballeros started to send out Spiritual Mapping teams on a national level to `clear the way' for the national elections. The teams did Spiritual Mapping in each state in Guatemala. They identified `three powerful human beings who were being used by the spiritual forces of darkness as strongmen', two of whom were presidential candidates, rating higher in the polls than [Jorge] Serrano [Elias]. The first two candidates dropped out after warfare prayer, resulting, according to [C. Peter] Wagner, in a record-breaking victory for Jorge Serrano Elías."

Wilson reported that "Other academic accounts of Caballeros' campaign, which was titled `Jesus is Lord of Guatemala,' describe the El Shaddai pastor's ambitious attempt to reach out to every evangelical protestant pastor in the country, in order to build a prayer warrior army fifty thousand people strong that could break an ancient curse Caballeros claimed afflicted his country.

".... In his writings, Caballeros has asserted that poverty and violence which have troubled Guatemala and Central America can be blamed, rather than on historical factors such as the legacy of Spanish colonialism or United States military interventions, on a pact that Caballeros says the ancient Mayan people made with Satan through worshiping the serpent god Quetzalcoatl."

In 2007, Caballeros launched what turned out to be an unsuccessful bid for the presidency. Wilson noted that "in the January 2007 print edition of Charisma magazine, which has served as a de facto journalistic flagship publication for the New Apostolic Reformation quoted C. Peter Wagner concerning Caballeros' candidacy: `Christians in the global South are way ahead of us in this area,' Wagner said. `The values of the kingdom of God should penetrate every level of society, and they understand that. ... [Caballeros is] doing it right, going right to the top and taking dominion.'"

Recently, an American Jewish Committee delegation met in Guatemala with President Otto Pérez Molina and Harold Caballeros. An AJC Press Release noted that topics of discussion with the President and Foreign Minister included Guatemala's position, since January 1, as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council; Guatemala-U.S. bilateral relations; regional issues, including Iranian efforts to make inroads in the Western Hemisphere; and issues of particular concern to the Jewish community.

One of Caballeros' main tasks might consist of working "to lift a long-standing [U.S.] ban on military aid to his country, imposed due to human rights concerns," Wilson pointed out.

The AJC's Executive Director David Harris noted that "while faced with significant domestic and regional challenges, [Guatemala] stands today as a valued friend of the U.S. and Israel, and committed to playing a constructive role as a newly-minted member of the Security Council."

While even considering the legalization of the drug trade will not sit well with the U.S., Guatemala doing the "right thing" in the eyes of the U.S. as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, and the AJC's positive report are the types of things that Pérez Molina and Caballeros need if they are to get the U.S. ban on military aid lifted.

... of the NAR, both the ideology and the structure.  He was described by C. Peter Wagner early on as the apostle over Latin America.

Caballeros is in several of the Transformations movies, pseudo-documentaries on how the apostles' brand of "transformation" is supposed to dramatically impact communities and nations. He was first featured in a vignette on a village in Guatemala that supposedly grew gigantic vegetables after the demons were evicted.

by Rachel Tabachnick on Tue Feb 28, 2012 at 03:04:19 PM EST

I note that Otto Perez Molina is a 1985 graduate of the notorious School of the Americas, the military school located at Fort Benning, Georgia, which has trained an extraordinary number of the worst human rights abusers in Latin America.

I just checked NISGUA, which is an excellent resource for information about human rights in Guatamala. They have only one passing reference to Caballeros, in a 2007 document analyzing upcoming elections that year.

While it may be technically true that Guatamala returned to democracy in 1986, that didn't by any means end the oppression of the Mayan people and human rights abuses. As we were reminded repeatedly in El Salvador, simply holding elections does not mean there is real democracy in a country. And as the still-unfolding robocall scandal in Ontario indicates, even as solid a democracy as Canada is not immune to election fraud. It makes me wonder if the NAR has any influence on the Stephen Harper government.

by MLouise on Tue Feb 28, 2012 at 04:24:21 PM EST
Sorry, you would think I would know how to spell "Guatemala" by now. My apologies. I would correct my original comment if I knew how to edit it.

by MLouise on Tue Feb 28, 2012 at 07:42:44 PM EST

Harper came up in some (seemingly) unrelated research I was doing a few years back on how the North American Religious Right leveraged C.S. Lewis as an authority for their dominionist and theocratic claims (I'm getting ready to submit it for academic publication so I can't say much more at this point--but if I get accepted I'll let T2A know).  Certainly you can link him directly to the Chuck Colson wing of (supposedly) "soft" dominionism.  But since these movements and groups are so intertwined and the NAR likes to stick its head into any door even partially open to its influence, it's not out of the question.

Dominionist involvement in Guatemala and Central America in general is nothing new.  The "cult" my former group is descended from, Maranatha Campus Ministries, was highly involved in getting youth/campus support for Iran-Contra back in the day... also Rios Montt was connected with US-based charismatic dominionists on the West Coast, if I recall correctly.

by ulyankee on Wed Feb 29, 2012 at 11:57:57 AM EST

I certainly want a copy of it.  The last time I looked (about six-9 months ago), there was a dearth of peer-reviewed research articles on Dominionism.

The ones I located were in journals that I would have to get via ILL, and that will have to wait until I'm a student again (Fall at the latest - I've been accepted into the Doctoral program!).

by ArchaeoBob on Wed Feb 29, 2012 at 01:07:32 PM EST

Guatemala, situated in Central America, has indeed experienced a tumultuous history marked by political instability, social upheaval, and economic challenges. Despite its troubled past, EZ Diagnostic Guatemala boasts a rich cultural heritage, diverse indigenous traditions, and natural beauty. Efforts toward reconciliation, justice, and development continue in the country, albeit with ongoing struggles and setbacks.

by isabelladom on Sat Mar 30, 2024 at 11:01:26 AM EST

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