Jerry Boykin: Christians need to "occupy"
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Mon Sep 19, 2011 at 05:49:21 PM EST

Last week, Jerry Boykin appeared on TBN's "First to Know" to promote his new book, "Never Surrender."  He made a pretty shocking call toward the end, saying that there's no doubt in his mind that Christians can take the nation back because "God told us to occupy."

Full show is here.  Boykin makes this statement starting at around the 24:25 mark, saying that this was necessary to safeguard the freedoms that were included in the sermons preached in colonial times.

Boykin is speaking in a code that most of TBN's viewers readily understand.  It's a call to "occupy" the "seven mountains" of society--an "occupation" that will last until they can bring Jesus back.


Boykin has been mixing a lot with the dominionist/New Apostolic Reformation crowd of late.  He's on the board of Rick Joyner's Oak Initiative along with Cindy Jacobs, Janet Porter and Samuel Rodriguez. He's currently working with Joyner and Tony Perkins to create a coalition called "300" with the goal of taking the