Leader of NC gay marriage ban effort, in his own words
Christian Dem in NC printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Jan 25, 2012 at 05:57:04 PM EST
cross-posted at dKos

One of the leaders of the effort to write a gay marriage ban into North Carolina's constitution is Patrick Wooden, the pastor of Upper Room Church of God in Christ in Raleigh.  In the past few days, the yeomen at People for the American Way's Right Wing Watch have decided to turn the hot lights on him.  What they found is cringe-worthy, even by wingnut standards.

Last week, Wooden appeared outside the Southern Poverty Law Center with several other prominent religious right leaders to protest the SPLC's designation of their organizations as hate groups for their anti-gay hankering.  A few days before that event, Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality invited Wooden onto his radio show on WYLL in Chicago.  Wooden proceeded to prove just why the hate group label is well deserved.  Besides the usual religious right spiel about gays being a danger to the very fabric of civilization, he suggested that middle-aged gays have serious health problems later in life.  Hear it for yourself.  Listen to the whole thing (if you can stand it) here.

Earlier this week, LaBarbera invited Wooden onto his show again, where Wooden doubled down on the ugliness and bigotry.  He claimed that gays stick cell phones