Truth Wins Out Reports on Exodus International's Attempt at Rebranding
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Feb 06, 2012 at 08:52:32 PM EST
An extensive report has been posted at Truth Wins Out (TWO) on the rebranding of Exodus International, the discredited and financially strapped pray-away-the-gay organization. The report is titled "The Exodus SmokeScreen" and subtitled, "Exodus wants you to believe it has changed its ways and gone mainstream.  The problem is, it's not true."
From the report,
Damning evidence uncovered by Truth Wins Out incontrovertibly proves that Exodus has not altered its message and may be involved in a strategic campaign of subterfuge to trick news reporters and gullible LGBT activists into believing it has moderated its message.
I have a short footnote to add about a reference in the report that will be of interest to regular readers. Andrew Comiskey, mentioned in the report, is the former president of Exodus International and heads Desert Streams Ministries. In 2005, Comiskey moved his ministry to Kansas City to join forces with Mike Bickle's International House of Prayer.

In a ministry newsletter Comiskey wrote,

Desert Stream is in the midst of its own adventure. We are journeying into unknown territories. In June of 2005, we shall relocate to Kansas City, Missouri. There we shall partner with Mike Bic