Pedophilia and the Religious Right -- UPDATED
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sun Apr 22, 2012 at 06:10:45 PM EST
The movement that claims that it is about defending and/or restoring the sacredness and primacy of the nuclear family far too often fails its own central value.  It also too often fails to come clean about the ways in which its own culture enables pedophiles and take appropriate action. It further notably fails in holding perpetrators accountable.

Given this movement's concern about the integrity of the family as among the highest of values, we would reasonably expect that it would hold itself to very high standards. But the simple truth is that that has not happened.

I got to thinking about this in light of a news article about the apparent suicide this past week of Walter Thomas "Tom" White, the executive director of Voice of the Martyrs, (VOM) founded by the late Richard Wurmbrand in 1967 to help Christians facing persecution around the world.  VOM has been very influential in shaping the conservative worldview on these matters.  (Last year I reported on the role of VOM Sudan country director Brad Phillips (son of conservative movement leader Howard, brother of theocratic home schooling entrepreneur Doug), and the distortions he brought before a congressional subcommittee.) White was executive director of VOM for more than 20 years -- and court records obtained by the Examiner-Enterprise newspaper "show that White had very recently been accused of molesting a young girl and authorities had launched an investigation."

To say that White was a prominent and influential figure is an understatement -- which makes the circumstances of his death all the more significant.  (VOM reported revenue of $48 million in 2010.)  The evangelical magazine Christianity Today recognized in an editorial that the Tom White episode underscores the historic inadequacy of evangelical churches in protecting children from predators.  The Christian Post however, in reporting that White "passes away" completely ignored how and why he died.  

While it has been less than  a week since White's death, it seems more than fair to point out that there has not yet been any effort by self-proclaimed profamily groups to reconcile his ministry with the horrors of the circumstances of his death.

But of course, the White tragedy underscores the way that the Religious Right seeks to sweep the depth and breadth of human sexuality under the rug, and to render themselves distinctly and dangerously incompetent on matters of human sexuality -- from the privacy of pastoral counseling to the bully pulpit of public policy debate.

This stands in remarkable contrast to the historic efforts of mainline Christian and other religious institutions to recognize and act on the many issues of human sexuality that clergy and religious institutions necessarily have to address on a daily basis.  

For example, two years ago I reported on an initiative of the Westport, CT based Religious Institute -- to  articulate a progressive vision of where religious institutions need to go to and what they need to do to address the needs of whole persons throughout their whole lives, and in particular to protect children from predators.

Here is part of what I wrote:

The Religious Institute has just issued a 46-page report on the state of sexuality in religious communities and a manifesto that seeks to transform the status quo.

Goals include improved pastoral care of marital relationships, domestic abuse and infertility, and training for prospective clergy in sexuality-related matters.

The institute calls for religious leaders to provide lifelong age-appropriate education for youth and adults and to become more effective advocates for comprehensive sexuality education and sexual and reproductive health in society.

Clergy are often first responders in matters of domestic violence and potential (and actual) suicides by young people struggling with sexual identity. The Religious Institute points out that these first responders have usually received little to no training for the job.

A singular strength of the document is that it offers an uncompromised progressive vision that does not conform to recent fashions in seeking "common ground" with conservative evangelicals and Catholics.

Albert Mohler, the president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., agreed that there is a knowledge and training gap in terms of what parishioners need from their pastors, but he also saw the Religious Institute's manifesto as "evidence of the continued subversion of biblical authority and confessional integrity that characterizes the revolt against orthodoxy in so many churches."

Nevertheless, he acknowledged:  "Our pews are filled with people worried about their sexuality, wondering how to understand these things, struggling with same-sex attractions, tempted to stray from their marriages, enticed by Internet pornography and wondering how to bring their sexuality under submission to Christ."

And while he thinks evangelicals "will rightly reject just about everything" in the Religious Institute's report, he did conclude that "they should not avoid its urgency in calling pastors and Christian leaders to teach and preach about sex and sexuality."

Indeed, he seems to be worried about the competition. "The Religious Institute wants liberal preachers to talk more about sex. My guess is that they will. But what about evangelical pastors?"

That continues to be a good question.

Update [2012-4-23 14:35:34 by Frederick Clarkson]: The Tulsa World reports:

White was accused of molesting a 10-year-old girl, and police had started an investigation when he disappeared, according to court records. A note in his vehicle indicates that he was suicidal or fleeing police, records show. An autopsy is pending with the state Medical Examiner's Office in Tulsa. Police Chief Tom Holland said Thursday that there was no evidence of foul play. Holland, who is a board member for Voice of the Martyrs, had said previously that police were not investigating White.

Here's a conference of Christians who are confronting and discussing some challenging issues including how how same-sex relationships can teach the Church more about how nuclear families are not more perfect than single parent or extended family homes. And they're Baptists.

by arachne646 on Tue Apr 24, 2012 at 01:16:29 PM EST

I think that this is a massive deception. In the first place, why would you be calling VoM "the religious right?" They help Christians who are truly being persecuted around the world--at least some of them are sincere about this; the Wurmbrandts were, I know. That makes them the Religious Right? You don't differentiate between them, the sincere ones who help the persecuted, and the Dominionists who want to bring everyone who doesn't kowtow to them _into_ persecution? Then how sincere is your commitment to tolerance? I believe that this story is highly suspect. Reason one: even though Tom White seemed trustworthy and genuine, I often wondered if he wasn't flying over Cuba for the CIA rather than to distribute gospel tracts by dropping them on the island in defiance of Castro. I wondered if he was even in a Cuban prison at all. I wanted to believe in and trust White, but there were reasons not to, so I had to consider those as well; realism made this mandatory in spite of my desire to believe in his good faith toward the persecuted. This story makes that seem all the more likely. Two, it is always possible when someone in a position of influence in a highly-contested matter suddenly commits suicide, that they were murdered. A suicide note can also be faked, just like any other document can be, and the person can't come along and prove that they didn't write the note, and they are additionally now unable to prove that any accusations against them were untrue. Mission accomplished; case closed. There are plenty of powerful people with such an intense hatred of God and salvation and the Bible that they are not above slandering a good work of people who believe in God and do it in Jesus's name. If you have not had the experience arguing for the goodness and love of God online with the army of trolls who propagandize for atheism, gnosticism, and Calvinism (and they are "surprisingly" alike in their vitriol and dishonest tactics), you will perhaps be unaware of how much violence and hatred is unleashed, including implied and outright threats of violence and murder. I was sent a link the other day to a video that started with jets in the sky, but which mostly consisted of a hawk devouring a pigeon, to an audio track of the poster wickedly, cruelly exulting in the violence of _nature_, implying it is just nature taking its course when the 'strong,' and _cruel_, devour the weak. It doesn't take long online to realize that you are "the weak" if you dare to believe in Jesus Christ, or in the case of Calvinism, dare to believe that God is good, loving, and not a liar or the unjust source of all evil, who forces men to sin but withholds the grace to be saved, "for his good pleasure" and "glory." And it isn't paranoia to believe that we are being threatened for not giving in to demands that we cease and desist from faith in Jesus. It is the reality, and physical state persecution is the present reality for the people VoM has served and informed the world about. Third reason: I know what it is, but I can't tell you. Perhaps you know why I might think that, if you know my situation, but I can't and if you know, you know why. Justsaying, in the interest of complete disclosure, at least as complete as if can be, that I am not concealing that there could be another reason, or one that overlaps with the above. But this is, sure enough, heartbreaking. White had daughters; have they been molested? The impression one got was that they deeply respected and loved him.

by mcfirefly on Tue Apr 24, 2012 at 07:03:51 PM EST
"There are plenty of powerful people with such an intense hatred of God and salvation and the Bible" and "If you have not had the experience arguing for the goodness and love of God online with the army of trolls who propagandize for atheism, gnosticism, and Calvinism (and they are "surprisingly" alike in their vitriol and dishonest tactics), you will perhaps be unaware of how much violence and hatred is unleashed"

Who are these powerful people with an intense hatred of god and salvation and the bible? I think they exist in your head alone and you're mistaking an intense dislike of the intolerance and the rejection of reason and science by so many people who call themselves "Christian" who denigrate, ridicule and demonize any beliefs that differ from their narrow theology. When you "evangelize" or talk about your beliefs you don't think it's "propaganda" but if an atheist, gnostic Christian or Calvinist talks about or asserts her/his religion it's "propaganda."

People don't like it when they're talked down to by the smug and arrogant, and they particularly don't like it when the smug and arrogant have nothing to be smug and arrogant about. I think you'll find that atheists, Gnostics (I'm assuming you're talking about "agnostics" and are blissfully ignorant of the difference between Gnostic Christians and agnostics) and Calvinists are quite reasonable and polite in exchanges in which the other party doesn't assume some "rightness".

Of course you think you know the "truth," but so do "gnostics", atheists and Calvinists. At least atheists actually have reason and science to back up what they believe.

by mudplanet on Tue Apr 24, 2012 at 08:45:29 PM EST

A Word from the Management:

Take your theism vs. non-theism mudslinging elsewhere.  There will be no second warning about this basic Terms of Service violation.

by Frederick Clarkson on Tue Apr 24, 2012 at 09:23:41 PM EST

It is disheartening to see how the Religious Right, which purports to support the nuclear family and its traditional values, has failed to properly address the issue of pedophilia within its own ranks.  peter veres luxury realtor Despite professing to uphold the family unit and its sanctity, it has failed to take the necessary steps to hold perpetrators accountable and is thus complicit in enabling such heinous crimes. The Religious Right must take a more proactive stance in protecting the innocent and ensuring that justice is served.

by isabelladom on Fri Feb 03, 2023 at 03:10:58 AM EST

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