Philly's City Hall and moderate GOP state senator get snowed by dominionists at America for Jesus
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Tue Oct 02, 2012 at 09:57:51 AM EST

This past weekend, the America for Jesus 2012 rally took over Independence Mall in Philadelphia.  A quick perusal of YouTube hasn't turned up anything really outrageous from that rally--which is surprising given that it was heavily influenced by the most extreme elements of the religious right.  Its leadership team was made up mostly of major players in the New Apostolic Reformation, the out-and-out fascist wing of the religious right that actually believes it can bring about the Second Coming by taking over the world.  

However, a look-see at America for Jesus' Facebook page reveals that it may have succeeded in hoodwinking Philadelphia's City Hall and one of the few sane Republicans left in the Pennsylvania State Senate into endorsing the rally, per a press release pasted there.

State Senator Stewart Greenleaf noted that America was founded by God-inspired individuals like William Penn, telling the crowd, "Today has been designated by the Pennsylvania State Senate as William Penn Day, and we pray that our nation will continue to be a beacon to the world."

Deputy Philadelphia Mayor Richard Negrin brought greetings from City Hall saying, "You are standing on holy ground. In that building behind you, there are three words, 'We the people.' We have a right to exercise our religion, our free speech and all our rights in the Bill of Rights. Today you stand here with faith in your heart and a burning desire to worship just like William Penn did all those years ago."