Catching up with Fluke and her Jewish boyfriend
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Fri Mar 16, 2012 at 09:52:11 AM EST
This may be old hat to Talk2Action folks but are you following the attacks on Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke for having a Jewish boyfriend who, to the conspiracy-minded, is part of a wealthy elite socialistic lineage?   Apparently conservatives are linking to the attack from some otherwise marginal blogger.
I read about it at the Forward, which writes,

At Tablet, Marc Tracy further explains why this rant, which too many conservatives are linking to in their desperation to prove that Sandra Fluke is part of a vast lefty conspiracy is anti-Semitic at its core: "Bayne isn't arguing there is something Jewish about socialism. He is relying on the premise that there is something socialistic about Jewishness."

I guess I can google it, but it would be easier if there were a link. ;o)

by phatkhat on Wed Mar 21, 2012 at 07:53:01 PM EST

I read the whole story of catching the Fluke. But i can not understand why this conspiracy has been created. Is it only Fluke is not of 18??? Or just because she have an affair with a Jewish? Sorry to say i understand the law little as i am the business adviser of fabric store and look after the bed sheets.

Juliet Massia

by julietmassia on Tue Jun 05, 2012 at 01:15:58 PM EST

Is there any wrong in loving a person from another community? I think there is no wrong in it. transitional care center  And there is freedom for all human beings to live with the person who loves them. Am I right guys?

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by leonamargret on Tue Nov 17, 2020 at 05:54:49 AM EST

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