Witchhunts in Africa and the U.S.A.
Diane Vera printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Dec 25, 2014 at 05:18:53 PM EST

Nigerian human rights activist Leo Igwe has recently written at least two blog posts about how some African Pentecostal churches are sending missionaries to Europe and the U.S.A. in an attempt to "re-evangelize the West" -- and reintroducing fears of witchcraft.

Igwe seems unaware that fear of witchcraft, here in the West, isn't being promulgated just by African immigrants but also by plenty of middle-class and well-to-do white people, especially in the Bible Belt, as part of the teachings of various leaders of the "New Apostolic Reformation."

Here are Leo Igwe's recent posts: Four years ago, here on Talk To Action, I documented American connections to African witchhunts here and here, including "spiritual warfare" against "witches" here in the U.S.A. by now-disgraced evangelical leade