Pat Robertson Calls for Egyptian-Style Revolution against Obama
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Fri Jul 12, 2013 at 01:44:28 PM EST
The seditious rumblings are getting louder on the Christian Right.  Over the past year or so, we have heard important conservative evangelical and Catholic leaders describe the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare) generally, and its provisions for contraception coverage in particular, as "tyrannical."  These claims have sometimes been accompanied by warnings that civil war is possible. We have heard the same things regarding marriage equality.

One does not have to believe that a revolution could be seriously mounted (or that if it was, that it could succeed) to recognize that those talking about these things are serious, and that there are people who are influenced by these leaders.

Indeed, in recent weeks, we have seen prominent GOP political operative David Lane call for religious war, and author Peter Leithart call for Christian martyrs at the blog of the prominent neo-conservative journal, First Things.

Now comes Pat Robertson, adding to the rumbling. In a broadcast of his 700 Club program on the Christian Broadcasting Network on July 10, for an Egyptian-style popular uprising and military coup in response to the Affordable Care Act.  

"You know they revolted in Egypt against the oppressive actions of the Muslim Brotherhood, and this example of state socialism is something that Americans should rise up against,"

It could be argued that Pat Robertson has for years been a self parody and that things he says should not be taken seriously.  It is certainly true that the 83 year old broadcaster is no longer the national figure who ran in the GOP primaries for president and founded the once-powerful Christian Coalition. But of course, he is in fact the man who did those things and he remains an elder statesman of the Christian Right. There are many who do still take him seriously, and that he has joined in the call for revolution is a not insignificant development.  

Earlier today I read an article on Mother Jones indicating that conservatives are hyping fears of race riots should George Zimmerman be acquitted: Race Riots Apparently the Broward County police are taking the threat at least somewhat seriously.

Another article posted more recently continues the theme with quotes from Everett Wilkinson of the National Liberty Federation which include the claim that the New Black Panther Party is prepared to bus thousands to Sanford, FL: NBP conspiracy

I find it very disturbing that civil authorities seem to give weight to such conspiracy theories while ignoring threats like those coming from Lane, Leithart, and Robinson.

by MLouise on Fri Jul 12, 2013 at 03:31:35 PM EST
are taking the threat seriously... people are calling for calm no matter what the verdict.

The one thing that has happened because of the Zimmerman trial (I'd call it the Martin trial because it seems to me that he is the one being tried) is even further polarization and I get the feeling that the media are putting people against each other.  A content/discourse analysis of the language used in the reporting of the trial would be revealing - I've caught the use of loaded language from the press many times, and every time it was to make Trayvon Martin look bad - even implying that African-Americans are more likely to riot and be violent.

As far as ignoring Lane, Leithart, and Robinson, I suspect it's either "But they're a CHURCH, they can't be that bad" or some other form of dismissal of them as a real, dire threat... or the "powers that be" expect to gain some sort of benefit out of conflict.

In any case, at least with the Zimmerman trial, some group is going to be unhappy at the outcome.

by ArchaeoBob on Sat Jul 13, 2013 at 12:45:42 AM EST

I was struck by your comment that because they are 'church' people 'how bad could they be' and agree totally that the media and much of the public is hornswoggled by them. Or, in the case of the media, cowed by them. They do shoot people, don't they... It is essential that we, the mainstream, liberal, to progressive people of faith start making a stink. We've been far too passive speaking to only one another about the truth. We have to demand editorial board meetings and require fair coverage of our support for progressive issues. It is NOT antithetical to our faith, it is the essence of justice to call out the wolves in sheep's clothing, to point out the whited sepulchers, to denounce the Pharisees. To paraphrase a friend's nifty slogan: Don't blog! Organize! We cannot keep talking to ourselves and expect anyone will change. And if we have to get pushy, so what? Christians must remember that moneychangers in the temple thing...

by Churchlady on Sun Jul 14, 2013 at 08:38:27 PM EST
is not so nifty. At least not to me.  

While it is true that there are people whose activism is limited to signing online petitions of dubious value; and that there are people who spend far too much time online, it is also true that for many people, online activism is their main way to connect to the outside world and would not otherwise be able to participate.  

Blogging is or at least can be, part of organizing.

It is simply wrong to make such a stark differentiation.  People who do not recognize how to incorporate such a vital communications tool into organizing are probably ineffective organizers.  The internet is such a powerful tool. It needs to be used wisely, like anything else.  But it also needs to be wisely used.  

by Frederick Clarkson on Mon Jul 15, 2013 at 12:30:28 PM EST

and it can be too dangerous to do things away from the internet.  After the retaliation we've gone through, I rarely write letters to the editor or do much locally any more.

You have to identify yourself by your given name in many instances at the local level (such as the letters to the editor), and that makes it too easy to trace back.  At least with many blogs, you can use a pseudonym and that gives at least a little protection.

Yeah, it's possible, even probable that someone could identify me if they tried, but with that little bit of doubt... maybe it would keep someone from shooting up our house (as happened to a Wiccan person we know) or worse.

Plus sometimes other activities are not possible because of various other reasons... such as health.

by ArchaeoBob on Mon Jul 15, 2013 at 04:35:59 PM EST

has their strengths, weaknesses, advantages and limitations, Bob.  That is what good organizers recognize, whatever their oeuvre may be.  That is one of the reasons why I resist one-size-fits all slogans, such as the one above. They actually make no sense.

by Frederick Clarkson on Mon Jul 15, 2013 at 05:26:48 PM EST

And for someone like me, who lives in the absolute boonies, has no TV, and only goes to town once a week or so, the internet is a lifeline! I research, read, post on blogs, write my congresscritters, sign petitions, etc. If it were not for the net, I wouldn't have a lot of avenues open for activism, such as it is.

by phatkhat on Tue Jul 16, 2013 at 12:20:28 AM EST

These people secretly want to have the same power they see in Islamic countries and of course Israel. They want it here and with the help of their friends the Plutocrats they could still get that power.

by Nightgaunt on Sun Jul 28, 2013 at 04:30:23 PM EST

I think there is no need for something like this. I strongly feel that we are should stop over reacting on such small issues and learn to instead stay cool and not lose it as stop being vulnerable so as to manipulate us.   

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by dona on Wed Mar 02, 2016 at 02:41:34 AM EST

Robertson's call for revolution is just the latest in a long line of incendiary rhetoric from the right wing. In recent months, we've seen calls for Obama's impeachment,  CBD-Infused Honey calls for him to be tried for treason, and even calls for his assassination. While it's unlikely that Robertson's call for revolution will be taken seriously by anyone, it's yet another example of the extreme and violent rhetoric that has become commonplace on the right wing.

by isabelladom on Sat Dec 10, 2022 at 12:31:34 AM EST

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