Pat Robertson has a sad over PFAW calling him out
Christian Dem in NC printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed May 29, 2013 at 09:31:54 AM EST
cross-posted at dKos

Pat Robertson apparently knows that People for the American Way's Right Wing Watch project has frequently made him a target.  And he doesn't like it.  

Yesterday, Robertson led off the "Bring it On" segment of "The 700 Club" with a rant against an unnamed group that makes a habit of calling out wingnuts.  Robertson then threw down the gauntlet as only he can--he threatened "a full-scale exposé" of the group.  Watch here.

It's pretty obvious Robertson was referring to PFAW--he specifically referred to PFAW posting a clip from two weeks ago of him telling a woman concerned about her cheating husband to "give him honor instead of trying to worry about it."  Watch PFAW's clip here, then watch the full segment here.  Does anyone think PFAW yanked Robertson's words out of context?  I didn't think so.

What's the matter, Pat?  Can't handle sunshine?