Jews Control Economy, Claims Washington Post Op-Ed Author Who Bashes Islam Too
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Sep 24, 2012 at 01:27:46 PM EST
On Wednesday, September 19, 2012, the Washington Post published an op-ed from an Islam-bashing Christian pastor, John Hagee - founder of Christians United For Israel - who has repeatedly written in bestselling books, and broadcast around the world on evangelical networks (see Hagee statement 10:22 in this video), a claim also promoted by Adolf Hitler - that European Jewish bankers are manipulating the economy, to the detriment of common folk.
Hagee's claim, that European Jews are manipulating the financial system, was also central to an anti-Jewish movie produced under the supervision of Hitler's chief propagandist Joseph Goebbels, "The Eternal Jew" (link to video) - commonly judged to be the most effective work of anti-Semitic propaganda ever filmed.

"The Eternal Jew" (link to wikipedia entry) depicts Jews as an invasive, amoral, corrupting societal force whose members specialize in crime, including financial manipulation of currency values. In one scene, the film shows a series of lines radiating out from central Europe, to indicate spreading global Jewish financial networks, accompanied by the narrative,

"The house of Rothschild is just one example of the use of this tactic by the Jews to spread their net of financial influence over the working man. The house of Warburg follows the same tactic as do other Jewish banking families. By the beginning of the 20th Century the Jews are sitting at all junctions of the world's money markets. They're an international power though they make up only 1% of the population of the Earth. Their capital enables them to terrorize world exchanges, world opinion, and world politics."

Compare that to the following passage, from a 1997 book (republished in 2000, in an edition billed as having sold "1.1 million copies") by Texas megachurch pastor John Hagee, founder and head of Christians United For Israel:

"Congress does not control America's economic destiny. Our economic destiny is controlled by the Federal reserve system... [...]  The Federal Reserve has never been audited, and yet it totally controls the value of money in this country... While most of the stockholders are members of the so-called Eastern Establishment, allegedly the four largest stockholders are not even Americans but members of the Rothschild family of Europe." -- John Hagee, Day of Deception  (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1997) p. 51.

The Anti Defamation League describes Hagee's Federal Reserve/Rothschild conspiracy theory as a "Classic Anti-Semitic Myth", and while the financial might of the Rothschild banking dynasty was once vast, orthodox accounts of Rothschild financial fortunes report that the clan's financial holdings have dwindled, over the last century, to a small fraction of its former wealth.

Nonetheless, the style of anti-Semitic financial conspiracy theory promoted by Hagee has come to permeate the Internet, with writing from  authors who attribute a satanic origin to the alleged Jewish financial plot now claiming 3 out of the 10 top hits in a Google search for the word "Rothschild".  

In a 2003 sermon (link to video excerpt from sermon) broadcast around the world on evangelical networks, pastor Hagee explicitly identified the alleged Jewish world financial plot as part of an even more sinister project - the establishment of a governmental "New World Order" ruled by the antichrist:

Out of European history then comes a group of people who are, who call themselves the Illuminati. They were a group of Satanists. The word Illuminati comes from the word illuminate which means to enlighten. The Bible says Satan is an angel of light. Satan is an angel of light. The Illuminati were a super secret organization of international financial power brokers in Europe, who had as their goal a worldwide economic power, and they would rule the world through economic wealth.


Now here are the four things that have to happen before the New World Order can come to power. One, there must be the destruction of the economic system, the monetary system.

It may be shocking to you but I believe that America's economic problems are not created by market conditions, they are planned and orchestrated to devalue and to destroy the value of the dollar. It was done by an unseen government that I'll discuss later in this message.


Our economic destiny is controlled by the Federal Reserve system that is now headed by Alan Greenspan.  Think about this.  It is not a government institution.  It is controlled by a group of Class A stockholders including the Rothschilds of Europe and the David Rockefellers of America...

So get this one thought : The value of your dollar is controlled by an organization that is not controlled by America." - John Hagee, "The Final Warning, The Coming Crash and The New World Order" sermon given on March 23, 2003

By 2008, the evangelical networks John Hagee's sermons were broadcast over were advertised as being able to reach 100 million  households worldwide.

While John Hagee has an extensive record of vilifying Jews which includes a 2003 claim that the coming antichrist will be homosexual and "at least partly Jewish, as was Adolf Hitler" as well as his better known claim, made in late 2005, that Hitler was sent by God to drive Europe's Jews towards Palestine (a claim that caused 2008 presidential candidate John McCain to drop Hagee's political endorsement), Hagee also has a long track record of vilifying Muslims and Islam.

In his 2006 book Jerusalem Countdown, devoted to the premise of an inevitable and imminent military confrontation between America, Israel and the West, and militant Islam, Hagee declared on page one, in a chapter titled World War Three Has Begun,  

"The new revelations shared in this chapter and the next make it clear; America is now engaged in a bloody battle with religious fanatics on a mission from their God to kill Christians and Jews. America is stumbling in the fog of political correctness, lacking the intellectual honesty to admit that radical Islam has every intention of conquering Western civilization."

But in the very same book, Hagee appears to blame the Holocaust on Jews themselves, writing,

"How utterly repulsive, insulting and heartbreaking to God for His chosen people to credit idols with bringing his blessings He had showered upon the chosen people. Their own rebellion had birthed the see of anti-Semitism that would arise and bring destruction to them for centuries to come." (Jerusalem Countdown, page 93, published by Frontline, a Strang Company, 2006,2007 - note: there are several editions of this book, with different pagination)

One of the frequent top billed speakers at John Hagee's Christians United For Israel conferences has been Walid Shoebat, a self-professed 'former Islamic terrorist' who tours the United States speaking against Islam but whose claims to have been an Islamic militant have been debunked by CBS's Anderson Cooper.

In contrast to pastor Hagee's claim that the antichrist will be a gay Jew, Walid Shoebat has claimed Islam will be "the antichrist". In a 2007 extended interview with John Hagee, Shoebat also stated that "over 73% of the Arab world support Jihad ideology".

Another popular speaker at Hagee's Christians United For Israel conferences has been Lebanese-American Brigitte Gabriel, a former employee of Pat Robertson's Middle East broadcasting network, who stated, at CUFI's 2006 yearly Washington D.C. conference,

"The difference, my friends, between Israel and the Arabic world is quite simply the difference between civilization and barbarism. It's the difference between good and evil and this is what we're witnessing in the Arab and Islamic world. I am angry. They have no soul! They are dead set on killing and destruction."

A 2011 Southern Poverty Law Center intelligence report identifies Gabriel as one of an "Inner Circle" of anti-Muslim agitators in the United States. Another in that "inner circle" is Atlas Shrugs blog author Pamela Geller, co-founder, together with yet another "inner circle" member Robert Spencer (author of the blog Jihad Watch), of the groups SION and SIOA ("Stop Islamization of Nations" and "Stop Islamization of America").

Geller and Spencer have played central roles in organizing protests against a planned mosque in lower Manhattan (the so-called "ground zero mosque"), and in early 2012 Geller's blog solicited funds for a planned anti-Mohammad film that sounded eerily similar to a video which, released in early September 2012, has helped provoke riots throughout the Islamic world.  

In July 2011, following a massacre of 77 students at a Norwegian Labor Party youth camp by confessed mass-killer Anders Behring Breivik, Slate writer William Saletan observed,

In a manifesto posted online, the admitted killer, Anders Behring Breivik, praised Geller. He cited her blog, Atlas Shrugs, and the writings of her friends, allies, and collaborators--Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch, Islam Watch, and Front Page magazine--more than 250 times. And he echoed their tactics, tarring peaceful Muslims with the crimes of violent Muslims. He wrote that all Muslims sought to impose "sharia laws" and that "there are no important theological differences between jihadists and so-called 'peaceful' or 'moderate' Muslims." He reprinted, as part of the manifesto, a 2006 essay by "Fjordman"--a blogger whose work appears frequently on Geller's site--which argued that "radical Muslims and moderate Muslims are allies" and that because Islam teaches deception, no Muslim who claims to be moderate can be trusted.

Amidst such scrutiny, Geller authored a piece, defending herself from suggestions that her writing might have helped to inspire Breivik, in which she added an overtly racialist tone by writing, below a picture of the Norwegian youth camp students that was taken shortly before Breivik's murderous assault, "Note the faces which are more MIddle [sic] Eastern or mixed than pure Norwegian."

Within her anti-Islam political circles, such racialist thinking is not unique to Pamela Geller.

One of Geller's closest allies in the SION project is her longtime lawyer, American orthodox Jew David Yerushalmi, who could be found speaking on September 11, 2012, at a SION meeting organized by Geller and Spencer, at the UN Plaza Millennium Hotel in New York City.

In a February 5, 2007 post at The Intellectual Conservative, Yerushalmi gave voice to a central, defining premise of Hitler's and the Nazi's racialist ideology, that Jews are a parasitic force, especially within Western nations.

Titled "Jew Hatred?", Yerushalmi's piece was subtitled, "The Jewish problem for conservatives professes to uncover the many and varied ways Jews destroy their host nations like a fatal parasite, especially when the host is a Western nation-state."

Wrote Yerushalmi,

"The Jews it seems are the bane of Western society. I will ignore the Leftist version of the Jewish problem because liberals and their radical cousins necessarily must disguise their underlying contempt for Jews as hatred of Israel and of the nasty Zionists...

But the Jewish problem for conservatives is a different and quite interesting affair. It is most interesting because so much of what drives it is true and accurate. Now the high-brow among these men and women insist that they don't hate Jews or wish them ill so in that sense the contempt is disguised much like that from the Left. The conservative variety simply professes to uncover the many and varied ways Jews destroy their host nations like a fatal parasite, especially when the host is a Western nation-state."

Returning to the text of the Nazi film The Eternal Jew, we can see the astoundingly close narrative parallels::

"The Jews are a people without farmers or workers, a race of parasites. Wherever the body of a nation shows a wound, they anchor themselves and feed on the decaying organism. They make business out of the sickness of the nations and therefore endeavor to deepen and prolong all conditions of sickness....

Wherever rats turn up they carry destruction to the land by destroying mankind's goods and nourishment, and spreading diseases and plagues such as Cholera, Dysentery, Leprosy, and Typhoid fever. They're cunning, cowardly, and cruel and usually appear in massive hordes. They represent the elements of sneakiness and subterranean destruction among animals, just as the Jews do among mankind.

The parasite nation of Judah is responsible for a large part of international crime."

Returning to David Yerushalmi's text:

"Jews of the modern age are the most radical, aggressive and effective of the liberal Elite. Their goal is the goal of all "progressives:" a determined use of liberal principles to deconstruct the Western nation state in a "historical" march to the World State... must admit readily that the radical liberal Jew is a fact of the West and a destructive one."

Now, back to "The Eternal Jew" :

"...other Jews represented the radical line against law and order. In the guise of selfless humanitarianism they offered the German masses castles in the sky, incited them against civic order. Unrestrained personal freedom and self indulgence for the individual. Rejection of all ideals and higher values. Submission to the basest life of material pleasures. Criticism of all that is sacred, revolt against everything. Incitement of the young, class warfare, and terrorism. it's no accident that this doctrine of destruction of nations sprang from the Jewish mind of Karl Marx...

    ...Although they were a small minority, they knew how to terrorize a great, tolerant nation."

The Inquisition, European and Iberian, Catholic and Protestant, saw the Moor and the Jew as identical: desert-born Sons of Satan and enemies of Christ. This is still very close under the skin of the Christian bigot. The hatred for one can morph quickly into hatred for the other, and the language of one is interchangeable with that of the other. Under these circumstances, a Jew who sides with Islamophobes or a Muslim who sides with Jew-haters will wind up where David Yerushalmi is, denouncing their own kind. A Semite, after all, is a Semite, and an anti-Semite...

by Rey Mohammed on Mon Sep 24, 2012 at 07:48:02 PM EST

None of the commenters to the article seem to know anything about Hagee's writings/sermons/videos except for the CUNI ones. It seems impossible that so many of Hagee's followers and admirers have not seen or read about all the anti-Jewish stuff. But, even worse, how many of his Israeli supporters do know about his crass and divisive media and yet, cynically, believe that taking his money and support for their illegal land-grabs and blatant suppression of the Palestinians is worth ignoring it?

by trog69 on Tue Sep 25, 2012 at 09:38:24 PM EST

I was able to watch only a small portion of that "Eternal Jew" link without getting sick. But the adjective that entered my mind was "invideous".

"Invideous" has often been used to mean merely "unfair". But it's a special kind of premeditated, with-malice-aforethought unfairness. It comes from in, "not", and videre, "to see". It is a refusal to see any good, any mitigation in the disfavored party or group or viewpoint, and to see any flaw in the one that is favored. To that end, selective perception, confirmation bias, errors of attribution, special pleading, and self-fulfilling prophecy are all employed. Simply to be in an invideous family situation is traumatizing enough. Employed by a society with life-and-death power over human beings, it is devastating.

In this film, I saw famine, bitterness, and despair, even in the faces of children. The narrator told us to see parasitism, slyness, and greed, even in the faces of children. I saw people driven into deadly squalor, seated around empty tables, praying for deliverance. The narrators told us to see lazy, filthy, superstitious inborn natures. I saw people selling what little they had to survive, even brave children trying to help their families survive. The narrator told us to see an inherently mercantile, parasitic disposition, especially as evinced by children. The point of this? Nits make lice. Don't pity the children. Crush them out

The point of this? The same demonization is going on today, and it is directed especially at children. Depending on the group, they might be anchor babies or terror babies, but they're not us. They should not be citizens. They should not be in our schools. They should not be eating our school lunches or drinking our milk or growing up to serve in the military or drive or vote or have children themselves. In fact, this kind of propaganda implies, nits make lice and they should not be allowed to grow up at all. The children of the Warsaw Ghetto didn't, and yes, it can happen here...

by Rey Mohammed on Sat Sep 29, 2012 at 12:32:05 PM EST

Hagee could well lose  at least 75 lbs, most of it off his brain!  Then he might manage to think a little straiger.  

by rdrjames on Sun Sep 30, 2012 at 07:20:34 PM EST

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