Terry Jones' Koran burning hits snag - flood!
ArchaeoBob printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Aug 28, 2013 at 12:50:31 PM EST
Poor Terry Jones.  He has to find a new location, as the original site for his Koran burning is flooded and isn't expected to be usable in time for his plans to deliberately offend Muslims.
It's funny how things turn out.  We've had the wettest summer I can remember - yesterday was the first time I can remember in months that it didn't rain, and I think we had only one other rain-free day in the summer - and there has been far more rain than usual (usually several downpours in a day).  These rains led to the property where the Koran-burning was to take place being badly flooded.  The floods have caused problems for ordinary people, but this time a known dominionist leader was also affected.

With all of the claims that "God is on our side!", I wonder how they're going to respond to this?  Maybe the dominionists should take a hint... and cool their hatred for the Other.

I think we should also pay attention to whoever steps up to provide space for Jones and his expression of hate, and I will try to be alert to expressions of support or dismay over what befell his plans.  Maybe some of the more stealthy dominionists in the region will expose themselves over this latest twist in the Jones debacle.

http://www.theledger.com/article/20130827/NEWS/130829333?tc=cr&am p;tc=ar

He's now stating that he will do the burning in a county park.  It's putting pressure on Polk County, and I'm watching to see how they handle it.

I know the politicians and bureaucrats don't want this county to get a bad rep (yeah, it's a bit late - like many decades, but there are a lot of naive people 'out there'), but at the same time there are so many dominionists of Jone's stripe around here, the politicians may also be under pressure to support him (that is if they already aren't a rabidly "Mooslim" hating dominionist already).  It will be interesting to see if he gets a permit or not... and how this will be handled.  Of course, they might give him a permit and then if some sort of terrorism (real or faked) happens, use it to blame Muslims (and this could be the plan).

I rather wish he'd stayed in Gainesville, although there was a rumor that he was looking at our immediate area when he was talking about moving, and I'm glad he's not around here.  Better yet, I wish he'd grow a brain stem and stop trying to stir up trouble - try to be a peacemaker rather than push towards war.

Some more links:

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