Ann Romney to speak at Values Voter Summit
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Tue Sep 11, 2012 at 06:18:29 PM EST

cross-posted at dKos

Earlier today, People for the American Way's Right Wing Watch caught wind of just how far the Romney campaign is going to appease fundies.  On Friday, his wife Ann is due to speak at the first day of the Values Voter Summit.  Nope, this isn't snark--check out the schedule for yourself.

The Values Voter Summit is pretty much a who's who of religious right muckety-mucks.  Among those due to speak are Michele Bachmann, Gary Bauer, Glenn Beck, Michael Farris, Tony Perkins, Tim Wildmon and Mat Staver.  It's cosponsored by the American Family Association, Liberty Counsel and Family Research Counsel--three groups which, PFAW points out, are listed as hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center.  What makes it even more incomprehensible is that Paul Ryan is already scheduled to speak there.  

Two of the scheduled speakers, though, should really raise eyebrows--Jerry Boykin and Harry Jackson.  Boykin is not only one of the nation's leading Islamophobes, but is also a leading member of the New Apostolic Reformation.  Jackson is also a leading member of the NAR, and is also the leader of the effort to roll back marriage equality in DC.  Back in April, he wrote a column calling for Christians to form a "fifth column" in order to stop the supposed rollback of Christian influence in this country.

To be sure, there are an awful lot of high-profile Repubs at this shindig who ought to have some explaining to do for hobnobbing with the likes of Boykin and Jackson--Eric Cantor and Bob McDonnell, to name just a couple.  But if you're the Romney campaign, you'd think the last thing you'd want to do would be to be hobnobbing with the radical right this close to the election.  And yet, not only is Ryan attending, but Ann Romney is going to be there--which, for all intents and purposes, is the same as Mittens himself being there.

Something else to note--this comes only a day after Bryan Fischer all but demanded that Romney bow and scrape before the right.  It's pretty obvious somebody called a favor with Romney here.  One can only hope that someone can get video.

Not too surprising. Paul Ryan will be there though.

by Bruce Wilson on Wed Sep 12, 2012 at 09:48:58 AM EST
FRC also announced that Todd Akin was speaking and now it appears he's not.  It would be interesting to know if these speakers are backing out or if FRC announces them without their consent.  They always post a list of invited speakers and then mark the ones that confirm - a somewhat odd practice- but this is even more chaotic than usual.

by Rachel Tabachnick on Thu Sep 13, 2012 at 10:13:21 AM EST

Oh, this is a post a long time ago. I wonder how things going right now. It was so good to read the post which has posted about 10 years ago.