Dinesh D'Souza Watches the Box Office Bucks Roll In While Slamming Michael Moore
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Tue Sep 11, 2012 at 11:13:40 AM EST
"I'm a college president. If I were at the intellectual level of Michael Moore, this movie would be a dud." -- Dinesh D'Souza

The Scorecard:

The Book: OBAMA'S AMERICA (Regnery, $27.95) is now #5 on The New York Times Combined Print and E-Book Best Sellers (Nonfiction) and #2 on the NYT's Hardcover Nonfiction List.

The Movie: 2016: Obama's America -- #10 at the box office this past week according to boxofficemojo.com, and now #2 on the list of all-time documentary box office (still trailing Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 by over $90 million).

Raking in the bucks at the box office

There is no way around it, Dinesh D'Souza's film 2016: Obama's America is an out and out box office smash. Now playing in more than 2000 theaters, it has become the second most successful documentary film of all time.

"The product is selling because people sense there is real information here," D'Souza told the Guardian. "Not allegations, not assertions, but real information that is valuable in assessing the future of the country."

Nikki Finke, Editor-in Chief of Deadline Hollywood, recently observed that, "2016 Obama's America grossed $26.2M by end of [this past weekend] (give or take some bucks) and passed [four] of Michael Moore's five political documentaries to become the #2 all-time biggest." Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 still leads the pack by a large margin.

2016: Obama's America has now made more money than Moore's Sicko (2007 - $24.5M), Oscar-winner Bowling For Columbine (2002 - $21.5M), and Capitalism: A Love Story (2009 - $14.3M).

According to Finke, 2016 Obama's America produced by Gerald R. Molen "who in fact credits `learning some lessons' from Moore. `When he released Fahrenheit 9/11 in 2004 ahead of the election, it sparked intense debate.'"

2016 Obama's America is co-directed by D'Souza, a longtime conservative activist and currently president of the Christian liberal arts school The King's College, and John Sullivan, and produced by Academy Award winner Molen (co-producer of Schindler's List).

According to The Guardian's Rory Carroll, the film "was shot on a shoestring budget, edited in Oklahoma City and distributed independently. `They're a little unnerved because we kind of came out of nowhere. It shows that Hollywood has no monopoly on the making and distribution of good films," D'Souza said.

"He shrugged off criticism that it was funded by rich conservatives. `My answer is: well, we tried to be funded by poor conservatives, but that failed, so we had to turn to the rich ones. Big deal. Who cares?'"

The Rocky Mountain Pictures film, which was shown at the Republican National Convention, is apparently doing extremely well in the battleground states of Florida, Ohio, Colorado, Virginia, Georgia, Illinois, and Arizona, where both President Obama and the GOP's Mitt Romney are devoting much of their campaigning energy.

Former San Francisco Mayor and longtime state legislator, Willie Brown, writes "Willie's World," a weekly column for the San Francisco Chronicle. In addition to Brown's mostly astute political observations, he checks in with a few graphs covering the movies he's seen in the previous week. This week, among others, Brown took in the D'Souza's doc:

"The basic premise here is that Obama is a psychological wreck because he was raised without a father. It doesn't work on any level -- it's not a good documentary, and it's a dreary excuse for entertainment. You'd expect it to be a tough sell around here, and you'd be right. There were probably 20 people in the theater for the 7:30 show."

To Brown's surprise, according to Deadline Hollywood, 2016 is also drawing big audiences in New York and California.  

Melvyn L. Fein Ph.D. a professor of Sociology at Kennesaw State University saw the film at his local Georgia multiplex, and reported in The Marietta Daily Journal that he couldn't "remember a movie theater that was more crowded. ...  [with] almost every seat ... filled,... Then, after the film began, the mostly middle aged audience paid rapt attention. Nary a sound could be heard as this riveting testimonial to one man's vision unfolded."

Critics savage savvily marketed film

The film's "success was aided by savvy marketing: exhibitors were reporting busloads arriving at theaters around the country in pre-organized trips. It also employed much of the same selling techniques used to garner attention and support for faith-based films, understandable since the audience is overlapping. Its campaign included advertising nationally on talk radio and cable news channels including Fox News Channel, A&E, History and MSNBC," Hollywood Deadline's Finke reported.

As many have pointed out, film critics have savaged the film: The New Yorker's Richard Brody thoughtfully pointed out that while the film was "a work of propaganda that offers base innuendo in lieu of argument," there were  "parts of it that are authentically engaging and account for its slender cinematic appeal [and] likely have as much to do with the film's popularity as its anti-Obama message does."

Brody noted that, "They're also inseparable from the film's most scurrilous insinuations. It's the kind of personal production that calls into question the very virtue of sincerity: I'd think better of its master-thinker and preëminent presence, ... D'Souza ... if the movie gave cause to believe that he was merely mouthing a prepared campaign line rather than expressing his actual viewpoints. But his representation of ingenuous sincerity -- the perversion and distortion of the notion of a personal movie -- is the film's starting point and the governing concept of its structure."

D'Souza slams Michael Moore

2016: Obama's America has become an enormous box office success. D'Souza gushed to The Daily Beast's Meghan McCain that he was "surprised and thrilled" by the movie's success. "We've quickly become the leading conservative movie of all time, and [we are now] ... the second most successful political documentary of all time, just behind Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11" (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/09/04/meghan-mccain-ta lks-to-2016-obama-s-america-director-dinesh-d-souza.html).

D'Souza, feeling his oats, told McCain that being compared to Michael Moore was "almost an insult": "Michael Moore is a creative, entertaining, and ridiculous figure. I admire his entrepreneurship. I admire the fact that he knows how to pack a punch. But when you combine the sleight of hand, the manipulation of facts, the ignoring of facts, intellectually, it's a disgrace. I'm a college president. If I were at the intellectual level of Michael Moore, this movie would be a dud."

McCain asked if he thought he was "smarter than Michael Moore?" He pointed out that saying he was smarter than Moore was "like saying I'm smarter than Mike Tyson. Yes, I am saying that, but I'm saying more than that. I'm saying I made an intelligent film and he hasn't."

Whether the film does anything more politically than shore up Mitt Romney's base remains to be seen. What is probably the most predictable outcome of 2016: Obama's America, it that Dinesh D'Souza is more than likely to continue making films.

Michael Moore had gotten a jump on him and done something about Romney.  Unlike the constant stream of lies you can hear if you listen (even at gas stations and convenience stores), I am certain that Moore could easily come up with real information that would be devastating - a lot of it.

Some people even blame our President for the price of gas!

Personally, I'm sick and tired of the continuous stream of lies from the "Religious Right".  I think lying and bullying define their whole religious ideology.  I've gotten where if I learn someone is from a "Religious Right" church, I won't even speak to them... it's a waste of time.

As far as this "movie", well, one other thing that defines the Religious Right is the pursuit of riches and wealth.  I'm not going to help them one bit.

by ArchaeoBob on Tue Sep 11, 2012 at 11:45:17 AM EST

Note that they are being bussed in, like the Rent-a-Mobs of two years ago. I bet their admission is paid. And I bet if you look at the audiences closely enough, you'll start seeing the same faces over and over again.

by Rey Mohammed on Tue Sep 11, 2012 at 02:05:21 PM EST

d'Souza is running The King's College, an institution supposedly modeled on the Great Books courses and Bible college OT and NT courses, with some business or arts or politics added.

There are no natural sciences courses, merely a "philosophy of science" course, apparently attacking scientific viewpoint where it may conflict with literal Biblical interpretation. Natural Sciences curricula with proper laboratory courses are the most expensive portion of most colleges' curricula. Without science requirements, the physical plant required for the college would consist of a few classrooms and administrative offices, easily rented.

I contend that it is impossible to understand modern society without some exposure to the experimental sciences.

The mission is to create leaders for the "Seven Mountains" that Christians must take over, according to the Dominionists.

Apparently, those leaders should have a veneer of classical education in order to better "pass" in the secular world. The college is a fancy-pants pseudo-English Oxbridge-imitation version of Liberty U. or Regents U.

by NancyP on Tue Sep 11, 2012 at 05:55:07 PM EST

I believed I discussed the probable source of Mr. D'Souza's spite against the President in a prior thread. It appears that, on the Subcontinent, he would be dismissed not only as a chee chee but as a qarenta, too. How Dominion Day declassed these people! In most cases, I'd feel sorry for these people. He, however, has to be as snotty, arrogant, pro-Colonialist, and now (it seems) as Christian supremacist as if the Raj still existed and he were occupying what he imagines to be his rightful place in it (which would probably, however, have been keying a telegraph)

by Rey Mohammed on Tue Sep 11, 2012 at 11:15:58 PM EST
His first well-known exploit of his undergraduate days was to publish names of the members of the Dartmouth gay students' club - not just the president/ spokesman, but the ordinary students, not all of whom were "out" to their families. This just smacks of d'Souza being a bully for the fun of it.

by NancyP on Wed Sep 12, 2012 at 02:45:35 PM EST

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