Terry Jones at it again
ArchaeoBob printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Jul 18, 2013 at 01:19:32 PM EST
Terry Jones, the jackass preacher who has moved to this county, is now planning another Koran-burning.
His plans are to burn 3000 Korans on the property of a Bill McKinney (a name to check on) on September 11.

I suspect his core motivation is to get more people killed... trying to spark more violence in the mideast and maybe even start WWIII between the Islamic world and America (thus "hastening Jesus' return").  Plus controversy like this serves the interests of his religion (which I consider a perversion of what Jesus taught) by stirring people up to give more "for the fight against those heathen Moslems!" (or some similar wording) and to increase the persecution complex of the dominionists.  (They don't seem to see that they experience a reaction... that they bring the things they experience down on themselves by forcing their religion on others - and legal action is rarely retaliation, especially when there are laws against SLAPP lawsuits.)

The guy is an embarrassment for the decent people in this county... which IMO are few and far between.  It's not surprising that he moved here however... I may have known him back when I was a dominionist living here (30 years ago) and this county IS a hotbed of dominionist activity.  In this county, if you drive anywhere you're going to see signs promoting their ideology such as "America