MayDay! MayDay! The Rapture is Just Around The Corner, Warns Billy Graham's Daughter
Bill Berkowitz printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue May 26, 2015 at 10:20:24 AM EST
When someone insists that they have a direct line to God you might get a little concerned. It could be the old voices in the head syndrome, or perhaps a touch of megalomania. In recent times, it has been invoked by numerous conservative politicians who explain that God indicated to them that they had a greater calling; running for political office (usually the Presidency). In the case of Anne Graham Lotz, the daughter of the Rev. Billy Graham, it appears to be an extension of her business plan. Recently, Lotz has been shouting MayDay! MayDay!, warning people that The Rapture is just around the corner.
Lotz is smart enough not to be pulling a Harold Camping -- the late Oakland-based preacher, and founder of the highly profitable Family Radio stations -- who was confident enough to actually set May 21, 2011, for The Rapture, which of course did not happen. He then Even reset the date for October 21, 2011, and there was no rapture then either.

Unfortunately, more than a handful of his followers took his predictions to heart, sold their stuff, moved away from their families, and hunkered down waiting for zero hour. A bus filled with Camping followers toured the country warning people that the end was near. Zero hour never came.

As I wrote four years ago this month: "No Rapture, no tribulation, no earthquake, and ... no refunds."

There is no shortage of End Timers, preachers who see the End of Times in just about anything; earthquakes, tsunamis, the rise of ISIS, Obama's election and re-election. Pastor John Hagee, the proprietor over a multi-million-dollar multi-media enterprise and mega-church based in San Antonio, Texas, wrote a book linking the End Times to "blood moon" eclipses.

Lotz herself has been down this road before: After the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, she wrote a column stating that the plane's disappearance could be a sign of the coming of The Rapture.

These days, Lotz claims to be in direct contact with God. According to's Michael F. Haverluck, "The gravity of two powerful messages from God -- given in Joel 1:1 and Joel 2:17 -- has been something that has weighed on her [Lotz] heart so heavily that she knew God was calling her to put America on high alert."

"The impact on me was profound," the daughter of world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham recently explained on her web site ( "Both times, when I stepped off of the platform, I knew God had spoken."

"The messages almost made the hair stand up on the back of my neck," Lotz continued. "Why? Because God was clearly warning that His judgment is coming on America and on our world, and it's going to be ugly. I knew it then, and I know it now."

While Lotz, the president and founder of AnGel Ministries and the author of a number of books, is savvy enough not to set the date, nevertheless she insists she's seeing signs of the End Times, and she is confident that it will happen in her lifetime (she recently turned 67). In a recent interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network, Lotz spoke about her prayer initiative called "Mayday! Mayday: A Distress Call For Prayer," which was scheduled to run from May 15 to the 23rd, a project encouraging Americans to pray to God for repentance ahead of the End Times.

"I picked these dates, the 15th through the 23rd because they are the days in between the ascension of Jesus and Pentecost on the church calendar," she explained. "And biblically, if you remember, the disciples went into the upstairs room, they prayed for those nine days, and one of the things I know they prayed for was that God would keep His promise and send down the Holy Spirit in fullness, which of course He did that at the Feast of Pentecost."

Lotz stated: "So the birth pains [detailed in the Book of Joel as evidence that the End Times are near], the signs that Jesus gives, whether it is in the environmental world or national world, the wars, or the persecution of Christians, the persecution of Jews, when we see that ratcheting up and increasing in frequency and in intensity in the same generation that sees the Gospel being preached to the whole world and Israel reborn as a nation, that's the generation that is the last."

"I believe with deep conviction that is my generation," Lotz continued. "I was born just a week apart from the time when Israel was reborn as a nation [1948]. We are the same age. And I believe that if I live out my lifetime, a natural lifetime, I believe I will live to see the return of Jesus in the Rapture when He comes back to take us to be with Himself, which means preceding that there are going to be some signs. There are going to be some warnings."

This latest warning is probably the most definitive statement about The Rapture that Lotz has ever made. According to The Christian Post's Samuel Smith, "Lotz compared God's impending judgment to the 10 plagues God cast upon ancient Egypt. She added that even the Israelites were subject to the first three plagues that God cast upon the pharaoh and his land. Similarly, Lotz said the church is likely to face some kind judgment, even if God protects the church from his full wrath."

The fact that the hair may be standing up on Anne Graham' Lotz's neck, and that she's going around shouting MayDay!MayDay! doth not make the End Times so. What is fascinating, however, is how much space the Christian-based media continues to give her. The American Family Association's OneNewsNow news service, The Christian Post, the Christian Examiner, Charisma News, the Christian Broadcasting Network all accord her a certain amount of respect, not to mention uncritical articles and interviews.

The much-maligned Harold Camping never got such royal treatment. Of course, Camping was unwise to go out on a limb with actual rapture dates, and, unfortunately for him, he wasn't related to the Rev. Billy Graham.

Billy Graham was a lot more canny than his children seem to be. Billy was in it for the long haul, and did not aim for public controversy - had a bland persona and fairly standard evangelical message without too many fads that would pigeonhole him. I may have selective memory.
Billy's children just don't have the knack of being seen as middle-of-the-road "America's Pastor".

by NancyP on Tue May 26, 2015 at 10:46:05 AM EST
I might use the word faithful. While not a great theologian - his evangelistic turn of phrase was a simple - "The Bible says..." usually held in his left hand while using his right for emphasis. Like Annie, (we're the same age) - I grew up listening to and admiring Billy Graham, by seminary days a whole group attempted to use his style - and it likely gave way to our preaching professor's use of a common preacher humorous advice - Weak Point - Wave Bible - Pound Pulpit. Intended to be a humorous reminder to be faithful to truth - it unfortunately has become the pattern for style without substance. How tragic that so many culture warriors, "christian" political operatives, and popular "mega" church leaders have resorted to the style - without the substance. Error's and Abuse of all kinds have entered into the preaching, and our society tragically has so little real Biblical knowledge - that the Bible itself is blamed for the errors and distortions of the preachers. It appears to me, that this is why so many love their rules/theology/eschotology/politics - far more than they know or love Jesus, and seldom do even those who love Jesus, extend that love to the people whom Jesus himself so passionately loved and served. I was young and uncritical when Billy Graham inspired me - but even in reflection I find the substance of his message (50's 60's and 70's) was far different than those who have followed his style with so little substance in their message.

by chaplain on Wed May 27, 2015 at 11:59:45 AM EST

Meanwhile Anne Graham Lotz and her ilk are missing, perhaps even deliberately ignoring, an accurate understanding of some of these "signs" and what they portend. Clusters of earthquakes in Oklahoma and Ohio are signs of the dangers of fracking. The increasing incidence of flooding, drought, and other severe weather is a clear sign of anthropogenic climate disruption. The sudden disappearance and death of huge numbers of birds, insects, and other creatures is an indication that our water and atmosphere are being poisoned by insecticides, herbicides, and other pollutants.

One can argue that this is a moral issue, but it has nothing to do with gender identity, same-sex marriage, abortion, and the rest of the issues over which the right wing obsesses. We know that human burning of fossil fuels is changing the climate of our planet, and that the worst case scenario, if left to run out over the coming centuries, will indeed lead to mass extinction of species, quite possibly including our own. The charge of immorality must be laid on the shoulders of those who deny, delay, obfuscate, deflect, and in any other way obstruct attempts to correct course and maintain a liveable planet.

Lotz and her buddies are following false prophets while ignoring the real ones.

by MLouise on Fri May 29, 2015 at 11:18:55 AM EST

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