CBN takes down paper saying child abuse victims can "consent" to being abused
Christian Dem in NC printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Mar 28, 2012 at 05:51:01 PM EST

Just confirmed--that horrible teaching paper has indeed been taken down. It's only a start, though--CBN needs to issue a full apology for putting this out for so long. Keep calling, keep the pressure on. My original post appears below.

cross-posted in slightly edited form at Daily Kos

Yesterday, I was horrified to find out that CBN has a "teaching paper" on its Website with some shocking advice for victims of sexual abuse and incest.  According to this paper, victims of sexual abuse can actually "consent" to incest or "allow yourself to be molested."  Roxine and SwedishJewfish both wrote about it yesterday at Daily Kos.  Pat Robertson's history is known well enough to most of us that it needs no rehashing.  However, this teaching paper is outrageous even by CBN's standards.  In fact, I'm running out of adjectives to describe just how hurtful, disgusting, and flat-out wrong this is.  

However, the thing you have to wonder about in this case isn't how in the world even a troglodyte like Robertson can put this out.  Nope, the real $64,000 question in th