Fomer culture warrior James Robison returns to the battlefield
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Thu Feb 23, 2012 at 07:28:44 PM EST

A lot of you may remember James Robison as one of the more prominent religious right leaders from the early 1980s.  He pulled back later in the decade, saying that he didn't like the person that his demanding schedule was making him.  In the process, he mellowed quite a bit, turning his focus to church unity and chucking his Southern Baptist roots in favor of the charismatic movement.

Well, so much for that.  It turns out that Robison has returned to the culture wars.  He recently co-authored a book called Indivisible:  Restoring Faith, Family and Freedom Before It's Too Late with the Discovery Institute's Jay Richards.  He's spent this week promoting the book on his show, Life Today.  Yesterday, he declared that he would not allow those who believe in "secular theocracy" the freedom to keep preaching it. Watch the whole thing here, if you can stand it.


I have to say that this is truly saddening to me.  Robison was one of the few televangelists I liked.  But I've done some digging since finding this video on PFAW's Right Wing Watch, and it turns out that he's been active on the religious right front for some time.  For instance, in November 2010 he hosted a meeting in Dallas at which plans were laid to replace Obama with a social conservative.