Richard Land under investigation for plagiarism
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Thu Apr 19, 2012 at 06:29:05 PM EST

For almost a quarter century, Richard Land has been one of the most prominent voices of the religious right.  But now, the president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission may be fighting to keep his job after evidence surfaced that he's a serial plagiarist. (h/t to People for the American Way)

Back on March 31, Land claimed that President Obama was using the Trayvon Martin case to "gin up the black vote."  He's gotten deservedly slammed for this, including from several of his fellow Baptist pastors.  But it turns out those comments may have put his career in jeopardy for another reason.  He lifted them from someone else.  

Aaron Weaver, a prominent Baptist blogger, noticed that when Land's screed was lifted practically verbatim from a Washington Times column that ran two days earlier.  Weaver did some more digging, and found that Land plagiarized material from the Washington Examiner and Investor's Business Daily