Further Exposing a Bogus Narrative of the Religious Right
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Apr 25, 2012 at 06:56:04 PM EST
The bogus narrative of the Religious Right -- that there is a humanist or secular humanist or secularist "religion" bent on taking over America has already been one of the features of this election season.  We have heard about it from Rick Santorum and from Mitt Romney.  And of course, we have written extensively about this bogus narrative and its variants here at Talk to Action over the years, including a discussion of Mitt Romney's recent declaration:  "I think there is in this country a war on religion. I think there is a desire to establish a religion in America known as secularism."

Happily, historian Rick Perlstein, writing in Rolling Stone magazine, has an excellent take on the matter.  

Here are a few quotes from Perlstein's column:

Note the careful language:  Democrats want "to establish a religion" -- a precise quotation of the First Amendment's' Establishment Clause banning same.  And the claim that "they gave it a lot of thought" insinuates a deliberate conspiracy.  But conservatives would not fall for it, the stalwart Romney announced:  "Those of us who are people of faith recognize [what] this is--an attack on one religion is an attack on all religion."

A marker has been laid down.  Heed it well.  Universal healthcare is the Trojan Horse in Obama's radical religious crusade to undo orthodox religion. Could a notion so crazy possibly have legs?  Crazier things have penetrated the fog before -- and this one has the advantage of tickling the most abiding anxiety of conservative-minded citizens:  that liberalism is contributing to the sexual dissolution of their very own homes and hearths.  Romney's recycling of the smear may already have helped him assuage the doubts of the religious right that he is one of them.

And Democrats losing their nerve, backing away from defending desperately needed reform out of fear stepping on mysterious "deeply held" beliefs that are actually the invention of hucksters with right-wing agendas?  Well, that's happened before, too.

Don't let it happen again.

This is one of the most important elements of the worldview of the Religious Right.

by Frederick Clarkson on Wed Apr 25, 2012 at 10:30:08 PM EST

for religious groups to attempt to use government to advance their own positions. It's not unique to religious groups, but unions, industry's, regions, any group large enough to have common interests respond when government does something to benefit them. Tragically the story is the religious right using government to advance their agenda. It's a media deception. The religious right is being played and used by the political right wing, a right wing which panders to a few hot button issues using "morality language" while advancing social programs, and agendas destroying the middle class. The narrow focus of the religious right wing is so blinded to the big picture, that they are allowing themselves to be destroyed by the very group they support. Until we can expose how much of a fool the political right wing takes the religious right wing to be -- they will continue create a hostile political climate which threatens the American middle class. Wake up America.

by chaplain on Thu Apr 26, 2012 at 08:53:39 AM EST
The narrative frame that seems to best suit the facts I encounter is one in which neo-fundamentalist Christianity, which sees itself at war with secularism and all other belief systems, and is militantly anti-communist and worships at the altar of "Biblical capitalism", has over the course of the 20th Century quietly and patiently evangelized America's business class and used it as a power base from which to build political power and influence.

Point being, who is gaming who? Rather, I see a menacing co-evolution of corporate big business and right-wing evangelism.

by Bruce Wilson on Thu Apr 26, 2012 at 09:50:43 AM EST

This is particularly true with the "prosperity gospel" component, and there is certainly an attempt to reach the powerful and bring them into the fold, but having grown up in, and a part of that right wing, both actually, I believe that for the most part politics is the driving force, and far more "Christians" and been brought into the conservative political fold than conservatives brought into the "Christian faith".

by chaplain on Thu Apr 26, 2012 at 07:20:39 PM EST

Iknow others have written about this, but it really hit home for me this week while reading some post WWII Healing Movement magazines while doing dissertation research.  There were several of them, but Voice of Healing became the defacto organ of the most famous healing evangelists (William Branham, A.A. Allen, T.J. Osborn, Oral Roberts, etc.).  Of the ones I've been reading, it is also the most sensationalist... kind of like the Fox News or New York Post of healing magazines.  The layout reminds me of the National Inquirer.  The anti-communist, America is a Christian nation, anti-Christian Washington rhetoric was there too in a big way.  Replace the "red threat" of Russia with Islam and it wasn't that different than what we're hearing and seeing today.

So the Pentecostal and charismatic subcultures have been steeped in this for a very long time.

The difference is that with the advent of electronic media, especially the Internet, this has gone extremely mainstream outside a limited subculture.  It's one thing to read a magazine once a month or hear it on the occasional Sunday but now our culture is bathed in this, and the subcultures most steeped in it are stuck in an endless feedback loop.  But the rhetoric is eerily familiar.

by ulyankee on Fri Apr 27, 2012 at 09:01:02 AM EST

I've got a stack of those, next to my back copies of "New Wine".  The VOH issues with UFO references are especially interesting.

by Bruce Wilson on Fri Apr 27, 2012 at 02:52:39 PM EST

Rick Perlstein is one of the better historians writing today. I think his work eloquently rebuts David Barton's pseudohistory.

by khughes1963 on Thu Apr 26, 2012 at 12:46:38 PM EST
I was going to post this in response to wilkyir's article "James Robison's Indivisible America" here at Talk To Action http://www.talk2action.org/story/2012/4/24/14223/5697/Front_Page/ James_Robison_s_Indivisible_America but I think it fits as well or better here.

According to James Robison, David Barton is a "hero" and "a priceless treasure". In this video http://lifetoday.org/video/our-christian-founders-part-3/ "Two historians bring actual documents that reveal the true divine inspiration behind the inspiration of America's founders." One of the historians is Barton, the other, it would appear, is Glen Beck! (I would love to hear Chris Rodda's comments on this debacle of a discussion.)

I am posting this link because in this show Robison asserts that "The only theocracy we've got to be concerned about is a secular progressive theocracy that's being imposed on people" and that there is "an all-out assault" on practically everything by progressives. Barton generalises this to "it is really an assault on everything the bible represents" and says "I'll guarantee you most christians cannot tell you the two parables Jesus taught about the capital gains tax" and more on biblical economics. For his part, Beck is convinced that "most people don't know that they are being used by evil .....that they are in bed with absolute evil .... and that we are a society, globally, that is now worshiping Baal"

For an insight into the positions and behaviours of Robison, see http://www.rightwingwatch.org/category/people/james-robison which includes information about Robison's collaboration with Jay Richards in book-writing. (Richards has sufficient credibility in the community at large that he was invited to debate Christopher Hitchens on the topic "Atheism, Theism and the evidence for intelligent design" at Stanford University http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmnxKpN2Zxg )

My point is Robison is well-connected with influential friends. This bogus narrative of the religious right is being taken seriously and is gaining adherents (if not credibility).

by Brian H on Thu Apr 26, 2012 at 11:35:08 PM EST

definition of "religion".  According to Professor Robert H. Nelson of the University of Maryland and David Theroux of the Independent Institute (Nelson is also on the institute's board), environmentalism is a religion. Nelson just posted an op-ed arguing 1) that environmentalism is another form of "secular religion and 2) since it is a religion and it is taught in public schools, Protestantism should now also be allowed to be taught in public schools.  When I emailed Mr. Nelson with my protest of this concept, I was bombarded by both he and David Theroux with subtle and not so subtle Christian dominionism writings, research papers etc.  What really bothered me is that Pace University Environmental Law Review published one of Nelson's papers. I wonder what Robert Kennedy Jr. who teaches environmental law at Pace thinks of this nonsense!

Has anyone on this site ever heard of these men, the Institute or the anti-science (they are also against the science of global warming/climate change) views they represent?

by monarchmom on Fri Apr 27, 2012 at 08:56:51 AM EST

I am familiar with the concept that environmentalism, sustainability, population control, and acceptance of a human cause for global warming are anti-biblical. This is under the theory that God told us to have dominion over the Earth and subdue it, and to be fruitful and multiply, so no serious shortages, pollution crises, or other problems of over-use or under-care of the Earth will occur that we can't take care of before Jesus returns at the End of the Age. This was in the news in February during the Republican Primaries. http://www.religiondispatches.org/dispatches/julieingersoll/5729/ obama%E2%80%99s_%E2%80%9Cphony_religion%E2%80%9D_is_environmental ism%2C_santorum_explains

by arachne646 on Fri Apr 27, 2012 at 01:56:25 PM EST
to first argue that whatever they are against has become a "religion" and then to use that term in order to manipulate opinion and separation of church and state.  I think Nelson and Theroux and others like them should be called out for this as often as possible.

by monarchmom on Sat Apr 28, 2012 at 08:41:05 AM EST

When us secular humanists don't actually bother attempting to eradicate religion? I guess the real question is, outside of converting the world to their version of Christianity, what would it take to disprove this narrative?

by Hirador on Thu May 03, 2012 at 12:17:15 AM EST

This article provides a valuable insight into the commonly held belief that the religious right is a single entity with unified goals. The author effectively illustrates how this narrative falls apart when viewed through the lens of historical context and evidence.  gout in ankle It is an important reminder that we should not take the rhetoric of any group as an absolute truth. Instead, it is important to look at the facts and determine the truth for ourselves. This article provides a great starting point for doing just that.

by isabelladom on Fri Feb 03, 2023 at 12:50:12 PM EST

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