Harry Jackson calls for Christians to form "fifth column"
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Mon Apr 09, 2012 at 06:19:36 PM EST

Harry Jackson, the New Apostolic Reformation "apostle" leading the effort to roll back gay marriage in DC, published a revealing column in Charisma magazine.  He argued that in order to launch a second Great Awakening, he and his fellow fundies must form a "fifth column" within society in order to fight back against attempts to roll back "Christian influence in our nation."

For the church to regain its effective presence in society, we must focus on four major components of political action. First, we need every Christian to become politically active with the party of their choice. For this engagement to work, local churches must accept their role to equip their people to understand a theological frame of reference, so they may interpret the issues facing their nation and local communities from a biblical perspective.

While there are no specific Bible verses that speak to issues like federal funding for embryonic stem cell research or a local proposal to reroute a sewer line through a particular field, well-informed Christians can effectively reason through such issues if they understand what the Bible teaches about human dignity, private property and the role of civil government in a free society. What the church in America needs is a fifth column of believers. The term “fifth column” originated during the Spanish Civil War.

Emilio Mola used the term during his 1936 radio address as he announced there were four columns advancing on the city of Madr