Samuel Rodriguez hopes America for Jesus will affect outcome of election
Christian Dem in NC printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Fri Sep 28, 2012 at 04:43:47 PM EST
Samuel Rodriguez recently sat down with Charisma magazine to discuss this weekend's America for Jesus 2012 event in Philadelphia.  For those who don't know, it's being spearheaded by Anne Gimenez, the widow of the guy who was behind the infamous "Washington For Jesus" rally in 1980, John Gimenez.  Rodriguez has very close ties to the New Apostolic Reformation--in fact, he is a former board member of the Oak Initiative, an NAR-tilted think tank run by so-called prophet Rick Joyner (based just south of me in Fort Mill, South Carolina--gag).  America for Jesus' leadership team is chock full of NAR bigshots--including Cindy Jacobs, Lou Engle, Ron Luce, Harry Jackson and Jim Garlow.

Rodriguez makes no bones about what he wants to see this rally accomplish--to alter the outcome of the presidential election.

I believe that God has a purpose for this rally. I believe it will serve as an ignition point for the church to really light up. There's an election coming up in November. There are decisions that a Christian has to make. I hope this rally will engage the Spirit of God in each and every Christian to go beyond political ideology and to start holding Biblical worldview and go biblical about it. And I hope the church understands that the only thing that can save America in the end is not the donkey or the elephant but the agenda of the land. But we need to act according to that agenda in the n