The Moral Arc of the Universe
Robert Fuller printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sat Jul 28, 2012 at 07:25:49 PM EST

[This is the 18th in the series Religion and Science: A Beautiful Friendship.]

The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice.
- Martin Luther King Jr.

One reading of the human story emphasizes war, domination, pillage, rape, slavery, colonization, and exploitation. Wealth and leisure for the few and a subsistence living for the many. To the extent that we can put people down and keep them there, we take what's theirs and force them to do our bidding. To the extent that we can't credibly do so, it's our ineluctable fate to be victims.

Another telling of history highlights overthrowing tyrants, expelling colonizers, and, by marshaling the strength of numbers, progressively emancipating ourselves from slavery, poverty, and other degradations.

The key to deciding which of these perspectives is predictive of the human future lies in a paradoxical property of power. Once it's understood that a group's competitive success vis à vis other groups depends on limiting abuses of power within the group, King's optimism regarding the curvature of the moral arc of history is vindicated.

Here's the gist of the argument: If a ruler is regard