Dutch Sheets calls for Christians to govern through prayer
Christian Dem in NC printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sun Jun 30, 2013 at 04:07:55 PM EST

Dutch Sheets recently penned a column for Charisma magazine that calls for his followers to use their God-given authority to rule their countries through prayer.

The question of who's in control is a governmental issue. We often think of government only in its civil sense, but Webster's defines govern as "to direct and control; to regulate by authority; to influence; to direct; to restrain; to steer or to regulate the course of; to exercise authority to maintain the superiority." To exercise authority is to govern.

Praying with authority, therefore, is "governmental intercession." So, in essence, this is an issue of government—not politics, but prayer! Politicians and government officials legislate through man-made laws and rulings. We legislate through spiritual laws, principles and activities. We legislate through prayer!

One of Scripture's primary themes is governmental authority. You were actually created with a nature to rule, to govern, to exercise authority. Using Webster's definition of governing, you were created "to direct and control; to maintain the superiority," not to be lorded over by other people, evil forces or even unfortunate circumstances. You're an overcomer, a conqueror.

Sheets is speaking in a code that his followers will readily understand.  Remember, the NAR believes they are the civil authority.  Their ultimate goal is to take over the world and sweep out all who dare to resist them so they can bring Jesus back.  Seen in this light, it's especially unnerving when Sheets says his followers need to really ramp up their prayers to defeat the "Hamans" in our society.  Haman, for those who don't know, was the guy who cooked up a scheme to kill all of the Jews living in Persia--only to be hanged himself when the plot was discovered.



I believe, however, that God has a response to America's Hamans, just as He did the Jews' destroyer. An apostolic, praying church is arising, one that will soon be offered the momentum of a third great awakening. Born for such a time as this, these kingdom warriors will be used to turn a nation back to its righteous roots and heavenly purpose.

As surprising as it may sound, another part of this "army" will be found in government roles. We must take back this part of our culture, for a righteous government alongside a kingdom-minded and spirit-empowered church is the vehicle through which God's righteous authority enters the earth: "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn" (Prov. 29:2, KJV).

Church, it's time to arise in God's governmental authority—to direct, control, regulate, influence, restrain, steer and regulate the future course of this great nation—to maintain the status of superiority that God has given to us.

That passage sent a chill down my spine, and should send a chill down the spine of any reality-based person.  Sheets doesn't need to say what the fate of these "Hamans" in the government will be--death.

Sheets' reference to Haman made me think back to a message from Rick Joyner from a few months back.  A few weeks after the election, Joyner hosted a post-election webinar in which he suggested that they could somehow get Obama to "submit" to the authority of an NAR apostle, and thus get him to help them take over the world.


Now how does this relate?  Well, in Esther 7, when Queen Esther--herself a Jew--told her husband, King Ahasuerus, what Haman was planning, Ahasureus ordered Haman killed on the spot--on the very same gallows he intended for Mordecai and the other Jewish leaders.  I have to wonder if Sheets thinks that if Obama somehow turns into an NAR follower, he will get a "revelation" of what the "Hamans" in the government are doing and order them to suffer the same fate as Haman did.  

Even if I'm several degrees off on this, this article is one of the scariest things I've seen yet.  If there was any doubt that the NAR is the closest thing to out-and-out fascism that has ever been seen in this country, this article erases it.
