2011: The Year That ...
Bill Berkowitz printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Jan 11, 2012 at 02:32:07 PM EST
From the nightmare in Norway, to the addled End Times predictions of Harold Camping; from class warfare in Wisconsin, to the rise of the Occupy Movement; from the shrinking Black population in New Orleans, to the anti-abortion extremism of Bleeding Kansas; from the American Legislative Exchange Council's increasing political influence, to several Republican Party presidential candidates getting the call to run from God; from Gingrich's bloviating, to Perry's "oops," to Romney's predatory capitalism; from the death of "compassionate conservatism" in the U.S., to the rise of class warfare in Canada; from Apple's shameful supply chain of poison and pollution, to Hobby Lobby's evangelical empire, these were some of the stories covered in 2011.

Finally, a late summer's visit to San Francisco's Museum of Modern Art taught me a lesson about history.

The Nightmare in Norway and the Threat of Fundamentalist Christian, Blonde, Blue-eyed Terrorists in Our Midst - July 23, 2011 -- http://blog.buzzflash.com/node/12881

Anders Breivik, the arrested suspect of the horrendous murder spree in Norway,  "opposed multiculturalism and Muslim immigrants in Norway" and "championed opposition to 'Cultural Marxism,' a right-wing anti-Semitic concept developed primarily by William Lind of the US-based Free Congress Foundation, but also the Lyndon LaRouche network," says Chip Berlet, a senior analyst at Political Research Associates.


Wisconsin is Not Your Father's "Culture Wars" - It's a Right Wing "Cultural Revolution" - March 10, 2011 -- http://blog.buzzflash.com/node/12474

It may not leap out at you, but what's going on in Wisconsin and several other states is a fusion of Koch-ist free-market fundamentalism, Tea Party swagger, and the Religious Right's traditional values agenda; think the Heritage Foundation's full-blown project coming home to roost.


Smart ALEC: Dragging the Secretive Conservative Organization Out of the Shadows - March 31 2011 -- http://blog.buzzflash.com/node/12551

For nearly forty years the American Legislative Exchange Council has been providing conservative legislators with the tools to undo the New Deal piece by piece. Now, in the Year of the Cold-Blooded Republican Governor, ALEC is achieving an unprecedented level of success.


Is the Shadowy World of ALEC and the Koch Brothers Leading the GOP's Charge to Suppress the Youth Vote? - April 4, 2011 -- http://blog.buzzflash.com/node/12565

Nearly forty years after a constitutional amendment conferring voting rights on eighteen year-olds was passed into law, and signed by President Richard Nixon, the American Legislative Exchange Council is doing all it can to make it difficult for young people to vote.


Exclusive: Unaccustomed to Hot Seat, ALEC Talks to BuzzFlash at Truthout - April 7, 2011 -- http://blog.buzzflash.com/node/12575

Currently being forced out of the shadows, the American Legislative Exchange Council's Senior Director for Public Affairs tells BuzzFlash that the organization hadn't "seen this kind of attention before," and "it was time to answer our critics."


Right Wing Terrorism is Happening Right Now in the US: Why Is It a Low Priority for the US Government? - June 6, 2011 -- http://blog.buzzflash.com/node/12831

In the wake of 9/11, law enforcement officials ramped up their efforts to prevent domestic terrorism. During the past two years, while energy of the expanded Department of Homeland Security has been focused on Muslims -- either American born or those coming from outside the country - according to a former DHS official, the DHS has basically put the kibosh on analyzing homegrown terrorist threats by white supremacists, militias, the patriot movement, and anti-abortion fanatics.


Some Homegrown Muslim Terrorist Threats Have Been Largely Government Orchestrated - June 29, 2011 --

A new report from New York University's The Center for Human Rights and Global Justice focuses on "three high-profile terrorism prosecutions" where "government informants played a critical role in instigating and constructing the plots that were then prosecuted"


The Lonesome Death of Compassionate Conservatism; It's Now "Cutthroat Conservatism" - September 21, 2011 -- http://blog.buzzflash.com/node/13029

It didn't last very long and, to be honest, it never was quite as robust as its supporters claimed it was. There was no official obituary, no eulogies rendered, no elegies written, no Requiem Mass held, and no panegyric was delivered on television or to a joint session of Congress. In the end, "compassionate conservative" passed with a whimper, not a bang.


Class Warfare in Canada Orchestrated By Right-Wing Prime Minister Harper - December 2, 2011 -- http://blog.buzzflash.com/node/13187

In a move that may have been at least partially plucked from the handbook of Republican Party political consultant Frank Luntz, Prime Minister Stephen Harper looks to privatize Canada's social services, exacerbating divisions among Canadians.


Will GOP Red Meat Soundbite Guru [Frank Luntz] Hook up With Disgraced Gingrich to "Newterize" America? - November 30, 2011 -- http://blog.buzzflash.com/node/13182

After nearly two decades of producing books - most notably, Words that Work: It's Not What You Say it's What People Hear -- and dozens of strategic memos for the GOP, organizing who knows how many focus groups, making countless appearances on Fox News, being named by Time magazine as one of "50 of America's most promising leaders aged 40 and under" (he's older than that now) and named one of the four "Top Research Minds" by Business Week, does Frank Luntz have anything new to say?


Billionaire Builds An Evangelical Christian Empire From Hobby Store Fortune - August 9, 2011 -- http://blog.buzzflash.com/node/12926

Not that the Green family is trying to keep it a secret, but probably unbeknownst to many of the tens of thousands of shoppers that go through the doors at Hobby Lobby shops around the country each day in search of a myriad of arts and crafts supplies, is that founder David Green, and his son Mart, are major donors to, stakeholders in, and benefactors of a number of Christian evangelical organizations and institutions.


Unlike a Rained Out Ball Game, Harold Camping Offers No Refunds to Rapture Contributors -- May 24, 2011 -- http://blog.buzzflash.com/node/12720

No Rapture, no tribulation, no earthquake, and no refunds. May 21 was a warning, says Camping; it's really going to come crashing down on October 21!


`Bleeding Kansas' Threatened with Bloodshed by Anti-Abortion Extremists: Just Remember Dr. Tiller - April 12, 2011 -- http://blog.buzzflash.com/node/12591

Kansas: a place, a state of mind, a state of contradictions. Kansas is John Brown's liberation army and Sam Brownback's conservative crackdown. Its storied history encompasses critical pre-Civil War battles over slavery, the rise of populism and the home of the largest selling socialist newspaper in the country. One-hundred fifty years later and the state embodies a curious blend of the Religious Right's "culture wars" with Koch Brothers free-market fundamentalism, which over the past decade has produced a school board immune to scientific data, and a ruthless anti-abortion movement.


Republicans Pledge Allegiance to Grover Norquist Drowning the US Government in a Bathtub - August 5, 2011 -- http://blog.buzzflash.com/node/12917

In recent weeks, he's been called "the most visible mouthpiece and muse of the lower-taxes, less-government troops that have played a major role in the debt crisis," an "anti-tax zealot," and "an immensely well-connected player in the conservative establishment, a compatriot of the disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff, and a magnet for corporate support." Whatever one might think about Grover G. Norquist, one thing is clear; he has a set of strong core beliefs and he will use every means in his arsenal to achieve them.


Phillip Anschutz: The Most Powerful Billionaire You Have Never Heard Of - August 30, 2011 -- http://blog.buzzflash.com/node/12976

He's been dubbed the "stealth media mogul," labeled "America's greediest executive," by Fortune magazine, and was added to "The 12 Most Powerful Christians in Hollywood" list on Beliefnet. He has also been described as "secretive" and "reclusive," given that he reportedly hasn't spoken on the record to the press since 1974. Nevertheless, he is identified as an active supporter of Christian and conservative causes.


Did You Know Gertrude Stein Allegedly Advocated Adolf Hitler for a Nobel Peace Prize? It Gets Worse. - September 12, 2011 -- http://blog.buzzflash.com/node/13004

An otherwise extraordinary art exhibit at San Francisco's Museum of Modern Art, is marred by leaving out some salient, but disquieting historical facts, namely: Prior to World War II, Gertrude Stein allegedly advocated for Adolf Hitler to receive the Nobel Peace Prize; and, she survived the Nazi occupation of France and the Vichy puppet government thanks to at least one well-known French anti-Semite with close ties to the Vichy and Nazi regimes. Some details are still not clear, but the evidence of de facto tacit "collaboration" is.


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