Obama's America in 2016 by Dinesh D'Souza
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Sun Feb 17, 2013 at 06:07:20 PM EST
Dinesh D'Souza  put together the documentary 2016, which is about President Obama's vision for America.  D'Souza, president of King's College in New York City, has a history of bashing the current President.  Dinesh's conclusions provide a belief system for Religious Right operatives.  This work reminds me of the movie, The Clinton Chronicles, which made its way around the nation.  Southern Baptist's Richard Land was honoring an East Texan at the time who was encouraging churches to show this video for Sunday Night church services.
Critics of this drama fall into two camps.  To those who despise Obama this resource grants fodder to their simmering fire.  To most journalists and historians the conclusions drawn by D'Souza are not backed up by the evidence.  Its creative conclusions are much like what the ADL said about David Barton.  Arrived at viewpoints are decided before the evidence is viewed and points that back up the suspicions are used as endnotes.

Dinesh believes that the 1963 Kenya uprising is the root of the President's political views.  After all, we are "shaped by the past."  D'Souza immigrated from his native India to attend Dartmouth University.  He found his student body at the University biased and un- American .  He has little respect for his mother nation and says it is an example of what America can become by this wrong ideology.  He joined forces with the Reagan Whitehouse and greatly admired Reagan who ran against collectivism according to Dinesh.

The movie claims Obama wants to help the wrong countries.  For instance, he refuses to allow off shore drilling for America but gives aide to countries so they can do this.  Since Obama suffers from a complex seeking to please his absentee father, this explains his motives.  The President will not help his brother because his brother is actually smarter and admires colonial politics unlike Obama.  Obama embraces collectivism for third world countries.  This attitude will bring down the nation economically.

D'Souza believes Obama benefited from racism to get elected.  Because of guilt by white Americans we elected the first Black President who tricked us into thinking he was not a radical.  This eased our conscious but will impact our nation in the wrong way.  

D'Souza believes Obama wisely hid his radical founding fathers connection.  His connection to Communists, terrorists and other radicals can be seen in the President's proposal of a Healthcare Bill.  The President is actually in sympathy with Muslim freedom fighters.  The fact that Bin Laden was taken out by the President doesn't register to this author.  He also believes Obama will not stop Iran from having nuclear armament.  He will harm our military and also raise taxes to further anti-colonial sentiments.

The movie states that Obama wants to move us into socialism.  He doesn't want our economy to grow or the influence of our country expand.  Obama is no friend to Israel and his connection to anti-Semites in his past proves why he is not supportive of the Jewish state.  

Dinesh D'souza made a critical  miscalculation recently that brought down his influence among the Christian community.  He showed up at a Christian rally beside his mistress.  World Magazine editor Marvin Olasky was among many who published articles about this apparent hypocrisy.   King's College booted him out because of his womanizing.  As to whether his history will catch up to his own credibility as a historian remains to be seen.  He is one foreign born citizen that has caused quite a mess in the nation.

I found it strange than a recent immigrant would fan the flames of xenophobia bringing up foreign ancestors of government leaders.

by wilkyjr on Mon Feb 18, 2013 at 09:48:53 AM EST
In the world of the right, hypocrisy isn't just a virtue, it is the only virtue. No one in D'Souza's cozy world will remind him that he himself is an immigrant. The whole MO of D'Souza's movie is marinated in racism.

by khughes1963 on Mon Feb 18, 2013 at 05:21:54 PM EST

He took an Ivy League degree at a time when he was likely to have to pay full price up front. That suggests that he came from a very wealthy family in India. He lives in NYC, and has the Ivy degree and wealth that allows him to avoid most of the indignities of Living While Brown. Does he even hail his own cabs? He has never held a job not related to his politics/ punditry. His college newspaper was funded by conservative outside donors, and he developed connections and media buzz at Dartmouth, enough so that he was hired straight out of college.

I would bet that he believes that he has nothing in common with ordinary immigrants, including educated immigrants.

by NancyP on Mon Feb 18, 2013 at 04:02:16 PM EST

D'Souza benefited by coming to the United States after the 1965 immigration law changes enabled increased immigration from Asian nations. His father was a P&G executive in India.

by khughes1963 on Mon Feb 18, 2013 at 05:20:06 PM EST
If his father were in the top two or three P and G executives in India, he may have benefited from the Congressional practice of bills tailored to a single immigrant, which always pass as a courtesy to the sponsoring Congressman. P and G is a big company that has substantial power in its (and my) home town, and if P and G management wanted the Congressman to do a favor, well, it's as good as done.

by NancyP on Tue Feb 19, 2013 at 12:52:34 PM EST
D'Souza came to the U.S. in the late 1970s to attend Dartmouth, where he and Laura Ingraham were on the notorious "Dartmouth Review." At one time, he and Ingraham were dating, although they later went their separate ways.

by khughes1963 on Wed Feb 20, 2013 at 06:50:11 PM EST

I have found non in the Christian community that know about the firing of the man.  Many of them have seen the movie and find it credible.

by wilkyjr on Mon Feb 18, 2013 at 04:30:30 PM EST
Conservative Protestant evangelical / neo-Pentecostal media has a counterpart of every type of "mainstream" media - truly parallel, in the sense that conservative Protestant Christians can be oblivious of MSM, and MSM watchers are oblivious to conservative Protestant Christian media.

A few days ago, I heard a radio preacher cite George Rekers as an authority on the "Traditional Family (No Gays and "Trannies" Allowed)" Tm. I may have been the only listener to bust a gut over the reference to "Rent-Boy" Rekers. It has been about a year or a bit more since he was caught on vacation with a rent-boy, and I am sure that the preachers consider it perfectly safe to refer to Rekers as an authority, simply because the listeners don't have a clue. I imagine that the minister must have heard, as part of trade gossip.

by NancyP on Tue Feb 19, 2013 at 04:42:13 PM EST

Acedemic and journalistic circles sluff of Barton as a fallen legend who has lost credibility.  I was recently in his presence and the ministers there knew nothing of his publisher pulling the plug on his latest. I am sure some consider me a gossip by sharing the story on Dinesh.....but if he, like many others I have read.....takes to publishing his slanted and even fabricated stories....he deserves it.

by wilkyjr on Wed Feb 20, 2013 at 09:16:38 AM EST
They've dismissed Barton from the beginning, and don't believe that anyone listens to him (although I keep trying to tell them that they aren't getting the real picture).  I've been trying to get my colleagues to become more politically active (in the public sphere)... but the only things that make the news are the "Juicy" ones... like Dozier School for Boys (which is a far worse situation than usually portrayed) or when someone like Scott opens his mouth too wide and you hear about derogatory comments (such as regarding my discipline).  I'm aware of other really bad situations in this state, which the "Good Christians" don't usually even hear about - and when they do, their preachers write it off as "liberal media bias" instead of "the 'Corrective' School you've been supporting is run by child abusers and pedophiles".

Nothing that makes the "Good Christian" churches (bigots) look bad has hit the news (at least the newspaper here... I don't watch TV) unless it becomes so big that they're forced to report on it.  Ditto for people like Barton and D'Souza (and the things that have been connected to them aren't big enough).  The reporting is so bad (they have to tell you what to think and the important details are hidden in the fine print) that, for instance, a law was passed last year in Florida requiring any person from out of the US to have an international driver's permit.  We didn't learn about it until Canada had fussed so much that it couldn't be kept hidden.

I'm sure the reason why we didn't hear about that law, is that it makes the Republicans (actually Tea Party) look xenophobic and bigoted (which they are) - although the "Good Christian" media may have mentioned it, because it does play to their base.

by ArchaeoBob on Wed Feb 20, 2013 at 11:03:45 AM EST

NYT had an article on Dozier School where they were learning where various boys were buried on the grounds. There were not a few families who had sons who never returned from there.

by khughes1963 on Wed Feb 20, 2013 at 06:52:01 PM EST
had a couple of minutes free.

I think I'm going to read the NYT article now.  I don't know if they mentioned that only the black cemetery was found, but the "Whites Only" cemetery is still missing - and my colleagues (some are friends too) have already found several more graves than the total number of recorded deaths for that place.  There are also rumors of a third and maybe even a fourth graveyard.

The interesting thing is that I asked if there seemed to be any fundamentalist (dominionist) connections with that school... if any of the more fundamentalist churches have been mentioned as being active.  So far, no evidence!

by ArchaeoBob on Sat Feb 23, 2013 at 10:56:08 AM EST

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