HLN Analyst Frank Taaffe Doubles as Host of Racist Broadcast, Calls Oprah a N***** (Audio)
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Feb 18, 2014 at 10:35:40 PM EST
 photo standingourgroundlogo_zpse744f59e.jpgFrank Taaffe has repeatedly been given a platform on network and cable news shows in defense of George Zimmerman, Michael Dunn, and Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law. This includes an appearance as recently as last week on HLN's Nancy Grace Show's coverage of the trial of Michael Dunn, the "loud music" shooting that resulted in the death of Jordan Davis.  When Taaffe's not playing the role of analyst on television, he doubles as co-host of a white supremacist broadcast with the name "Standing Our Ground." I posted an audio clip earlier today at Political Research Associates of Taaffe talking about who qualifies to be called "nigger."  I've also posted a slightly longer version of this raw exchange below in order to document the fact that major network and cable news programs have helped to provide a media platform to a white supremacist. In the discussion of the Stand Your Ground laws of Florida and other states, it is imperative that we acknowledge the role of the mainstreaming of racist ideology in media.

[Update: The "Standing Our Ground" audio excerpt below is from the October 3, 2013 podcast.]

"Standing Our Ground" was launched at The White Voice Network in August 2013 with co-hosts Frank Taaffe and Joe Adams.  Taaffe is a friend and perhaps the most vocal defender of George Zimmerman. Adams is the author of the Save White People Handbook and Murdering Multiculturalism.  

There is a recurrent theme throughout the interviews and broadcasts of The White Voice line up of podcasts and guests - defending themselves against the "white genocide" efforts of "niggers and mud people," as Joe Adams describes in Episode 76 of The White Voice.  That episode was focused on race wars, with guest Tom Metzger warning that the "nonwhites are getting more brave and bold all the time."  Metzger is the founder of White Aryan Resistance.    

Following is an audio clip (in video format) from Episode 8 of Standing Our Ground hosted by Frank Taaffe.  This is a slightly longer version of the audio I posted at PRA and it's preceded by the opening theme of "Standing Our Ground."  There is a brief pause between the intro segment and the short audio clip from Episode 8.

Using Religion as an Excuse for Racism

The White Voice Network line up also includes a new program titled the Traditionalist Youth Hour with Matthew Heimbach, Matt Parrot, and Thomas Buhls.  Heimbach is a prime example of how religion can be manipulated in service of white supremacy.  From the PRA article,

The baby-faced, constantly smiling Heimbach has told ABC News that he considers himself a racist.  In an interview with the National Socialist Movement, Heimbach described himself as a Christian nationalist with a "spiritual calling."  He also described the United States today as a sick and dying society comparable to Germany in the '20s and '30s.  Heimbach explained that fiery faith is crucial as a motivation, stating, "I wouldn't die for tax cuts for the rich.  I'm not going to die about what road they're going to build through our county." He continues, "But I will die for my faith." He cites Francisco Franco as the best example of a leader for the Christian Nationalist Movement.

It was Heimbach and his White Student Union that caused the widely-reported commotion at CPAC in 2013, as he and others affiliated with the Union shouted out in defense of slavery and segregation during a session on GOP outreach to minorities.

Mainstreaming Extremism

Mariah Blake has written several articles about Taaffe's background for Mother Jones over the last six months, including in  August 2013,  November 2013, and  February 2014.  Blake noted that Taaffe was invited by HLN to "weigh in on legal and technical aspects of the Zimmerman case, from the implications of witness testimony to the meaning of forensic evidence"  and given a platform to counter forensic experts and medical examiners.  One of Taaffe's "Standing Our Ground" shows was live broadcast while Taaffe was in a limo on the way to Headline News Studio, according to the description of the show.

Media Matters  reported in 2013 that Taffe's media footprint "included ABC News, CNN, NBC News, Fox News, CBS News, MSNBC, and CNN-spinoff HLN" and "more than 60 separate primetime appearances on HLN alone."   And that was the tally in August 2013, before Taaffe was featured repeatedly on HLN during the Michael Dunn trial.

Taaffe's transformation into a media fixture, with little information provided to the viewer about his background, is not an isolated problem.  The media superstar status of current and former members of the League of the South was one of the topics of  my recent article titled "Nullification, Neo-Confederates, and the Revenge of the Right," co-authored by Frank Cocozzelli.

Following Mariah Blake's recent coverage of Taaffe, he tried to claim that his Twitter account was hacked.  There are at least 15 - 16 full broadcasts from The White Voice of material that is similar to this short clip.  

by Rachel Tabachnick on Wed Feb 19, 2014 at 06:28:57 PM EST

I can't help but agree with him when he talks about birds of feather flocking together. Just look at any tea bagger rally. You'll see 99% racist and 1%, coming out to look at the racist.

by Bodine666 on Thu Feb 20, 2014 at 05:08:38 PM EST

So glad I live in a state where this s##t isn't promulgated on a daily basis.

Jim ofOlym
Olympia, WA

PS: Please, extemists,don't move up up here. We have means to keep you away from our children.

by rdrjames on Mon Feb 24, 2014 at 12:45:19 AM EST

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by ashu on Sun Oct 25, 2020 at 04:44:46 AM EST

Hypocrisy is at its peak in media at this time. every media channel is one-sided. This is the most dangerous thing rather than anything. But you can write my essay to overcome these hurdles easily. There are different impacts of this behavior on the public. It should be ended to maintain the peace of our world.

by TajMansfield on Thu Oct 29, 2020 at 11:17:24 PM EST

This section is very much impressive as it shares the perspectives of HLN Analyst Frank Taaffe. It discusses the deal with racism.  diamond rings Actually the belief that some peoples are below others should be eliminated. Everyone should learn to accept that they all are the same, human being.

by isabelladom on Sat Sep 03, 2022 at 10:24:41 AM EST

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