Quest for Utopia
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Tue Oct 13, 2015 at 10:01:32 PM EST
Surfing through old videos on youtube I found some interesting tapes of H. L. Hunt.  Certainly one of the original founders of the modern Religious Right in America.  Hunt supported McCarthy and once tried to bribe Billy Graham to run for President.  Hunt wrote a novel along with hundreds of columns in his magazines he owned and operated.  Hunt seldom attended public school and tended to see education as a device that hampered individual achievement.  His famous novel was called, Alpaca.  The book explained Hunt's view of the perfect society.  It was one where dictatorships were destroyed and the democracy had a peculiar spin.  The spin was that successful and wealthy men were allowed to have more votes than the average person.  
     JFK conspiracy theory buffs have boatloads of videos and literature accusing Hunt of being in on the secret plot to take out the President.  Such accusations were never proven but did shed lots of light on the hatred Hunt had for John Kennedy.  Some of this was rooted in JFK's taxation on oil.  More likely Hunt despised the President because of Civil Rights issues promoted by the Kennedy family.  Hunt was a White Supremacists and often thought of himself as a superior genetically gifted  specimen.  He held such a high view of himself his wife excused his womanizing as justified because the planet needed more of his offspring.  
     Kennedy represented old Eastern wealth.  In Texas, wealth was relatively new and was used as power to control politics.  East Coast philanthropy was widely practiced among the rich.  Not so in Texas where the new rich feared government would take from them to give to the less deserving.  Hunt's Bircher son was full of conspiracy theories about East Coast wealth and how it was connected with international Jewish conspiracies.
    Perhaps this helps explain the warm reception Donald Trump has been given by these types.  Ted Cruz is as hard core Tea Party as anyone in the nation.  Unlike many of his GOP friends, he has been silent about criticism of the GOP's frontrunner.  The bold and proud can do message of Trump is often underwritten by his claims that he is a super executive and most of the rest of the pack is a bunch of losers.  Trump might be seen as a type of fellow who would go to a Special Olympics track meet and boo the participants.  
     Trump's meager connection to the Christian faith seems to be rooted in Norman Vincent Peale.  The power of positive thinking author was also a can do personality.  Some viewed Peale's appeal as not so much grounded in Biblical teachings as much as motivational speakers.  Much like a modern day Joel Olsten.  Author Roy Carlson did connect Peale to some early fascist rallies in America.  Peale was not apparently into the hard right as much as he was strongly anti- Communist.
     Hunt, like many in his camp viewed Civil Rights as an infringement on free enterprise.  It would create a system where government redistributed wealth and interfered with the right to pursue wealth.  The cream always rises to the top and the most successful survive to reproduce a more perfect society.  Historians call this Spencer Darwinism.  
     A reporter once asked Hunt if he felt as if his wealth allowed him to have an influence on society and government that others could not enjoy.  He never answered the question.  Those who really knew him understood his view.  He deserved a larger influence than others because of his superior intellect.  He thus was due a greater piece of the American dream than others dared hope for.  His legacy can also be found in Reagan's trickle down theory.  FDR, LBJ and Jimmy Carter will never be received by this crowd for this very reason.  James Robison recently spoke at a gathering for the Religious Right types in Dallas.  His venomous assault on Carter was noteworthy, in spite of the recent revelation of Carter's new battle with cancer.  Economic theory trumps social values it appears.
       The last election proved that doctrinal positions among the Religious right was trumped by other values.  It did not appear as if social values was at stake as much as the idea that rich white men deserved the power.

RACE in this country. The "Horatio Alger" story in this country is that any (white)(man) can become rich - so the average white men can identify with the existing wealthy men keeping the average white men's wages low, etc.

Hunt's wife thought it was OK if Hunt screwed around because he would improve the human stock? Now, that's a Texas tall tale.

by NancyP on Wed Oct 14, 2015 at 12:05:26 PM EST

His first and legal wife was Lyda Bunker Hunt, and he had several children with her, including Nelson Bunker Hunt and William Herbert Hunt. Bunker and his brother Herbert tried to corner the silver market in the late 1970s, but lost most of their wealth doing it. Evidently they made it back recently with the Bakken oil field. Bunker was a funder of the John Birch Society and the Council on National Policy. He died last year. Lyda and the children were not very pleased with H.L.'s extramarital adventures, and were unhappy when they found out that he got involved with Ruth Ray Hunt, who was H.L.'s mistress until Lyda died in the 1950s. After Lyda died, H.L. and Ruth got married legally. They had 4 children, and Ruth (the wife) evangelized H.L. as well. The children of the first and second marriage evidently didn't have much to do with each other. After H.L. died in 1974, Frania Tye came out as H.L.'s second (bigamous) wife and she had 4 children with him. Frania Tye Hunt had no idea H.L. was legally married, but she left him once she found out and moved her family to Atlanta. She and her children fought H.L.'s other 2 families for a cut of the oil wealth, and they won.

The current political funding system after Citizens United is straight out of H.L.'s model of Alpaca; it isn't one person, one vote, it's one dollar, one vote.

by khughes1963 on Sat Oct 24, 2015 at 09:50:19 PM EST

 I think that people in power use race to divide people. It's one of the ways to get poor whites to vote against their own interests. It's economics, but race is the political wedge to achieve their desired ends.

by CautionIndicated on Tue Oct 27, 2015 at 03:38:25 PM EST

Recently visited with a Christian literature promoter who worked for one of Hunt's daughters.  It was one that suffered severe depression for being his daughter but was unable to share her heritage because her mother was a mistress.  He told me Ruth, (daughter) tried to convert her father before he died.  Hunt claimed the mantle of Christian keeping his membership at Dallas First Baptist for years.  It was reported that during his last few weeks of his life he was still gambling away hundreds of thousands.  Interesting character to say the least.

by wilkyjr on Wed Oct 14, 2015 at 12:30:59 PM EST

I recall that one of its pastors was the "shooting salvationist" J. Frank Norris, and another was W.A. Criswell, who openly questioned whether John F. Kennedy could be a good President since he was a Roman Catholic. The current pastor, Robert Jeffress, is a man very much like Mike Huckabee, he is full of insults for people who don't share his theocratic outlook, and he constantly and unjustly questions the President's morals, his faith, and his loyalty to the nation.

by khughes1963 on Sat Oct 24, 2015 at 09:55:28 PM EST

J. Frank Norris was pastor of First Baptist
Fort Worth.  You are right that he had a great deal of influence over Criswell.  Norris, Hunt, and Criswell are all connections to foundations of the Religious Right in America.  
     Hunt family named the "Super Bowl" as well as many other influential things in our culture.  Facts Forum, through its programming, influenced a generation of Americans toward Limbaugh and crowd.

by wilkyjr on Mon Oct 26, 2015 at 07:18:01 AM EST

The historical context of H.L. Hunt's ideology sheds light on the roots of certain conservative and far-right movements in America.  Joyful Heart Foundation His blend of wealth-driven superiority and opposition to government intervention mirrors some aspects of modern conservative thought. Understanding this history helps contextualize contemporary political dynamics within the conservative movement.

by isabelladom on Tue Sep 05, 2023 at 01:03:40 AM EST

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