Warning of Theocratic Zones of Control
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Jan 13, 2016 at 11:47:09 PM EST
This week, I published a report -- months in the making --  titled, When Exemption is the Rule: The Religious Freedom Strategy of the Christian Right . (I recommend the PDF version, a great reading experience!).  It was intended as a conversation starter. Not because many of us are not already talking about religious freedom as it relates to many issues of concern. Its more that the Religious Right seems to have the upper hand in these matters -- and it is time to change that dynamic.

I'm pleased to report that the conversation has begun this Religious Freedom Week. Rather than going back to the report and quoting myself, allow me the wonderful privilege to introducing the very kinds of reporting and conversations I hoped this project would launch. It is no small thing to publish something like this, and I am grateful that it is being read and discussed by such knowledgeable and thoughtful writers as those below:

Retired Catholic theologian Bill Lindsey kicks it off at his blog.

Fred Clarkson wants this report on how we've gotten where we are with the bogus religious freedom arguments of the religious right, with its attempt to stand authentic religious freedom on its head, to be a wake-up call to us.

Feminist author Patricia Miller writes in an article at Religion Dispatches, "Religious Freedom Advocates Warn of "Theocratic Zones of Control'":


Frederick Clarkson of Political Research Associates warns that the Christian Right, the U.S. Catholic bishops, and a rapidly strengthening network of allied organizations are "intensifying their campaign to carve out arenas of public life where religious institutions, individuals, and even businesses may evade civil rights and labor laws in the name of religious liberty."

    This alliance is working to create "zones of legal exemption," according to Clarkson, by building on the success of high-profile religious freedom cases like Hobby Lobby, "religifying" organizations so they qualify for ministerial exemptions, passing state-level Religious Freedom Restoration Acts (RFRAs), advocating for new individual exemptions like that sought by [Kim] Davis from issuing same-sex marriage licenses, and making religious liberty claims in local zoning cases under the Religious Land Use Institutionalized Persons Act.

Miller continues:


The battle to expand the scope of religious liberty exemptions has been especially damaging to reproductive rights, according to a new analysis by Adam Sonfield of the Guttmacher Institute. From the proliferation of "conscience clauses" that allow individuals and institutions to refuse to provide reproductive health care, to the continued battle over the contraceptive mandate in the Affordable Care Act, to refusal of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to provide reproductive health services to victims of trafficking and refugees under federal contracts, women's health care has been a particular target of religious liberty exemptions.

    Sonfield writes that as the concept of religious liberty has become "highly politicized and distorted," the "concept of balancing competing rights, responsibilities and needs seems to have given way to religious liberty trumping all other concerns." He says social conservatives are now "using laws like RFRA to erode rights, programs and services that they wish to eliminate entirely but have been unable to do so directly through other means."

    Both Clarkson and Sonfield note that the successful expansion of religious liberty claims is being driven by a distorted notion of religious freedom. Where traditionally religious freedom was defined as an individual's free exercise of religion and conscience, it's now being redefined as the right to discriminate and impose a conservative social order in the name of religion.

Finally, progressive journalist Bill Berkowitz, also writing at Religion Dispatches, interviewed me about the report. Here is a sample:


Bill Berkowitz: Why did you write When Exemption is the Rule?

    Frederick Clarkson: Most everyone to the left of the religious right is behind the curve on one of the central issues of our time: religious freedom. Six years ago, most people did not see the storm clouds on the horizon as the Christian Right mounted a major effort to redefine religious freedom.

    Conservative evangelical leaders working in close--and I think underappreciated--alliance with leaders of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops have reconfigured the Christian Right to wage the culture wars of the 21st century. Religious freedom is central to their strategy. I would go so far as to say that no understanding of the Christian Right is complete or even accurate without a profound grasp of their interrelated three-part formula of life, marriage, and religious freedom.


How does your report fit into today's political landscape?

    Over the years, the Christian Right has evolved, shaping events and not merely reacting to them. Conservatives have consistently responded to changing social roles and increasing efforts at equality for the historically oppressed, including women, racial and ethnic minorities and LGBTQ people.

    But the Christian Right also has a theocratic vision that is not merely reactive. It is proactive, and has deep roots in history and, in my view, it is gathering strength and momentum. While many people across a wide swath of public life--including journalists, scholars, and political activists--have delighted in repeatedly writing the Christian Right's obituary, the theocratic coalition and the way it carries out its politics has dynamically evolved.


How has the religious right evolved over the years?

    Conservative Christianity has systematically transformed itself into a formidable 21st century theocratic political movement, developing an electoral capacity that is broad and deep, even as organizations and leaders come and go.

    Perhaps most significantly, conservative Catholics and evangelicals have sufficiently set aside their historic animosities to cobble together one of the most formidable political movements our country has seen. Although making political prognostications is always dicey, it seems likely that this elections season will demonstrate this in ways that will make most of us wonder what went wrong. The other dimension of the success of the Christian Right is the failure of every sector to its left, including moderate Republicans, to adequately address these changes and the challenges they bring to constitutional democracy and our best aspirations for a more just society.

OK.  I can't quite say nothing about the report itself.  The opening paragraph reads.  


Religious freedom is a central issue of our time. The Framers of the U.S. Constitution knew that just because they, the leading politicians of their day, hammered out some remarkable foundational language, that did not mean that it would be a settled matter. History and current events have proved them out.

The Christian Right has been smart about gulling us into complacency.  I think that for us to be successful in sustaining and advancing democratic values in our time, we need to drink deep from the well of the best of our history, culture and constitutional aspirations.   And there is hardly a better time than Religious Freedom Week to connect with that wellspring of democratic values and take that conversation forward.

Traveling now - can't wait to read in more detail - the outline looks wonderful. This is needed information.

by chaplain on Thu Jan 14, 2016 at 09:24:22 AM EST

the gloating calls about the Religious Right (and conservatives in general) are "Dying off" from people who just do not want to listen.  I say otherwise, and people ignore it (and it sometimes doesn't even get published).  Thank you for publishing this here - I will use it as a reference every time someone starts with "The Religious Right is dying!!!" BS.

The same thing happened in 2010 here... fellow Democrats were crowing in my ears how "we have it in the bag!" and I was foolish enough to listen and build up hope.  Look what happened to this state... and it impacted us directly (medical care is out of reach and we've fallen through the gaps created by Rick Scott and the Republicans - like usual, and colleagues have been studying how the different programs meant to help people in difficulty have been deliberately made hard to access by people who are poor).  After that election, I started hearing about all of the nasty (and lawbreaking) things done by the Religious Right so that they'd win, including finding a video of official testimony about how the digital voting machines were rigged (by the testifier) to help the Republicans win.  (It may or may not have had a direct bearing on 2010, I think it did.)

If 2010 happens again, but Nationwide, I expect the same thing will happen again (in looking at what 'went wrong').  Instead of looking at the Democrat leadership and their "Republican Lite" candidates and their insistence on "my way or the highway!" (as far as ways to get people to vote, like refusing to provide signs for name recognition), or recognizing that the Religious Right is very much alive and growing tremendously in power, the analysts will point fingers at the people in the trenches (so to speak - as they did in 2010).  They will REFUSE to recognize that they face a theocratic enemy who cares nothing about human or civil rights and that is growing in power and numbers (as they brainwash more and more people).  (We'll hear more of the "But it's a CHURCH, it can't be THAT BAD!!!")

Meanwhile the liberal Christians will be shouting "But they're NOT Christian, they don't follow Jesus' teachings!!!".  Those people need to look up the "No True Scotsman" fallacy, and realize that yes, even Christian Terrorists are CHRISTIAN!  That their own peers are violating people's rights and committing violence in Jesus' name and think they're doing God's will (and I hate to say this, but reading some history suggests that they ARE acting like Christians have in the past).  

There is just too much denial going on... about the power of the theocrats, potential for theocracy, and the potential for violence and discrimination by Good Christians.

by ArchaeoBob on Thu Jan 14, 2016 at 12:18:27 PM EST

I look forward to reading your latest contribution. Your previous reports on the State Policy Network and Religious Freedom have been excellent. This religious liberty argument makes me so livid that in half-jest I would advocate that if the Christian Right wants to carve out areas from which they are exempt from secular laws regarding discrimination, perhaps it is time to advocate a complete, across-the-board removal of tax exempt status for every single religious organization in the country. Left or Right; Liberal or Conservative; Christian or non-Christian; it does not matter. Remove the tax-exempt status of all religious organizations. Let us give everyone their religious freedom paid for on their own dime. Why should a secular, democratic state subsidize this dangerous attack on itself? This strategy of pursuing religious freedom, as you and others have suggested, is basically a retread of the white supremacist and conservative Christian arguments against integration and interracial marriage. But, it is also part of a much larger strategy put forth by the late Paul Weyrich and his director of Cultural Conservatism, William S. Lind, called Fourth Generation Warfare (4GW). Under 4GW, a non-state actor, which Lind included a religious movement or a people, aims to undermine the legitimacy of the central state, in this case, the federal government. It aims to win at the moral plane of warfare--in other words, making the federal government and the secular Constitution which forms and guides it, illegitimate in the eyes of the people. It also aims to deny the federal government the monopoly on the use of force. Thus, as you wrote in the very early 1990s, the Coalition on Revival's National Coordinating Council advocated the formation of militias and Christian courts, and resisting federal tyranny through the interposition of "lesser civil magistrates." The Christian Right formed the Patriot militias in the 1990s. The Christian Right's ideology/theology guides the Patriot movement and the Tea Party movement today.

by James Estrada Scaminaci on Fri Jan 15, 2016 at 12:57:56 PM EST

How do you get paragraph breaks in your comments? Mine do not work.

by James Estrada Scaminaci on Fri Jan 15, 2016 at 12:58:38 PM EST
Type "<"p">" (without the quote marks) where you want the break.

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