Dennis Terry's Teachable Moment
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sun Mar 25, 2012 at 11:51:29 PM EST
Due to technical difficulties, now resolved, I was not able to post about the extraordinary words of Rev. Dennis Terry on the occasion of his notorious introduction of Rick Santorum and Family Research Council president Tony Perkins to his congregation at the Greenwell Springs Baptist Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Better late than never I suppose -- because we should never forget what Terry said and what it means for politics in our time. -- FC

It is difficult to imagine a more paradigmatic episode about the state of the Religious Right in American politics.

Much has happened since Rick Santorum visited Dennis Terry's church. The video that People for the American Way made of Terry's declaration that those who do not believe as he does about Christian nationalism and about Christianity itself should "get out" of the country. And the video shows Rick Santorum joining in the standing ovation Terry received from the congregation. The video has gone viral. Santorum has had to distance himself from Terry's controversial words as has Terry himself. He now claims he meant something different than his unambiguous meaning, and now the church is trying to scrub the web of the evidence of his indiscretions.  But their efforts are way too little, way too late.  

Transcripts of Terry's demagoguery are also circulating. One transcript of the hottest part of the sermon reads:  

I don't care what the liberals say, I don't care what the naysayers say, this country was founded as a Christian nation. The god of Abraham, the god of Isaac and the god of Jacob. There's only one god, there's only one god and his name is Jesus. I'm tired of people telling me that I can't say those words. I'm tired of people telling us as Christians that we can't voice our beliefs or we can't no longer pray in public. I'm, listen to me, if you don't America and you don't like the way we do things, I've got one thing to say, GET OUT!.

We don't worship Buddha.  I said we don't worship Buddha. We don't worship Mohammed. We don't worship Allah. We worship god. We worship god's son Jesus Christ.

I believe the church is to be the conscience of the nation. The church needs to be the conscience of our state and our local community. Listen closely. Now hold on for just a moment. As long as they continue to kill little babies in our mother's womb, somebody's got to take a stand and say, it's not right. God be merciful to us as a nation. As long as sexual perversion is becoming normalized, somebody needs to stand up and say, god forgive us, god have mercy upon us. And as long as they continue to tell our children they cannot pray in public schools or pray in open, public places today, somebody's got to take a stand and say, god forgive us, god have mercy upon us. As long as they continue to tear down traditional marriage. Listen. God intended for marriage to be between a man and a woman and as long as they continue to attack marriage, somebody needs to take a stand and say NO! NO! NO! NO!

Terry's pugnacious bigotry and anti-democratic fervor should forever remind us of the threat posed by the dominionist sector of the Religious Right -- including the implications of the widespread belief in the false narrative of American history called Christian Nationalism.  

But, as Sarah Posner points out at Religion Dispatches, it should also remind us that Tony Perkins has a pastor problem.  Perkins was a member of Terry's church when he founded the Lousiana Family Forum, the state political affiliate of Focus on the Family before rising to head the Washington, DC religious right lobby group, Family Research Council, also an offshoot of FOF.  Perkins' appearance with Santorum was actually a return to his roots.

While its inevitable that this would be treated by some as the Campaign Gaffe Du Jour, the best way to view the episode is as a revelation about the nature of the Religious Right and its remarkable -- and remarkably resilient -- political power that transcends individual election years.  In the figures of James Dobson, Tony Perkins, Dennis Terry and Rick Santorum, it also provides us with something of a family album of snapshots about the nature of the religious right, and the peculiar alliance between electorally active conservative evangelicals and conservative Catholicism.

Readers will recall that just before the South Carolina primary, religious right leaders, panicked that their preferred candidate Gov. Rick Perry was headed for disaster, met to find a candidate around whom they could rally. The endorsement went to Santorum. In retrospect, it seems likely that much of Santorum's seemingly surprising strength comes from the third party efforts of religious right leaders like Dobson and Perkins to keep his candidacy afloat against the odds.

Fortunately, fellow Louisianan and Baptist minister Rev. Welton Gaddy was able to appear on the Rachel Maddow Show on behalf of the Interfaith Alliance, which opposes the bigotry of Terry, Santorum and Perkins and provide some perspective.  Gaddy called Santorum's use of churches as campaign venues "a prostitution of the church" and Terry's rant as constituting a real "war on religion" in the U.S. -- those that don't meet the particular religious tests of Rev. Dennis Terry.

I just viewed this powerful rebuttal to Dennis Terry's rant on YouTube: It's worth spending 15 minutes to watch the whole thing.

by MLouise on Tue Mar 27, 2012 at 12:21:09 AM EST

The old Garbage In, Garbage Out that my generation grew up with learning to transition from the typewriter to the computer. Spell check helped we eliminate a few spelling mistakes, but then I misspelled in the data-base, and it would come back and haunt me again and again. Small church, my own secretary and tech guy, amazingly my congregations survived the learning curve, and a few items where quite good. This introduction style of passionate exclusive even bigoted language cannot survive this new day of technology. While a traveling evangelist could inspire a crowd with outrageous excess that a pastor having to preach every week could not do -- and sometimes even with positive effect, this is no longer possible with it's ability go viral, to become played and replayed again and again. There is a new standard now for preachers as their sermons are not only audio recorded, but often web posted and local cable broadcast. The standard now needs to become faithful and articulate teachers of truth. Pastor's must also become more careful in addressing local situations -- like disciplining and instructing your children specifically, this is not material to be shared with everyone around. I would passionately disagree with Pastor Terry's politics, I dislike his style, but would cut him some slack. He probably isn't a bigot, probably isn't used to people responding to everything or even much of what he says, and has learned this style of communication believing if a few move a small way in the right direction, the hyperbole is worth it.

by chaplain on Tue Mar 27, 2012 at 08:37:35 AM EST
Both the situation and his church's website argue against his being behind the learning curve on communications technology and its implications. First, he was not introducing a traveling evangelist. He was introducing one of the leading candidates for President of the United States. The media have been saturated for months with stories about Santorum and the other Republican candidates. To even imagine that his introduction would not be subject to national attention would demonstrate either breathtaking ignorance or serious delusion. Pastor Terry does not seem to fit either category.

Second, his church's website is slick and modern. One of the main tabs at the top of the home page is labeled "Media Center." Terry himself is given top billing as Senior Pastor in a staff that includes five ministers/pastors and a student pastor, plus ten other named support staff. A prominent link on the home page takes the reader to a press release in which Terry claims that his words are being misrepresented and signs himself Dr. Dennis E. Terry, Sr. Unless his is a mail-order doctorate, this would indicate that he has acquired a substantial level of education.

I have to conclude that he is not an unaware, behind-the-times pastor in a small, struggling church, but rather that he knew precisely what he was doing and fancies himself a major player in the culture wars. In his press release he sounds both belligerent and unapologetic. I believe he deserves every bit of attention and outrage that he is getting.

Here is the heart of his press release: "I will not be made to feel as if we as Christians should apologize for our faith or that we should take the backseat as America is morally and spiritually being driven in the wrong direction. Muslims, Hindus, people of different religions or no religions have the right to be here in America, but they do not have the right to force me to be silent while they work to transform our nation."

by MLouise on Tue Mar 27, 2012 at 09:36:34 AM EST
Rev. Terry has been a prominent preacher at the same church for decades. As I mentioned in this post, one of his prominent former parishioners is Tony Perkins, who founded the state chapter of Focus on the Family while he was a member of the church and, as Sarah Posner reported in the story I linked to above, was a frequent guest preacher.  Perkins was traveling with Santorum, sitting next to him on the altar.  

This is a politically minded and politically connected church and Terry is a demagogue who knows how to rouse his crowd.

by Frederick Clarkson on Tue Mar 27, 2012 at 11:20:20 AM EST

where things like that were preached.  It's a more common theme than just a rare occurrence which might just be heard if you're "lucky".  I've seen that message on interstate-side billboards, I've heard it in businesses, I've seen and heard it in the public.  It's a not uncommon bumper sticker (I do see it every once in a while ).

Terry also is saying the message that the dominionists all hold dear... "Be like us, or LEAVE!".   That could be taken to even mean "Be like us or DIE!"  Considering that their plans are to "Take over the world for Jesus", there would soon not be any place for anyone NOT like them... and they don't realize that a lot of people will never convert.

I cannot believe that you would defend that BIGOT and say that he's probably not really bigoted.  If you aren't like him, you don't belong and don't even have the right to exist.  That's what he's saying.  It's a message I'm very familiar with... it was De Jure for my tribe until around 30 years ago.

If someone says something like that in a sermon, you can rest assured that the well the words are drawn from is severely poisoned and lethal.  It doesn't matter if they're an evangelist or whatever... his own words convict him (and the entire church he's connected with).

The fact that Santorum clapped for it... also convicts Santorum.  I know people like him don't clap if they don't agree... I've seen it many times with the Republicans and it's pretty much common for Americans.  I don't clap if I don't agree.  He clapped - he agreed.

by ArchaeoBob on Tue Mar 27, 2012 at 11:28:45 AM EST
Parent -- and remember that the combat against fascism has not ended with Hitler's demise. It is still here alive and kicking, and let's remember Jews, Christians of all flavors, Buddhists, Muslims, members of Native American traditional religions fought against the Fascist menace. Santorum is perhaps aspiring to be the next Ante Pavelic.

by zowie on Sun Apr 01, 2012 at 02:11:36 AM EST

He, and others like him, is the reason we have a Constitution that separates the church from the state. He calls himself a Dr. Did he get his title from a non accredited religious "university"?

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