Is ACLJ violating its nonprofit status?
Christian Dem in NC printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Sep 06, 2011 at 04:25:29 PM EST
cross-posted at dKos

Yesterday, the Tennessean ran an article (republished in USA Today) showing that the American Center for Law and Justice has paid out a whopping $33 million over the last decade to chief counsel Jay Sekulow, his family or entities related to them.  There's a name for this sort of activity--inurement.  But if that isn't enough reason for the IRS to peer into the ACLJ's guts, this is--seems that it's been involved in cases that it may not be legally supposed to take part.

ACLJ had applied as a charity focused on First Amendment issues.

“When any case in which you are involved ceases to involve First Amendment issues, your participation therein will end,” the IRS told ACLJ in a letter dated May 1994.

But ACLJ’s recent lawsuits, including ones against health-care reform legislation and Planned Parenthood in Los Angeles, don’t contain arguments based on the First Amendment.

Case in point--the ACLJ Website currently includes a link to its effort to get the health-care bill thrown out.  And Sekulow's