A Theocratic Campaign Against Public Education in South Carolina
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Mon Apr 28, 2014 at 09:58:40 PM EST
Ray Moore, best known for his efforts to get Southern Baptists to take their children out of the public schools, is running for the Republican nomination for Lt. Governor of South Carolina.  The field comprises Charleston real estate developer Pat McKinney, former Attorney General Henry McMaster and Mike Campbell, son of former Gov. Carroll Campbell. The primary is June 10th.

Moore's platform is consistent with his history. He would abolish what he considers the "pagan" and "godless" public schools and return to 18th century notions of private Christian schools and home schools, which he sees as the "original American model" and the "Biblical model."  His campaign slogan is "What once was can be again."

As shrill and alarming as all this may sound, it is unsurprising. For a generation, leading Christian Reconstructionists and those influenced by them, including Moore, have declared that the public schools are a major obstacle to their goals.  Indeed, the public schools are intended to help children become citizens in a constitutional democracy, organized on principles of religious pluralism.  I detailed the Christian Reconstructionist movement's approach to education in in The Public Eye magazine in 1994.  Here is an excerpt:

...it is in the next generation that most Reconstructionists hope to seize the future. "All long-term social change," declares [Reconstructionist theorist] Gary North, "comes from the successful efforts of one or another struggling organizations to capture the minds of a hard core of future leaders, as well as the respect of a wider population." The key to this, they believe, lies with the Christian school and the home schooling movement, both deeply influenced by Reconstructionism.

Unsurprisingly, Reconstructionists seek to abolish public schools, which they see as a critical component in the promotion of a secular world view. It is this secular world view with which they declare themselves to be at war. "Until the vast majority of Christians pull their children out of the public schools," writes Gary North, "there will be no possibility of creating a theocratic republic."

Among the top Reconstructionists in education politics is Robert Thoburn of Fairfax Christian School in Fairfax, Virginia. Thoburn advocates that Christians run for school board, while keeping their own children out of public schools. "Your goal" (once on the board), he declares, "must be to sink the ship." While not every conservative Christian who runs for school board shares this goal, those who do will, as Thoburn advises, probably keep it to themselves. Thoburn's book, The Children Trap, is a widely used source book for Christian Right attacks on public education.

Joseph Morecraft, who also runs a school, said in 1987: "I believe the children in the Christian schools of America are the Army that is going to take the future. Right now... the Christian Reconstruction movement is made up of a few preachers, teachers, writers, scholars, publishing houses, editors of magazines, and it's growing quickly. But I expect a massive acceleration of this movement in about 25 or 30 years, when those kids that are now in Christian schools have graduated and taken their places in American society, and moved into places of influence and power."

Similarly, the Christian "home schooling" movement is part of the longterm revolutionary strategy of Reconstructionism. One of the principal home schooling curricula is provided by Reconstructionist [the late] Paul Lindstrom of Christian Liberty Academy (CLA) in Arlington Heights, Illinois. CLA claims that it serves about 20,000 families. Its 1994 curriculum included a book on "Biblical Economics" by Gary North. Home schooling advocate Christopher Klicka, who has been deeply influenced by R. J. Rushdoony, writes: "Sending our children to the public school violates nearly every Biblical principle.... It is tantamount to sending our children to be trained by the enemy." He claims that the public schools are Satan's choice. Klicka also advocates religious self-segregation and advises Christians not to affiliate with non-Christian home schoolers in any way. "The differences I am talking about," declares Klicka, "have resulted in wars and martyrdom in the not too distant past." According to Klicka, who is an attorney with the Home School Legal Defense Association, "as an organization, and as individuals, we are committed to promote the cause of Christ and His Kingdom."

In 2007, Bruce Prescott, (aka Mainstream Baptist) connected the dots when he reported on Moore's close colleague, Bruce Shortt:  

Those who still doubt there are links between Southern Baptists and theocratic Christian Reconstructionists should look inside the front cover of the December 2004 issue of the Chalcedon Report. There the chief publishing house for Reconstructionist thought, Chalcedon, [founded by R.J. Rushdoony] announces that it has published Bruce Shortt's book, The Harsh Truth About Public Schools. Bruce Shortt, along with T.C. Pinckney, leads the movement against public schools within the Southern Baptist Convention.

The late televangelist and Christian Right leader D. James Kennedy blurbed the book this way:  

This book presents an idea whose time has come. Modern public education in America has too often degenerated into indoctrination in secular humanism. This books presents the solution to the problem.

Moore stated at the time:  

The Southern Baptists are setting the pace in debating this critical issue. Other denominations such as the Presbyterian Church in America are also having this debate. It is our prayer and hope that this debate will take place in all Bible based denominations over the next few years and that both Christian parents and the institutional church will come to understand clearly the urgency of rescuing our children from the government schools.

One of the first to cheer Moore's candidacy was Joel McDurmon, the director of research of American Vision, a Georgia-based Christian Reconstructionist think tank headed by Gary DeMar. McDurmon agrees with Moore that Christians' "top priority" should be  "abandoning public schools and seeking--running--to private Christian alternatives."

Moore has compared the organization he led for 15 years and its goal of leading Christian children out of the public schools to Moses leading God's chosen people out of Egypt.

"Exodus Mandate," he declares, "is a Christian ministry to encourage and assist Christian families to leave Pharaoh's school system (i.e. government schools) for the Promised Land of Christian schools or home schooling."

While the movement Moore called the Exodus Mandate has not taken off as he hoped, Christian Right-supported elected officials in many states are taking it forward. Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana has supported religious charter schools and vouchers for private religious schools as well.  

Moore may not have much chance in this, his first foray into electoral politics.  But that may not be his goal so much as to mobilize Christian home schoolers and supporters of private conservative Christian education and to help to maximize their role in 2014.  But win or lose, he will be highlighting his distinctly theocratic point of view into the Republican discussion of public education.

Is Christian Reconstructionism essentially all-white in membership and leadership? How much of the drive toward Christian private schools and home-schooling is part of the 50 year old white flight from public schools in the South (and North, I might add)?

by NancyP on Tue Apr 29, 2014 at 12:35:25 PM EST
The entire white private academy and school voucher movement arose in the 1950s in reaction to Brown v Board of Education and school integration. Milton Friedman dressed up as freedom of choice and a way to suck money out of the public school system and make huge profits. But, southern "Massive Resistance" in the 1950s was based, in large part, on the idea that white citizens had the freedom of association, not that they were discriminating against black students. At least one state terminated their public system and went to a private voucher system. The founder of Christian Reconstructionism is a proponent of the neo-Confederate movement and some scholars consider him an outright racist.

by James Estrada Scaminaci on Tue Apr 29, 2014 at 02:01:49 PM EST
Voddie Baucham is the one African-American homeschooling advocate that I can think of, but generally it is a largely white, evangelical Protestant movement that has its origins in the backlash against Brown v. Board of Education. Jerry Falwell got involved in politics because of the risk that he might lose a tax exemption for schools set up to avoid desegregation.

by khughes1963 on Tue Apr 29, 2014 at 04:42:16 PM EST
Christian Reconstructionist who supports home schooling and the whole Reconstructionist agenda is Star Jones.

by JerrySloan on Tue Apr 29, 2014 at 10:09:34 PM EST

That's what I expected. The charter school movement seems very segregated as well, although in the other direction - another attempt to get public money in for-profit organizations' hands, but not have to actually run an integrated school.

by NancyP on Tue Apr 29, 2014 at 07:43:36 PM EST

could singlehandedly take down the whole state education system. But, then, Moore IS known to be totally lawless, so I suppose there is no telling.

by phatkhat on Thu May 01, 2014 at 12:39:19 AM EST
take down the entire education system.  

But he is certainly busy building a constituency while taking the long view -- like the rest of the Christian Reconstructionist movement.  

by Frederick Clarkson on Thu May 01, 2014 at 12:31:46 PM EST

Moore, the movement he calls Exodus Mandate, did not rise as he hoped, but elected officials in many states supported the Christian Right. He tried papercheap reviews for their help. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal supported religious statutory schools and vouchers for private religious schools. Check out this site for more info now.

by sarwarmonaf on Mon Aug 26, 2019 at 06:35:40 AM EST

A recent public education campaign in South Carolina has been led by a theocratic organization called "Dekalb Leads." This organization is pushing for a total ban on public education in the state, and has been gaining traction among conservative lawmakers.  top real estate agents Orlando The group's reasoning is that public education is a "godless" institution that indoctrinates children into secular values. They believe that private, Christian schools are the only proper place for children to receive an education.

by isabelladom on Thu Nov 24, 2022 at 10:12:49 AM EST

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