American Family Association launching drive to influence 2014 elections
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Wed Feb 27, 2013 at 05:59:08 PM EST

CBN's David Brody has learned that the American Family Association is greasing the wheels for an effort to influence the 2014 elections.  The American Renewal Project, an AFA-affiliated group that helped push Prop 8 in California, is focusing on 12 states in hopes of getting fundie voters to the polls.

It’s their latest attempt to restore America to its Judeo-Christian heritage.

Their goal is to engage pastors around issues so they will get their congregations to participate in the political process and flock to voting booths. Right now, tens of millions of evangelical Christians simply don’t vote. The states that will be targeted in 2014 are Colorado, Iowa, Louisiana, Montana, South Carolina, Alaska, Arkansas, North Carolina, Nevada, South Dakota, Virginia, and West Virginia.

You may not have heard of the American Renewal Project, but its fingerprints have been all over a lot of recent issues.  In addition to Prop 8, the group also played a key role in ousting three Iowa Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act.

Brody spoke with the American Renewal Project's leader, David Lane.  He prefers to stay under the radar, but made no bones about his goals for 2014.

“If the key to maintaining sustainable freedom is righteousness -- the same virtue that produced freedom -- what is the greatest threat to freedom? Unrighteousness. America has left God.” Lane believes it’s time to remove politicians from office who have led America down this immoral and unsustainable broken path

But Lane is quick to point out that these pastor policy briefings are not so much about ousting certain politicians from office. Rather, they are meant as a way for pastors to unite over crucial issues facing society and the church at large.

This kind of talk is music to the ears of Newt Gingrich, who told Brody that Lane's efforts will help pastors understand that nothing less than "the very nature of America" is at stake.

How early is it starting?  Lane is already planning a "Pastors and Pews" event in late May in Des Moines.  Among the confirmed speakers:  Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal, Rand Paul, Steve King, Sam Brownback, J. C. Watts, Rick Perry and David Barton.

Brody offers a pretty ominous tidbit at the end--apparently the religious right won't just have those godless libruls in its crosshairs in 2014.

There’s no doubt that the American Renewal Project has proved successful in the past. They have fought back against forces that are trying to move this country away from its original Judeo-Christian framework.

As they continue that battle into 2014, there will now be an additional battle to fight. This one won’t be against liberals; rather it will be against Republicans who, in their view seem more concerned about preserving a political party instead of sustaining a moral and righteous nation.

Translation--compromise and actually wanting to be constructive will get you primaried.

They're targeting ARKANSAS? I must say, I'm a little confused. We have a Democratic Governor - but he's a Baptist, and pretty conservative. Senator Pryor is a DINO, and appeared in Bill Maher's film Religulous defending YEC. (Maher made mincemeat of him, of course.) Arkansas is solidly red, and has been totally pre-empted by teaparty extremists. We have just been saddled with one of the nation's most restrictive abortion laws - which the good governor vetoed, and the legislature immediatele overrode. (Beebe only vetoed because he understood its unconstitutionality and the cost of coming litigation, not because he personally isn't against abortion - he is.) As far as I know, the state law requiring candidates for office to be Christian still is on the books, though legally unenforceable. Half the state is dry. (Our county voted to go wet, but we probably will never see a liquor store - just beer and wine at Walmart and a couple of C-stores. Such is the power of the Bapti-costals here.)

by phatkhat on Sat Mar 02, 2013 at 02:46:32 AM EST