From Huey Long to Paul Ryan
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Tue Aug 14, 2012 at 02:54:58 PM EST
Perhaps no politician dominated Southern politics as much as Huey Long the famous governor of Louisiana.  The Kingfish, as he was known, became a legend.  His life is the subject of novels and recent movies.  His noteworthy trademark was the movement known as Share the Wealth.
Huey Long captured the affection of lower and middle class citizens from the Cajun state.  His speaking ability knew few rivals.  Huey once studied for the ministry at Oklahoma Baptist University.  He often responded to critics of his Share the Wealth with Biblical references.  To those who said he was motivated by Marx, he responded he found the economic system in the Bible.  

Long promoted the idea of taxing the rich to pay for his schools and highways that would benefit the average citizen. Critics claimed the program for the state to purchase school textbooks was a form of socialism.  Long stood his ground and defended his social programs.  It is interesting to see the recent shift in Southern politics in regard to social programs like Long advocated.

Huey had an interesting supporter by the name of Gerald Smith.  Smith sought to capture Long's political machine to run for public office after Long's assassination.  Smith was a nationally known preacher in the Disciples Church. Long was rumored to run for President.  Later on Smith would run for the highest office in the land.  Smith was an early building block for the Religious Right in the nation.  The founder of the Arkansas Passion Play published the magazine named, The Cross and Flag. Smith attempted to blend far right politics with the Christian faith.  Smith had a reputation as a union buster but still tended to identify with Long's compassion for the poor in the nation.

Paul Ryan represents a radical shift in this Southern populist movement.  His distaste for government programs that aid the poor is the case in point.  Ryan will find a receptive audience in the new South which has changed views on social programs.  Government assistance to the needy is now viewed as crippling.  When I first arrived in our East Texas county the split was less than one in ten being Republican.  If the latest turn out in our area is an indicator, the ratio had stayed the same, but the party has switched.  

Last week in Tyler, Texas the largest Baptist church in the region hosted a rally for concerned pastors.  Tony Perkins and his Watchman at the Wall organization were in charge.  James Robison, the man who claims he single handedly brought Ronald Reagan to the Whitehouse was a featured speaker.  Robison, Perkins and crowd represent the radical shift in economic views.  Robison believes the regulation of the market caused the 2008 economic disaster.  Erik Stanley of the Alliance Defense Fund was present to encourage pastors not to worry about 501c3 problems.  The pastors must speak out to denounce the limits placed on the market by the current socialist leaders in the nation.  Green Acres Baptist Church hosted the meeting.   The invitation I received came from a pastor who has worked closely with the Governor Perry movement.  He warned that he saw dangerous steps taken to muzzle pulpits which might land many of the pastors in prison.

The shift from Smith/Long to Ryan is significant.  Ryan's views on Medicare and other social programs are a long way from what Huey Long practiced.  Throngs of crowds used to cheer Long as he promised to represent them and denounced big business in the state that ran the show and failed to pay their share of taxes.  The same economic groups in the South will not be as receptive as in Long's day.

Southern Baptists, who once tended to admire government social programs and public education  represent the trend.  Most Rigorous Right literature I am acquainted with now carries lengthy articles bashing government assistance programs.  The Kingfish's message died at the hands of an assassin's bullet.  One might wonder what the South might have looked like if he had lived.

Southern Baptist Johnny Hunt, and Houston's Lutheran Laurance White were in the Tyler
house.   Controversial Representative Louie Gohmert was featured.

by wilkyjr on Tue Aug 14, 2012 at 03:17:04 PM EST

Thanks for the fascinating info about the shift towards the right in southern populism. However, Ryan is from Wisconsin, so isn't the shift you refer to part of a national not just a specifically southern phenomenon? Did it originate in the southern states first?

by PastorJennifer on Thu Aug 16, 2012 at 02:58:14 AM EST

You state that the conference was held in Tyler, Texas. That happens to be the home station of Gary North's outfit, Institute for Christian Economics, which collaborates with Geneva Ministries, also in Tyler. It would be interesting to see a more direct tie-in to North and the Christian Reconstructionists for the Southern Baptists at this point in time on economic policy.

by James Estrada Scaminaci on Thu Aug 16, 2012 at 02:12:55 PM EST

If memory serves me, Frank Rich connected the Old South with modern conservative politics.  He lamented that the worst thing the South had to offer was its Southern politics. The race card is seldom played, and if so in a more subtle fashion.  Richard Land got caught and is now going into retirement.  If anyone in the South dared mention "share the wealth" now the region would reply with charges of socialism.  It's supposed to trickle down, not be shared.
      I am not sure Gary North's wife even admitts to knowing who he is by the way.  She is the daughter to Rushdoony Sr.  Outside of a few hardnose homeschoolers, the name is not recognized.  Probably more of us on this blog know his name than typical Religious Right leaders.

by wilkyjr on Fri Aug 17, 2012 at 09:09:42 AM EST

LBJ knew that the price of Civil Rights legislation followed by a Voting Rights Bill in 1965 could only be the end of "Southern populism" as he had known it. Sure enough, the Democratic Party began losing state houses to the Republicans in direct ratio proportions as schools desegregated and pluralistic solutions were foisted down on the beleaguered racists of the Old South.  LBJ did not live to see the extent to which his Texas would dissolve into the "states rights" bastion that it is today, even with Rick Perry threatening to take Texas from the Union again. Far rightist religious types whose religion at least tinges the fringes of politics abound, a far worse situation than the TX of the 40s & 50s in which I grew up. Just look at the charlatan mess in the Baylor U. Presidency for more than one can swallow.

Yes, Rushdooney is & will be a name recognized more by readers on this blog than in-the-pew reconstructionists for some time. That simply says that followers of such non-sense are not readers, a phenomenon that wll continue rather than backtrack as ectronic media spreads more across bandwiths and 'boomers retire.

I have trouble giving Paul Ryan as much credit as Huey Long. Long's populism  was genuine which is why he's still a folk-hero, of sorts, in those parts. Yes, he was a crook & deceptor, and an end-justifies-the-means perpetrator. Do we give him too much credit when one may say his heart was in the right place? As for Ryans' Wisconsin, do not forget that this is the same Wisconsin that produced TailGunner Joe McCarthy, the same state that twice rejected U.S.Senate censuring of their Senator, that makes no distinction between evidence & inuendo. A certain representative from nearby Minnesota who wet her feet in presidential primaries has sought to enhance McCarthyism as bona fide American stock, and while she may have been schooled in Tulsa, OK with that nonsense[AofG], she also  brought to that place her own anti-intellectual credo and gullibility. Charismatics never stopped championing McCarthyism, and don't diminish the importance of their hearing it from their pulpits either. The so-called shift of places for populism over the last half to three-quarters century is an overlay of pseudo-religion with the aspirations of national political power with accompanying importance. Is it that Ralph Reed was a lot like Paul Ryan, or vice versa? Either way, we are left to deal with the mess.

Ryan is a hypocrite who helped shift HR policies on oil to help his profits in personal portfolio. Only if there was never any pillow-talk with his lobbyist wife who defended BigPharma was that not a compromising point as well. Where is the old  Social  Contract? Ryan assaults the status quo as well as any progress. Long reached out to the populus he could see and touch: they liked him, he liked them.

But if Ryan lacks all Social Conscience and Social Justice, the U.S. Council of Bishops has found fault with his so-called "budget" and even his parish priest is astir. To me, Ryan shows no contribion as he is willing to be "used" as his silent and no-photos trip to Las Vegas and Sheldon Adelson shows, very quick after being tapped for V.P.

by achbird65 on Sun Aug 19, 2012 at 06:10:14 PM EST

"contribution" next to last line should be "contrition."   What a difference: sorry. ACH

by achbird65 on Sun Aug 19, 2012 at 06:12:45 PM EST

It is interesting that LBJ's Great Society and FDR's New Deal are flawed movements according to Religious Right economists.  Critics on AM radio dismiss the times and situations they operated in.  They only tend to see  trends they find offensive.  I would agree that all segments of our society appear to be scaming the government at times.  Economic conservatives appear to have no sense of history.  

by wilkyjr on Mon Aug 20, 2012 at 09:30:28 AM EST

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