John Benefiel takes credit for GOP takeover of Oklahoma
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Tue Mar 18, 2014 at 07:07:00 PM EST

Many of you know that Oklahoma has turned an unrecognizable shade of red in recent years.  Yesterday, one of the leading members of the New Apostolic Reformation all but declared that he was responsible for that rightward swing.  Last week, I mentioned that John Benefiel stopped by Cindy Jacobs' webcast show and claimed that the United States was under satanic control because ancient Egyptians came to North America and dedicated the entire continent to Baal.  Well, just yesterday Benefiel stopped by again and claimed that for the last decade, he's been doing his part to reverse that curse in his home state of Oklahoma.  People for the American Way got a clip.

Benefiel said that back in 2004, he and a team from his Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network were prayer-walking in the Oklahoma State Capitol and casting out demons.  Wen the sergeant-at-arms of the state house found out what they were doing, he invited them to come into the state house chamber and pray over it as well.  They spent an hour in there praying and "making our declarations about Baal."  Later that year, the Republicans gained a majority in the state house for the first time ever--and according to Benefiel, much of that majority was made of "born-again, conservative Christians."  They did the same thing just before the 2006 elections in the state senate--with similar results even as the Republicans were getting their heads handed to them nationally.  Needless to say, Jacobs and her husband, Mike, were delighted.

They were even more delighted when Benefiel told them that the state's four highest elected officials--Governor Mary Fallin, Lieutenant Governor Todd Lamb, state attorney general Scott Pruitt and state house speaker Jeff Hickman--all have longstanding relationships with him.  He even claims that he helped lead Fallin in the baptism of the Holy Spirit several years back.  

Friends, this is a BFD.  The NAR believes that it can bring about the Second Coming by taking over the world.  A major part of that task is taking control of government--one of the "seven mountains" that influence our society.  So a significant number of Oklahoma's elected officials may be in bed with an overt fascist.  And not only that, one who thinks the Statue of Liberty is a demonic idol, that homosexuality is an Illuminati plot and that the 2012 DC earthquake was divine punishment for Masonry.  Even for a state that has foisted the likes of Jim Inhofe and Tom Coburn on us, this is freaking scary.

Watch the whole thing here.


Sorry for being uninformed. Could you please say what BFD stands for? Thanks!

by MLouise on Fri Mar 21, 2014 at 07:37:27 PM EST
Big [Effing] Deal. At least in the Army, it did. And in context, I think that's the case here. ;-)

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