Rick Green: David Barton's critics are no different from Hitler
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Mon Aug 13, 2012 at 05:31:31 PM EST
cross-posted at dKos

Hours after David Barton got turfed by Thomas Nelson due to numerous factual inaccuracies in his latest book, The Jefferson Lies, his co-host on Wallbuilders Live, Rick Green, gladly took on the role of attack dog.  In a post on his blog, Green claimed that those calling out Barton are no different from Adolf Hitler.

These elitist professors and reporters attacking David Barton know that most people will not actually go read the supporting material behind David’s books…certainly not the bloggers and reporters who have so quickly jumped on the attack wagon. They are exactly the “least intelligent” Hitler was able to fool, Alinksy taught radicals to fool, and now even Christian “leaders” are joining.

Barton’s Jefferson book has 756 footnotes.  These critics could not possibly be reading the supporting material because their claims of inaccuracy just do not match up.

In fact, most of the book is simply quoting and allowing Jefferson to tell his own story, rather than some boring professor’s “interpretation” of Jefferson’s words.

Um, Rick?  Those 756 footnotes aren't worth a hill of beans if you misrepresent the sources.  And you no doubt know that most of your audience lives in a Christian cocoon, so they probably didn't even hear NPR's