Randall Terry's Graphic Anti-Abortion Super Bowl Surprise
Bill Berkowitz printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Jan 25, 2012 at 01:07:05 PM EST
It has been a long time since Randall Terry, the founder of the notorious anti-abortion group, Operation Rescue, has been anything more than a gnat on the political landscape. Where once he commanded an army of anti-abortion activists, a series of financial missteps, and personal indiscretions, including his being censured by his church, the Landmark Church of Binghamton, New York, "for a pattern of sinful relationships and conversations with both single and married women," according to a Washington Post report nearly twelve years ago, had relegated him to the outer Mongolia of the radical right.

These days, however, Terry is planning to change all that by playing an active, and he knows disturbingly provocative, role in this year's Super Bowl festivities.

While Terry won't be singing with Madonna at halftime, he intends to raise his voice, and profile, by paying for graphic anti-abortion commercials that must be shown in a number of television markets airing the Super Bowl.

Super Bowl ads: The game within the game

Over the years, Super Bowl television advertisements have been kind of the game within the game. Corporations spend inordinate amounts of money to gain access to the biggest television audience of the year. Advertisements for beer (Bud Light commercials have had great success); soft drinks (Coke in particular); snacks (remember the Doritos ad?); cars and tires; and, computer companies (who can forget Apple's 1984 commercial, or Groupon's disastrous ads), all compete for water cooler (twitter) chat time.

While Terry may or may not personally show up for the kick off at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana, on February 5, he is now raising serious money for a series of graphic anti-abortion advertisements (including aborted fetuses covered in blood and surrounded by religious icons), that must be shown in a number of television markets during the Super Bowl and during pre and post-game shows; advertisements that he correctly understands will be more controversial and provocative than anything conceived of by the corporate ad-meisters.

Why Terry's ads must be aired

Here's how it works: Terry is running for president on the Democratic Party's ticket. According to Political Research Associates, "Terry has already run political ads in New Hampshire attacking Obama for supporting `child killing' and featuring aborted fetuses. ... Television stations typically reject ads with graphic content, but by exploiting a federal election law that requires stations to air ads for political candidates within 45 days of an election (primaries included), Terry is expected to be able to have his anti-abortion ads broadcast on Super Bowl Sunday." (The Super Bowl ad can be seen at Terry's website.)

Just the fact that he is running for president opens up the opportunity to run the anti-abortion ads. A recent Terry-issued Press Release pointed out that "The Terry campaign has already purchased ad time in 11 markets," including Super Bowl ads in Ada, OK, Grand Junction, CO, Joplin, MO, Paducah, KY, and Springfield, MO. Pre-game Super Bowl purchases have been made for Eau Claire, WI, Kansas City, KS/MO, Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN, Oklahoma City, OK, St. Louis, MO, and Tulsa, OK.

In the last few weeks alone, Terry has announced that he and his campaign team intend to open up campaign headquarters in Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, and Idaho to open campaign headquarters for upcoming Democrat primaries and caucuses. (Campaign headquarters have already been opened in Iowa, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Maine.)

A recent Terry-issued Press Release declared that "Three Super Bowl ads have been purchased in three local markets; [and the] campaign [is] raising money to run ads in a total of 35 markets during the Super Bowl, or during the pre-game or post-game shows."

Running against Obama

Terry stated: "My goals in running for President are simple: first, I want to help create the political climate in which child killing is made illegal from conception till birth. As other social revolutions teach us, this requires showing graphic images of injustice, as well as confrontational rhetoric.

"Next, while I cannot defeat President Obama in the primary, I could cause his defeat in the general election, if I can convince enough Catholics and Evangelicals who voted for him in 2008 that they cannot ethically vote for him in 2012 because of his promotion of the murder of babies. If I can persuade 7% or 8% of those voters in swing states to never vote for Obama again for the sake of innocent babies, that could be the margin for his defeat in the general election of 2012."

An opportunist with a decidedly checkered past

Terry, who led violent demonstrations at abortion clinics, has been arrested -- by his count -- more than 40 times; he declared bankruptcy rather than pay his share of what he owed the National Organization for Women after it won NOW vs. Scheidler, a class action suit that aimed to force anti-abortion organizations to pay clinics for loss of business; he sends out an enormous number of desperate fundraising letters; he's run unsuccessfully for political office several times; he's the guest at the party that you can't wait till he goes home and he invariable overstays his welcome.

The Fort Wayne (Indiana) News Sentinel reported on August 16, 1993, that at an anti-abortion rally in Fort Wayne, Terry said "Our goal is a Christian nation. ... We have a biblical duty, we are called by God to conquer this country. We don't want equal time. We don't want pluralism. ... Theocracy means God rules. I've got a hot flash. God rules."

More recently, Terry was hired to be a spokesperson for the family of Terri Schiavo during that ruckus in Florida. Despite spreading a series of false statements about Schiavo's condition, Terry failed to rally broad support for the family.

After Dr. George Tiller was murdered, In a recent fundraising appeal, Terry stated: "There has NEVER been an opportunity like this since Roe vs. Wade brought us child killing on demand. Because I am running for President, the law to run the political ads I see fit, protects me," Terry said in his appeal for funds. "As a federal candidate, I am allowed BY LAW to run my campaign ads where I am on the ballot. There are 40 cities in 17 states where we can run hard hitting pro-life ads ... We will reach TENS OF MILLIONS OF AMERICANS, and get enormous media coverage as well. And THAT, my friend, is what the babies deserve." (Terry's caps.) he stated that the Wichita, Kansas-based Tiller "was a mass murderer and, horrifically, he reaped what he sowed." Tiller would be remembered as "one of the villains of history," Terry added.

Earlier this month, NBC, the network carrying this year's Super Bowl, announced that even at about $3.5 million a pop, it had sold out its ad inventory. While Terry's vile ads will not be televised nationally, he intends to run them in as many markets in as many states that fit within the primary window.

Terry's ad campaign isn't about "saving the unborn," but the greater glory and notoriety of Randall Terry.

by khughes1963 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 at 03:58:27 PM EST

It may be worth setting up the TV** and enduring the pre-game blather. I want to be prepared for the comment storm at the local newspaper web site (stltoday.com , the St. Louis Post-Dispatch).

**Some 2 years or more after TV went digital, I still have not installed the converter box on my old analog TV.

by NancyP on Wed Jan 25, 2012 at 06:30:01 PM EST

Worthless commercials/ads during Superbowl, or any time, are always a good reason to mute the volume/surf to another channel, get up, use the bathroom, take a stretch, grab a refreshment or some snacks. I plan to boycott Terry's ads, if they're shown. Anyone with me??

by MacBernac on Wed Jan 25, 2012 at 08:41:20 PM EST

In the penultimate paragraph, I believe the last three lines, beginning with "he stated that..." belong after the first comma in the first line. A cut-and-paste edit apparently went astray.

by MLouise on Wed Jan 25, 2012 at 10:06:24 PM EST

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