Einstein's Question: Is the Universe Friendly?
Robert Fuller printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Aug 01, 2012 at 08:13:46 PM EST

[This is the 20th and last in the series. All twenty posts have been collected into a free eBook which can be downloaded at Religion and Science: A Beautiful Friendship?]

We are as gods and have to get good at it.
- Stewart Brand

The shift from opportunistic predation to inviolate universal dignity is an epochal one, and arguably, it's one we now find ourselves making. However, it's only prudent to ask "What could go wrong? What could postpone the advent of a dignitarian world? Are we overlooking new threats to human dignity?"


[Someday human intelligence] might be viewed as a historically interesting, albeit peripheral, special case of machine intelligence.
- Pierre Baldi

Futurists are warning that at some point during this century we'll be confronted with an unprecedented threat to what it means to be human--the advent of sophisticated thinking machines. It's one thing to use calculators that outperform us; it would be quite another to face machines manifesting supra-human intelligence. Picture a cute little gadget perched on your desk who, b