Florida lieutenant governor: Christians are under attack
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Fri Sep 23, 2011 at 02:40:17 PM EST

Florida Governor Rick Scott's craziness since taking office has been well documented.  But if possible, his lieutenant governor, Jennifer Carroll, may be even crazier.  Carroll spoke at a rally sponsored by Ralph Reed's Faith and Freedom Coalition, in which she claimed that Christians are under siege.

Just in case Carroll thinks about walking her remarks back, the AP got the whole thing here.  For those who want the Reader's Digest version, PFAW has it here.

This sort of talk is par for the course in fundie circles.  They claim that "the world" is persecuting them and mocking them--while ignoring that a lot of the things they do open them up for well-deserved ridicule. 

Watching this speech brought back memories of the dominionist group that I was suckered into joining back in my days at Carolina.  There was endless talk about how everyone hated us because of "what we believe."  They managed to say this with a straight face at the same time they were actively deceiving people about their true nature, since they knew full well that they'd be run off campus on a rail if it