Christian Right-Wing Multi-Billionaire Is Out to Frack Your World
Bill Berkowitz printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Fri May 04, 2012 at 10:50:30 AM EST
He is a billionaire several times over, a supporter of conservative causes, candidates, and organizations, including campaigns of the anti-immigrant former Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo and the Intelligent Design-peddling Discovery Institute, and he's been a backer of anti-gay rights initiatives. He owns The Weekly Standard, a highly partisan conservative magazine, recently sold the conservative Examiner newspapers, but rarely will speak to the press.

After devoting years of building a massive Disneyesque entertainment complex in Los Angeles called L.A. Live - which tapped into tens of millions of government dollars -- he now has his eyes on building a $1 billion stadium in L.A. and securing a National Football League team for the city. He's also been putting the finishing touches on a deal that would have his company running the Coliseum complex in Oakland, California.

He is a native Kansan, and although he's not related to the multi-billionaire Kansas Koch Brothers, he certainly shares many of their interests.

We're talking Philip Anschutz, who, in 1999, was labeled the nation's "greediest executive" by Fortune magazine.

The Anschutz fortune

As of March of this year, Anschutz's net worth was $7 billion, placing him #133 on the list of Forbes billionaires and #39 on the Forbes 400 list. Forbes pointed out that Anschutz "has made fortunes in oil, railroads and telecom, but his biggest bets are in entertainment. Through ... AEG [Anschutz Entertainment Group], he operates dozens of the world's greatest concert venues, including the Staples Center and Nokia Theater in L.A., London's O2, and Shanghai's Mercedes-Benz Arena." Anschutz also owns Regal Entertainment Group, the largest movie theater chain in the world.

AEG "controls sports teams like the NBA's Lakers, the NHL's Kings and the L.A. Galaxy soccer team. His music division manages pop stars including Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift and the Black Eyed Peas. His film division has produced the Chronicles of Narnia series," Forbes noted.

The fracking Anschutz

While the Anschutz Entertainment group may be out to transform the culture, making it more Christian friendly, there is nothing Christian-friendly about fracking. The Anschutz Exploration Corporation, has been involved in a suit involving horizontal hydrofracking, more commonly known as fracking. Dryden, New York, a sleepy little town of about 14,000 people, has banned fracking. In late February, to the delight of anti-fracking activists, New York Judge Philip Rumsey ruled that the ban was legal. According to several reports, Anschutz's corporation has leases on over 22,000 acres of land in Dryden, investing $5.1 million in drilling operations.

Dryden is one of a number of towns in New York "which have banned fracking within their limits, as the state government deliberates on how to proceed with the increasingly controversial natural gas extraction technique," the treehugger web site reported.

In a presentation titled "Taking the Handle Off the Fracking Pump: Human Rights and the Role of Public Health Inquiry in an Age of Extreme Fossil Fuel Extraction," Sandra Steingraber, Ph.D., Distinguished Scholar in Residence Department of Environmental Studies Ithaca College, pointed out that "Horizontal hydrofracking is a form of fossil fuel extraction that turns the earth inside out. It buries a surface resource that is vital to life (fresh water) and brings to the surface subterranean substances (hydrocarbons, radioactive materials, heavy metals, brine) that were once locked away in deep geological strata and which now require permanent containment.

"Before it is sent down the borehole, the fresh water used to fracture bedrock is mixed with inherently toxic materials. These include known and suspected carcinogens, neurological toxicants, and chemicals linked to pregnancy loss. At least one thousand truck trips are required to frack a single well. These trucks-along with earth-moving equipment, compressors, and condensers-release or create soot, volatile organic compounds, and ozone. Exposure to this kind of air pollution has demonstrable links to asthma, stroke, heart attack, cancers, and preterm birth."

According to The New York Times, "Thomas West, the Albany lawyer representing Anschutz, said the company might appeal or instead pursue a `takings' claim against the town - based on the principle that private property should not be taken without just compensation. West said the company had spent more than $5 million securing land leases from Dryden property owners and could claim the lost value of its assets, including any profits it would have derived from exploiting the mineral rights under the land. "It could be a very large claim," he said.

While the Anschutz Entertainment Group provides numerous diversions and entertainment options, the Anschutz Exploration Group is involved in more toxic endeavors. Although anti-fracking activists have been heartened by recent judicial decisions, fracking supporters, including Philip Anschutz's Anschutz Exploration Corp, are re-considering their options, including appealing court rulings.

I nominate Mr. Anschutz as Antichrist of the year! He certainly seems evil on a number of fronts. Thanks for posting this item! One of our Orthodox saints said that he even prayed for the demons. I think even an atheist or two might remember this fellow in prayer.

by rdrjames on Sun May 06, 2012 at 08:36:12 PM EST

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