Baptists and Bullets in Texas Politics
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Tue Mar 11, 2014 at 12:02:01 PM EST
One thing regional Baptist GOP candidates share in common is a deep affection for gun rights.  The endorsements of pro-gun positions takes precedence over the promotion of public education, economic concerns and even social issues.  Second Amendment concerns trumps First Amendment issues.  The irony of such is that Baptist have a rich heritage in support of the First Amendment, even as a doctrinal statement of faith.
Senator and Baptist Ted Cruz has so many honors from the NRA he must have had to build a trophy case.  Cruz is so hawkish he questions the patriotism of war veteran Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel.   Hardball's host Chris Matthews commented on the inquiry Cruz leveled at Hagel saying; "This is McCarthyism." Cruz's fellow Baptist and church member is running for Lieutenant Governor.  His name is Dan Patrick.  Dan wants to allow there to be guns on campus.  His web site boasts he has a splendid record with the gun lobby.  Cruz and Patrick despise government programs like Social Security and are not big fans of public education.  Ted is suspicious of his own political party not to mention his government.  He openly voices concern about the use of investigative agencies which appear to be more interested in solid citizens than in foreign born domestic terrorists.  Ted believes Social Security is a Ponzi scheme.  His position on guns appears to help him overcome his own unpopular positions on other issues.

Brian Babin is a Baptist deacon from Woodville, Texas.  He is seeking to fill the seat vacated by fellow Baptist Steve Stockman.  Babin brags that he has been a 30 year member of the NRA.  His public service was flawed by disclosures of events that took place with fellow Baptist and gun advocate Tom Delay.  Tom recently claimed the Constitution is a document God wrote.  The verse and chapter on guns is really important to Tom.  Tom and Babin got into hot water over campaign funds directed to inappropriate sources.  Babin was investigated by the FBI over this and paid a $20,000 fine for such.  When Brian ran for office a few years ago First Baptist Woodville's pastor had the dentist come forward and stand before the congregation during the morning worship service.  The congregation was invited to come down and lay hands on him in an open endorsement of his campaign.  The fact that Brian is running for an office that just recently has had problems with campaign finance violations appears alarming to some regional journalists.  I understand that the time the church laid hands on the Republican did not sit well with some in the congregation.  

None of the local candidates have gone as far out on the limb in gun promotions as Chris Mapp.  Chris is a candidate for the United States Senate.  He has refused to apologize for using the term "wet back" and made quite a commotion in his policies about immigration.  He stated he wanted to allow ranchers to shoot illegals when they crossed the Rio Grande.  Mapp belongs to a Family Faith Church but I betcha he has a Baptist background.

The gun toting award for the biggest backer of guns must go to Steve Stockman.  Baptist Steve is leaving his seat in the House to run for Senate.  He believes Senator Cornyn is not conservative enough.  His campaign site has a sign up sheet to  impeach President Obama.  Steve rolled into D.C. the first time he was elected through the gun vote.  His incumbent and tenured Democratic rival had dared to back the Brady Bill.  

The ink was still wet at his swearing in ceremony when he proposed legislation to allow teachers to pack six shooters into the class room.  One of Steve's backers, Larry Pratt of Gunowners of America, recently declared President Obama is building a private militia.  Stockman's favorite endorsement comes from ally Ted Nugent.  Media magnet and gun promoter Ted can be seen on youtube holding up an assault weapon and challenging Hillary Clinton to ride this into the sunset. Ted has been interviewed about his threats to the President.  On youtube you can see Ted holding up a rifle and telling Obama to "suck on this."  Steve Stockman once wrote that Hillary's husband staged the Branch Davidian attack to take away our assault weapons.  It is noteworthy that none of the opponents Steve is running against are bringing up these things.  Instead, they call him a Washington insider who was arrested in 1977 for traffic violations and the jail found valium in his underwear. There appears to be no ceiling on how far these Baptists can go on ownership of guns.  When Steve lost to Cornyn, he held a hot tub party at the recent CPAC meeting.  He was offering free liquor to the crowd who was willing to jump into the warm water.   The families values champion of the Texas'36 district proposed a toast to "screwing the Left." He then amended his proclamation to "f... the left."  The scene reminded some of Congressman Good Times Charlie Wilson who was played by Tom Hanks in an Academy Awards nominated drama.  Hanks began the  movie by a scene in a famous hot tub in Los Vegas.  Stockman serves a district where some of Charlie's district resided. The Washington Post reported on this story given to them by blogs.

Mapp and stockman were seeking to out gun Senator Cornyn.  Cornyn is a member of the Church of Christ and has wide support in conservative circles.  The NRA gave the current Texas Senator an A+ rating.  His election web site shows dramatic videos of patriotism, conservative values, and a bullet.  Cornyn is endorsed by Stephen Hotze  on his web site.  Dr. Hotze is the theocracy advocate who is now head of Texas Conservative Republicans.  Hotze created a video to be shown in churches on how to take over the GOP through local precinct meetings.  Polls show those seeking to out shoot Cornyn for the Senate  are more than are a few magazine clips behind.

Democratic Wendy Davis is a candidate for governor of Texas.  Wendy has Baptist connections believe it or not.  Fellow Baptist Dan Patrick and Wendy went toe to toe in their battle over the abortion bill and it received national attention.  A Rice University professor ranked her the 4th most liberal Senator in the state.  Wendy has gone through 2 marriages, advocates legalizing pot and favors late term abortions.  She once proposed a ban on gun shows in city buildings.  Guess what?  Wendy has now reversed her position on gun control.   She now supports the open carry law as well as getting behind gun advocates positions.  Wendy now sees the light and realizes you cannot over kill the gun issue in Texas.

Cornyn appears to be safe in his election.  Patrick is set to pull an upset and become the next second to command in Texas.

by wilkyjr on Wed Mar 12, 2014 at 09:21:17 AM EST

The alignment of Baptist GOP candidates in Texas with strong pro-gun positions over other concerns like education, economy, and social issues raises questions. While the First Amendment is central to Baptist heritage, these candidates prioritize the Second Amendment.  presidential primary This shift is exemplified by Senator Ted Cruz and Lieutenant Governor candidate Dan Patrick, who advocate for gun rights while opposing government programs and public education. Accountability issues and the separation of church and state are critical aspects of this debate. Wendy Davis, a Democratic candidate, has also reversed her stance on gun control to align with Texas's pro-gun sentiment.

by isabelladom on Sun Sep 10, 2023 at 10:50:21 AM EST

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