Ukraine Under Siege by the Religious Right
Bill Berkowitz printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Jul 28, 2014 at 01:05:24 PM EST
The World Congress of Families, an anti-gay Religious Right operation with an international focus, had been planning to hold "World Congress of Families VIII - the Moscow Congress" in Russia in September. According to a WCF Press Release, the conference has been suspended because of the  
"situation in the Ukraine and Crimea (and the resulting U.S. and European sanctions) [which] has raised questions about travel, logistics, and other matters necessary to plan WCF VIII." The "situation" in Ukraine, however, isn't scaring off numerous Religious Right leaders from visiting Ukraine and pitching their wares.

A conservative friend (even after all these years of writing about conservatives and right-wing movements, I still have some conservative friends!) recently asked me why I was writing about the Christian Right burrowing into Ukraine when there are so many other important stories to tell. I told him that, "The purpose is to provide some sort of an early warning so what is happening to LGBT communities in Uganda, Russia, and other countries does not happen in Ukraine. While I am well aware of the toxic attitudes and murderous actions of Radical Islamists towards homosexuals, it is also clear that the mainstream press in this country waited far too long before reporting on the situation in Uganda and the Religious Right's involvement. I am hoping that same situation doesn't play itself out in Ukraine as well.

"Everybody wants to get into de act"

As the late Actor/Comedian/Pianist, Jimmy Durante often said: "Everybody wants to get into de act." Now, it's David Barton's turn. People for the American Way's Right Wing Watch recently reported that Barton, ersatz historian and genuine Christian nationalist had also spent some time in Ukraine, where he met "with members of the government and various religious leaders in order to teach them how to build a proper government based on the teachings of the Bible."

Last week, Buzzflash ran a piece about the American Pastors Network involvement with government and religious entities in Ukraine.

Over the past fifteen years, the Religious Right has launched numerous projects aimed at the Ukrainian people. A list, compiled by Political Research Associates' Cole Parke, includes:

  • "The Trinity Broadcasting Network has been in the region since 1999."

  • Pat Robertson's "Christian Broadcasting Network launched a Ukrainian version of 'The 700 Club' in 2010."

  • "In 2004, Peter Wagner, one of the leaders of the New Apostolic Reformation, assembled a gathering of evangelical leaders in Kiev where he prayed for the day when 'the government of the Church and the political governments will enter into a harmony.'"

  • "In 2008, former Exodus International board member, Don Schmierer, conducted a seminar in Donetsk, Ukraine, promoting his anti-LGBTQ, ex-gay theories."

  • "Earlier that same year, Kay Warren, Rick Warren's wife and co-pastor of Saddleback Church, visited Kiev, Ukraine to preach at a women's conference."

  • "Mike Bickle of the International House of Prayer spoke to an evangelical revival in Kiev in 2010."

  •  "And the infamous Scott Lively traveled through Ukraine just last October."

Barton recently appeared on James Dobson's radio program - yes that Dobson, the founder of the once super-powerful Focus on the Family, and one of the old-line Religious Right leaders still humping away on the radio - "where he revealed" some details of his trip.

Barton and Ukraine

"They were absolutely shocked to find out how practical the Bible was," Barton told Dobson's audience. "They had no clue that all of these things [pertaining to government] were in the Bible ... We talked to them about all sorts of things, about education in the Bible, about all sorts of things, so they were alive and on fire."

Right Wing Watch reported that "Since returning to America, Barton revealed that he has been contacted by several other members of the Ukrainian government, asking him to return and deliver his presentation to the entire parliament, as well as from government leaders in neighboring nations who want him to come and present his message there as well."

"The Religious Right's ongoing fascination with countries like Russia and Ukraine underscores its contempt for democracy, true freedom and basic human rights," Rob Boston, Director of Communications for Americans United for Separation of Church and State, told me in an email exchange. "Some Religious Right leaders are all but slobbering over Vladimir Putin, and they seem to seriously look to Russia as a bulwark against the decadent, gay-friendly West. Rather than an open, democratic system, some Religious Right activists yearn for a strongman who pledges fealty to 'traditional values.'"

According to Boston, America's Religious Right "is attracted to these countries in part due to these nations' generally anti-gay attitudes and their historical ties to the Orthodox Church, which has undergone a resurgence since the collapse of the Soviet Union. As Western Europe becomes more secular and Americans embrace a theology that is increasingly less dogmatic, fundamentalist zealots are casting about for a country willing to implement their extreme social agenda. Some have focused on African nations, and they've caused quite a lot of problems in places like Uganda. Unlike African countries, nations like Ukraine and Russia offer certain advantages: They're largely Christian already, and their culture mimics many aspects of Western society as it existed 50 or so years ago in that it's patriarchal, anti-gay and conservative."

Boston pointed out that this interest in exporting its brand of Christianity is nothing new. In the early 1990s, TV preacher Pat Robertson latched on to Frederick Chiluba, the president of Zambia. "Chiluba declared his country officially Christian, which Robertson thought was just great. Christian Reconstructionists were excited as well; some of them even talked about Zambia becoming the first 'reconstructed' country and a base for evangelizing the rest of the world. It didn't quite work out that way."

"The Religious Right keeps making the same mistake. Its leaders and activists have a naïve belief that some political leader will rise up a la Constantine the Great and lead the world to 're-Christianization,'" Boston added. "Human nature being what it is, it never quite works out that way. I suspect the Religious Right's current love affair with Ukraine and Russia will come to a similar end of heart-break and acrimony."

American Christian Fundamentalists are largely Authoritarians in their approach to politics. (See "The Authoritarians" by Bob Altemeyer, free online at "".) That's why they swoon for Putin.

by HickoryWind on Sun Aug 03, 2014 at 03:08:52 PM EST

Oleksandr Turchynov, the former head of Ukrainian intelligence and until recently, the acting president of Ukraine, was also a pastor at the Kiev Word of Life church, a Christian Zionist sect that encourages Jewish immigration to Israel.
The church was founded by a Swedish Jew, Elf Ekman, and was established in many locations throughout the former Soviet Union.
Turchynov is now head of the Ukrainian parliament. Not bad for a pastor of a relatively obscure Christian Zionist Pentecostal 'church'. I'm sure it's all just coincidence.

by COinMS on Tue Jul 29, 2014 at 06:37:59 AM EST

What people in the west forget, if they didn't know already, is that Ukraine is 90% Eastern Orthodox, or Eastern Catholic. A few of the leaders of the 'junta' that rules Kiev are Evangelical or Pentecostal, but they don't represent the majority of the population by a long shot! the Eastern Ukraine (the Donbass and Crimea, now Russian ethnically) are largely orthodox allied with the ROC Moscow. So these interlopers from western evvy sects are not going to get a fair hearing, but might get booted out, or even shot at by the partisans in east.

by rdrjames on Mon Aug 04, 2014 at 12:32:33 AM EST

... a naïve belief that some political leader will rise up a la Constantine the Great ...

Things didn't work out quite as Constantine intended. He wanted breakthrough classical philosophy; the bishops wanted to talk about excommunicating each other, blasphemy trials, and bishoprics. The Emperor called a council at Nicaea to work it all out, 325 CE. The deciding event: a faction leader named Arius (namesake of the Arian Heresy) died by Divine Judgment/a highly corrosive poison.

(Theological trigger warning:) Arius held that the Father existed before the Son, obvious blasphemy against The Holy Trinity<sup>TM</sup>. His church persisted for centuries after his martyrdom, including most of the "barbarians" who brought down the Western Empire. The Nicene Creed set the precedent for Imperial Christianity from then on in theology and execution.

Constantine didn't take the Christian pledge himself until on his deathbed (337 CE). If our wannabe theocrats take him as a role model, they've missed their bet. Their ambitions more resemble those of Emperor Theodosius, who in 380 effectively outlawed all "pagan" religions and set about enforcing this with much zeal, violence and looting.

Only the pitifully pedantic would note that the Empire fell apart fifteen years later (on Big Ted's death), and True Theology® split with it. Should our modern theocrats prevail, things will probably go even faster next time.

by Pierce R Butler on Sun Aug 17, 2014 at 09:43:45 PM EST

I think this is an informative post. It is useful and knowledgeable. You make this information interesting and engaging. Synergy of CBD You give readers a lot to think about and I appreciate that kind of writing and all you have done here.

by isabelladom on Mon Jul 25, 2022 at 01:52:30 AM EST

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