Santorum Accuses Colleges of Anti-Religious "Indoctrination" But Gingrich Said it First
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Jan 26, 2012 at 11:09:32 AM EST
CBS and other media outlets have pounced on a Rick Santorum claim, that America's colleges and universities are hotbeds of anti-religious "indoctrination", but Newt Gingrich has been saying that for years.

As Santorum declared in a January 25, 2011 church appearance in Naples, Florida, "If they taught Judeo-Christian principles in those colleges and universities, they would be stripped of every dollar. If they teach radical secular ideology, they get all the government support that they can possibly give them. Because you know 62 percent of children who enter college with a faith conviction leave without it."

But in a speech Newt Gingrich made last October 2011, at a secretive gathering in Naples, FL, before hundreds of assembled Florida pastors, former House Speaker Gingrich made extremely similar charges (video link) :

"I for one am tired of the long trend towards a secular, atheist system of thought dominating our colleges, dominating our media...

...half of what is taught in American colleges and universities is false, it is a lie and I think we ought to take it head on... I'm talking about the academic left, which dominates American h