Board defies citizens, ousts Starkville, MS CAO
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Thu Jul 25, 2013 at 08:22:22 AM EST
Being home to Mississippi State University, Starkville is struggling to position itself as a 'progressive' city in order to attract industry and young professionals. However, the 'old guard' still clings to the past and recently elected a city council that seems at odds with most of the younger and more liberal, or progressive, citizens.
This has been demonstrated recently in the firing of Chief Administrative Officer Lynn Spruill, who by all accounts was a very capable and dedicated public servant.
No reason was given for her firing, other than one given by alderman Ben Carver: (from the Starkville Dispatch) -- 'Aldermen neither went behind closed doors to discuss the personnel move, nor gave a public reason beyond Carver's admission that he "prayed about it" and "made his mind up years ago."

"This is what the Lord wants me to do," he said in the meeting. "We have the right under state law to craft and create ... the team we want to work with for the next four years. I hope as a community, we can move past this. You'll see great things in the next four years. The sky isn't falling."

Most comments from the public deride the excuse that 'the Lord wanted him to do it', with one editorial comparing Mr. Carver to Moses and the Burning Bush. Most people feel the board did not agree with Ms. Spruill's 'personal life'.

Starkville is struggling hard to get out from under the thumb of the 'hard religious right' that so dominates the Mississippi GOP. This unwarranted firing appears to be a step backwards.

They'd better be careful, because if they don't get away from the "old guard" and the way they appear to be going, they might experience what Polk County Florida is going through.  That sounds just like it came from one of the local papers, regarding local politicians!  The same religiosity, the same firing for unmentioned reasons... I'm having deja vu.  It sounds that familiar.

The police in Lakeland, Florida have been caught dirty... over 30 cases thrown out (so far) because they can't be trusted, and over 10% of the top brass fired or quit because of a sexual scandal and improper behavior (surprise surprise!).  Last night we learned that a judge in Bartow was caught having sex with a bailiff by an employee, so they fired the employee (after sexual harassment by the bailiff).  Unless they can quash and scare people into not finally standing up, I expect it will continue.  People are finally getting the truth regarding what goes on in their local town/county.  As most poor and minority people can say... they're finally seeing what we see all the time.

This is the same county (and city) that had multiple separation of church and state lawsuits going at the same time.  The same one where they had official prayers at the opening of meetings and if someone didn't participate, they'd be singled out (Lakeland Ledger article or editorial specifically mentioned that happening, but I'm unable to find a link to it at this time).

This county is FINALLY going through a meltdown and the truth is starting to get out - and I blame the need for a meltdown on the "Good Christians" who are so rabidly hypocritical and sexually repressive, and who don't practice what they preach (they've been struggling to whitewash the whole thing... the mayor of our town is a dominionist and it's obvious he's more concerned about appearance than reality).

I just hope the meltdown keeps going (this county needs cleaning up that bad), and if that place doesn't get it's act together, it might need a cleanup too.

by ArchaeoBob on Thu Jul 25, 2013 at 02:07:35 PM EST

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