AFA endorses AIDS denialism
Christian Dem in NC printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Jan 23, 2012 at 11:20:28 AM EST

If Public Policy Polling's early numbers are accurate (and there's little reason to doubt they are) Newt Gingrich will likely take the lead in national polling this week.  In light of this, there's something that's developed over the last month that we need to tie around Newt's neck like an anchor.  Specifically, one of his most prominent endorsers, the American Family Association, is now giving succor to the outright dangerous quackery of AIDS denialism.

Earlier this month, AFA policy chief Bryan Fischer's guest on Focal Point was prominent cell biologist and AIDS denier Peter Duesberg.  For those who don't know, Duesberg believes HIV doesn't AIDS, and that HIV is an elaborate hoax cooked up by researchers who want to keep their grants--claims Fischer strongly endorsed.  The full interview is still available on the AFA's YouTube channel (part 1, part 2) and was featured prominently on the front page of the AFA Website.  Later that week, on the Rightly Concerned blog, Fischer argued that Magic Johnson is proof positive HIV doesn't cause AIDS.  

We already knew that the AFA is a prominent supporter of pseudoscience--after all, it's one of the biggest proponents of creation "science."  However, the AFA's foray into AIDS denial is several times more dangerous--for the si