Rick Joyner, who wants to set up a dictatorship, accuses Obama of wanting to set up tyranny
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Sat Nov 03, 2012 at 10:47:23 AM EST
Last Sunday, Rick Joyner told his flock at MorningStar Fellowship Church in Fort Mill, South Carolina (only 20 minutes south of me--gag) that if Obama is reelected, he plans to set up "the worst, most terrible form of tyranny there has ever been seen on this earth."  

Joyner is being just a little bit--OK, very--disingenuous.  You'll recall that Joyner and others of his ilk believe that the only way Jesus can come back is if they take over the world and suppress all who dare to oppose them.  In this world, all "evildoers" will face a stark choice--convert or be killed.  Indeed, Joyner himself said back in 2007 that the regime he wants to set up is going to look a lot like a dictatorship.  And yet, Joyner accuses Obama of being a dictator--and does so with a straight face.  The mind reels.

Joyner also ticked off the usual fundie shibboleths about Obama.  He claimed that no Christian can in good conscience vote for Obama because he is "the most anti-Christian" president we've ever had, and that you have to be "deluded" and "seriously deceived" to think Obama is really a Christian.

The sermon is split up into three parts on Joyner's YouTube channel.  Watch Part 1 here, Part 2 here and Part 3 here--and pile up the dislikes.  If you want just the highlights, People for the American Way