Books That Should Never Have Been Written
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Thu May 24, 2012 at 02:24:44 PM EST
Recently I finished James Robison's book on economics, politics and American history.  I thought to myself that the book should never have been written with limited credentials for such an endeavor. I have had several posts to my articles here in which the post stated  they were glad I read the books so they did not have to.  I started thinking about all the books I have read that never should have been published and thought I might come up with a few.
     The most obvious first offering is David Barton's, The Myth of Separation of Church and State.  Barton's critics have found a welcome home here at talk2action.  The Oral Roberts math major lacks the background and objectivity for such an undertaking. None the less He continues to inspire a nation to doubt what they were taught about American history and the First Amendment.  He has no shortage of influential followers.
     Wikipidea has me as a  resource for another book that should have never made it to a publisher. It is Pat Robertson's, New World Order.  Pat fed the hysterical suspicions of the far right with this publication.  Among the book's gems is that the first President Bush worked secretly with the Masonic Lodge, some Jewish bankers and Jimmy Carter to destroy the nation.  I bought my copy at a Southern Baptist book store.

  How about the Turner Diaries for another?  Author William Pierce inspired Timothy McVeigh and others to bomb the Federal Building in Oklahoma City  The prose describes Jewish plots to allow Blacks to become cannibals  This gruesome social experiment goes on because the government has taken away weapons for Whites to defend themselves.
     David Chilton's, Productive Christians, is a theological nightmare.  Chilton wants to impose Old Testament law and its capital offenses on modern America.   The Christian Reconstruction author has helped change the attitudes toward government long held by Christians.  Chilton advises true believers to channel energies towards government take over.  His mentor, R. J. Rushdoony, has a package deal still available to gullible readers.  There are hundreds of volumes of the same concept.
     Early Religious Right champion Billy Hargis has a host of publications that qualify.  His work, Communist America Must it Be?, is a case in point.  Billy wrote that Mexico was using immigration issues to infiltrate Communists into America.  He also believed our tax dollars supported Soviet Arms build up during the Cold War.
     Peg Luksik's, Outcome Based Education, helped energize a home school movement to new points of paranoia.  She wrote that the new public school will not have grades given, competition for achievement and its goal is to undermine parental authority. Doctrinal companion Bruce Short published, The Harsh Truth About Public Schools. He concluded public schools are somewhere below Federal prisons in security and residents.
     Little known pastor Pete Peters has a long list of offerings to this topic.  His work, Whores Galore, claims the new false god in America is the Jew.  Fellow pilgrim Texe Marrs has out a jewel named appropriately, Big Sister is Watching You.  It claims Hillary is working secretly with Janet Reno in a lesbian plot to destroy the nation.
     Nancy Campbell's offering, The Unsatisfied Womb, makes the case there is no overpopulation problem in the world.  She encourages real women to find the satisfaction of having as many offspring as possible.  Her personal goal was to have 1,000 great grandchildren.
     Racist publications would find it hard to top David Duke's, My Awakening.  Duke claims race is the key ingredient for all social problems in the nation.  David notes that the Civil Rights movement got it all wrong in the 1960s and went against Jesus by ending segregation.  Sheldon Emry contributed to the racist movement with, Heirs of the Promise.  It's a racist work claiming white Americans are the true lost tribe of Israel and Jews are imposters.
     Tom Elliff, now head of Southern Baptist's foreign mission work gave us, America on the Edge.  Elliff compares America to ancient Israel in his Christian nation views.  He also bashes the original church state ruling known as Everson vs. The Board of Education in 1947.
  In anti-Semitic circles its hard to top Henry Ford's, The International Jew.  Ford linked Jews with Unions and Communism.  The corporate giant was not fond of unions in his book.
    Candidate and author Newt Gingrich granted the nation the privilege of reading, To Save America.  To save the nation we need to do away with 501c3 and promote the use of pulpits to endorse candidates.   First Amendment groups are just trying to silence churches and promote this undisputable socialist trend in the country according to Newt.
   Robert Knight published, Radical Rulers.  Using the late James Kennedy's press, the author sought to set the record straight on the state of the union.  According to Knight, a radical clique of Marxists and extremists are at work in the nation to ruin the moral foundation and free market system.  Obama is moving the country into becoming a Muslim nation according to this work.
     Gary North is a frequent contributor to viewpoints best left unsaid.  In his book, Conspiracy, a Biblical View, he wrote that two secretive groups actually run the nation.  He says the Rockefeller Foundation has been at work as well as the Illuminati to sabotage the country.
     Dan Smoot, a charter member of the John  Birch Society, passed along his work, People Along the Way, before his death.  In the book Dan wrote that President Wilson and FDR both lied to get us into war to benefit international bankers.  Dan also noted that Joe McCarthy hurt no innocent person and told no lies about the guilty.

     Thomas Wang recently sent out 500,000 free copies of his book, America Return to God.  The Californian proposed that separation of church and state is a false issue.  He warns that the ACLU is  seeking to create a secular nation. Wang is similar to John Whitehead in his book, Religious Apartheid. Whitehead published the idea that religious people are being driven from the public square.  Whitehead  states that separation of church and state is the cause of religious cleansing.
     It doesn't get much further to the right than Gerald Winrod's, Adam Weishaupt, a Human Devil.  Winrod proposed the idea that a secretive Jewish cartel once led by Weishaupt, has been at work through out recent human history.  This secret order, working with Europe's Masonic Lodge, has created the problems in the modern world.  Which leads to consideration of the book that helped change the world last century.  The book, The Protocols of Zion, has no author's claim to the work.  It was used by Hitler to justify his actions.  One wonders how the world would be shaped today if this book had never been published.
     Who is at fault in such a list?  Is it the writers who come up with such?  Are publishers to blame for contributing to such bad information?  Or is it a gullible public who purchases and reads these things?
     With all the things that need to be written, it is tragic that so many works should have never been published.


.... we value our Freedom of Speech in this country and are grateful that such tripe can be published, just as we are grateful that we are free to ignore it, burn it, or learn from it.

Our children need to learn quickly that, just as not everything you find on the internet is true or good, neither is everything you read in a book -- any book or Book. Just because it is written does not mean it is true.

This is a new era. Do you remember when the retort to an unlikely assertion was, "Where is that written?"

by Khalila RedBird on Thu May 24, 2012 at 06:49:08 PM EST

While I agree in principle, at the same time one of the problems that you will encounter is when people assume that one venue is like another... that if Robison is in error, another peer-reviewed academic text is also (and the reverse could also be held to be true).  People don't seem to realize that different venues have different standards (which I think authors of drivel count on).

For instance, I wouldn't begin to compare what is written in some blogs with the writing in this one, because of the use of links and so forth to document and reference evidence and the effort spent to "speak" the truth.  Yet academia doesn't accept blogs like this because the standards are different, even though the level of research and standards are often comparable.

People as a general rule have not learned to recognize drivel and bulls**t.  They don't understand the different standards for evidence and writing that are used, and thus we have things like Barton's new "book" sold as a bestseller (and probably used as a reference), while really authoritative texts languish on the shelves.

Thus, while I agree with you in principle, I think that there should be some way to limit the books that are flat-out fraudulent, like Barton's tome.  There also needs to be some sort of coordinated effort towards better standards, and a way of pushing down (so to speak) the nonsense while elevating really good work, without becoming so odious that people don't want to take the time or trouble to write.

I don't know how possible that would be with the subject of this blog, because dominionism is such a polarized subject.  Yet it can be proved that the dominionist writers are publishing falsehoods, and that alone is something that should be strenuously rejected.

by ArchaeoBob on Fri May 25, 2012 at 12:28:13 AM EST

In a society where (at least in theory) freedom of speech cannot be abridged, censoring books isn't possible or desirable. What makes this problem so vexing is that over decades the religious and political right have developed an extremely potent media empire, developed an audience for their products, and taught their consumers that only their output is reliable while others sources must be dismissed or regarded with extreme suspicion. Exacerbating this problem is the failure of the corporate media to critically evaluate the claims of the right, preferring "he said, she said" journalism. Then too, more informed citizens, out of respect for freedom of religion or misplaced politeness, fail to speak out.

Although the liberal media and blogs have shown more interest in tackling this problem, their impact is limited if they preach only to the choir. Necessary funding and coordinated action by moderates and liberals to push appropriate criticism into the mainstream is essential. Even individual citizens can play an important role by boldly challenging bad history, bad religion, and biased reporting through letters to the editor, comments sections of articles, petitions to TV stations, etc. But we have to get out of our silos to do so.

by Psyche on Mon May 28, 2012 at 12:05:08 AM EST

First, we've got to get rid of the censorship of the mainstream media, who are demonstratively bigoted and biased towards conservatism and the Religious Right.

Then maybe such a campaign as you've described might work.  As it is now, it would be a total failure.  We face an almost impassible barrier when we try to get the truth in the mainstream media.

Plus, by your own words, they will refuse to listen, no matter what is said.  I've been fighting against dominionism for many years... 30 if you count all of the years that I didn't know what was going on and thought it only a local thing associated with only one denomination (not realizing the "Christian" stuff I kept running into was also dominionist in nature).  Once I started learning about the organization and structure and goals of that movement, I became even more vocal.  In spite of that, anything I said or wrote... even if I referred to this site or other locations where documentation and A/V evidence were kept - was dismissed as "tin-hatter stuff"*.  Only lately have people started to listen, but for the most part the public (at least in this area) either ARE dominionists themselves, or they insist "But it's a CHURCH, it can't be THAT BAD!".  I even get that from liberal Christians who should know better.

I'm to the point where I think the only thing that WILL work is to somehow shut off the flow of lies, so that truth will start eroding the bs that surrounds the followers of those churches.

*- The dominionists, on the other hand, retaliated by poisoning pets, burning down my electronics workshop, and other vicious and nasty tricks (plus threatened members of my family).  They recognized I was telling the truth and they do NOT want the public to know it.

by ArchaeoBob on Mon May 28, 2012 at 10:16:57 AM EST

Khalila RedBird makes a very good point. But in the spirit of the original article, I want to nominate anything by W. Cleon Skousen. An early historical revisionist, his conspiracy-theory-laced anti-communist rantings had even J. Edgar Hoover concerned.

Glenn Beck is primarily responsible for the revival of interest in Skousen. Just a few days ago, a letter to the editor of our local paper quoted at length from "The Naked Communist," published in 1958. There is enough of this kind of thing being published today. We don't need to resurrect McCarthy-era propaganda to add to it.

by MLouise on Thu May 24, 2012 at 09:20:36 PM EST

Many more works would fit the profile of this list.  We do have First Amendment freedoms and all of these authors have a right to publish.  To beware of bad laven is still relevant today more than ever with so much information being passed around.

by wilkyjr on Fri May 25, 2012 at 08:36:55 AM EST

I gladly admit to praise Don's persistence in chronicling these drivel type books/references & thereby saving me time and heart-medication. I would suffer ill in having to pursue such to find out these sources  & their collective disinclinations.

Nevertheless, it does not bode well & particularly in the job each of us must take seriously in the throwing to the wayside these teapartiers and pseudo-religious misfits by the ballot if we and our overburdened democratic system is to survive, much less thrive.

An argument is to be made for the argument from silence in giving publicity to these discontents. Verasity is not a criterion in the age of the Internet, thus creating one additional layer to be dealt with or the sheer weight factor will authenticate. "Self-publishing" is another factor to consider in the mostly-drivel world of words trying to catrch our ear/minds, altho' some of these are 'good' books denied by a press or editor and seek in this mode for a hearing too.

In the meantime, the newly-revived John Birch Society et al. do not merit our sharing with our cohorts and parishioners, except negatively,  and who depend on the collective whole of us to help them from falling victim to these huxterists. Letting them slip through the cracks is not an option lest we wake up with greater problems than our heads hit the pillow.

Thanks, Don!

by achbird65 on Sun May 27, 2012 at 09:36:18 PM EST

I'm suspicious that a big part of the problem is the American educational system. The goal of education, even presuming that kids are going to public school and not being home-schooled or dropping out, is not to make educated people, but to make students do well on standardized tests. Research and citation don't seem to be part of the curriculum, but maybe that stuff just atrophies if you don't use it. Canadian blog comments have more reasoning in them.

by arachne646 on Tue May 29, 2012 at 10:06:42 AM EST

The key problem is that corrupt action is profitable and therefore self funding. As a result there is a cottage industry in such books that go to religion and books that don't; but all such books have the same secular message supporting a financial system of the pirate, and thus draw support from those who have made their money that way and those who seek unrestricted power.

By contrast a book exposing all the psychopaths, not only draws large funding against it, but finds there is little organized support, making it a lot harder to get the real information, harder to get it published, and not very profitable.

by FreeDem on Fri Jun 08, 2012 at 04:32:56 PM EST

The most obvious first offering is David Barton's, The Myth of Separation of Church and State. Barton's critics have found a welcome home here at talk2action. The Oral Roberts math major lacks the background and objectivity for such an undertaking. None the less He continues to inspire a nation to doubt what they were taught about American history and the First Amendment. He has no shortage of influential followers. Have you gotten assignment help yet? Wikipidea has me as a resource for another book that should have never made it to a publisher. It is Pat Robertson's, New World Order. Pat fed the hysterical suspicions of the far right with this publication. How about the Turner Diaries for another? Author William Pierce inspired Timothy McVeigh and others to bomb the Federal Building in Oklahoma City The prose describes Jewish plots to allow Blacks to become cannibals This gruesome social experiment goes on because the government has taken away weapons for Whites to defend themselves.

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