American jihadist
If you believe that contraception is immoral and any sex except conjugal attempts to procreate is sinful, he's your guy. If you think "abortionists" (that inflammatory, demonizing term for doctors who perform a legal operation) ought to be punished, he's your guy. If you think our Constitutional rights ought to be limited to conform with Biblical precepts, he's your guy. Already, a state legislator in North Carolina (who said on taking office he'd pray for the Lord's guidance) has suggested public hangings for doctors who do abortions, lumping them in with such criminals as rapists and kidnappers. Already, fundamentalists in state legislatures are trying to give legal personhood status to the unborn "from the moment of conception," however that would be determined. This would enable birth control, abortion and even in vitro fertilization to be criminalized. Phyllis Schlafly of the Eagle Forum wants single mothers and parents of adopted children punished with higher taxes as a way to promote "traditional" families, which she defines as married heterosexual couples raising their own children. All this under Obama. Imagine the impetus of having a kindred spirit in the White House. An exhaustive, five-volume study of fundamentalism worldwide edited by two Americans argues that it's a political phenomenon and is inherently totalitarian. Its goal is to realign all aspects of a nation's society and government according to rigidly defined and strictly enforced religious principles. There's nothing democratic or broadly representative about it. Rick Santorum has a right to his views and is entitled to run for President. Should he win, however, we'll see a holy war against the right to live without religious interference.
Sources: Rick Santorum's views: "This is about a country that believes in God-given rights, and a Constitution that is limited to protect those rights." rums-missouri-victory-speech-full-transcript/2012/02/07/gIQAGcUwx Q_blog.html Discussion of legal aspects of personhood laws: g-legal-status-fertilized-human-egg/transcript "(Contraception is) not okay because it's a license to do things in the sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be. They're supposed to be within marriage, for purposes that are, yes, conjugal... but also procreative." -wants-your-sex-life-to-be-special/253104/ Public hanging comment by Larry Pittman, Republican, North Carolina: Rick Santorum's signed Personhood pledge: hood.pdf Phyllis Schlafly on marriage and taxes:
The Fundamentalism Project:
American jihadist | 3 comments (3 topical, 0 hidden)
American jihadist | 3 comments (3 topical, 0 hidden)